
The cursed: Pre Mature Death.

When a 17 year old high school student, Guru finds himself caught up in a supernatural chain of events, he's plunged into a world of darkness and danger. Struggling to control his body and soul, he must fight for his life against an evil that seeks to consume him and the world around him.

isaiahLibrary002 · SF
16 Chs

Episode 004: Awakening.

Episode 004: Awakening.

 The nights were dark and shops turned in the close. The neon lights came up the streets and quietness rumbled the side of the grave yard. Lucas was seen mumbling his way to the abandoned grave yard. He threw his legs at the front low gate as he broke through it and spread his legs…solidifying his stance, pulling his two index fingers up and together, just beneath his nostrils and a silent prayer was heard.

"Oh Angelic being…purify all that is dark and let that which is unholy be revealed before the light! He screamed and a magic veil like a barrier came and rested, more like surrounded around the church…exposing any nearby demons and trapping them in.

 With this he made for the door of the church, cracking the door open. He walked into the church, distorted walls and cracked floor tiles. He slowly advancing to the light switch, flicking it up and the meter slowly responded…dragging illumination upon the place. As he approached the center alse, he heard the noise of rats running through the stairs and birds nesting on the roof.

 He sighed as he let his guard down, poking around like a dork. The church wasn't that big but had great chair setting, a bit long and consisted of upper and lower layers. As he looked around further, the noise of thudding footsteps approaching from the right hand steps, had him up his toes. He looked quickly in that direction as a figure appeared surging towards him. He stood his ground still as a rock as he waited for the light to reflect upon his face.

 A teenage boy with red spiky hair and raggy dressed clothes walked his way into the light. He was panting as though he was short of breath, restless as though he had come face to face with the devil. He was the same kid of yesterday night rooftop accident. He ran to Lucas for help but he quickly repelled him as he knew him now as a demon possessed.

 The kid must've heard the noise of someone walking in and run down for help, in the hands of a divine visionary but saw wrong. " Hey…Uhmm…Hi…(stuttering indecisively) my name is Guru Magma, I don't know how..I got here or how I possibly still alive…cause all I remember is falling off a tall building and….(pauses and mutters something to himself) Am I in heaven?

"No…! Lucas replied in a hurry to begin.

"Then…I hear this voice and she –

"You are dead…Guru. Apologies, your soul lies in the hands of a demon…I would set it free and redeem thee". Lucas snapped in harshly and drew his hand out…declaring a battle about to begin.

"But if I am dead…then why am I still-

"Divine visionary; Sleepy hollow! He snapped again and the whirlwind sent Guru into the walls of the church…cracking it further and creating a large scale smoke and dust. Lucas walked closer to Guru's crashing sight even further…ready to strike again if he still persist.

" I don't understand…Is this because I don't believe in God or the supernatural…? Guru stutters as he opened his mouth giving way for a flush of blood. He slowly stood up…still a bit puzzled as to why a Visionary would try to harm him.

"It's pointless…explain to a norm. But forget pain…you are already dead, Magma.

"The lady's voice I keep hearing…where the hell am I? Guru snapped at Lucas and got sent again into the walls, even harder this time and more blood pushed out. His heart got a stoppage in time as he felt it stop beating for a while. The air in his nostril tightened and he got drowsy all of a sudden…slamming his head hard on the floor and passed out eventually.

"Wow! can't believe… Denzel was right the transmigration to another dead body take a lot of time". Lucas murmured as he made for the alter where Guru laid still. Pulling his palms together and bent his head slightly for a prayer.

"The prayer of Divine restoration; Dear Lord, we pray for this cursed being, that's has its soul and body purged by the unwanted scourge of this earth. ( As Lucas prayed on a light wind lifted him up in the air. Bright light flashing down upon him as he was about to free the soul and destroy the being inside) That you look upon the eyes of mercy towards him and pardon his transgression, for even now that he is about to pass, we ask that granted him a finally wish to have his soul find an eternal rest in your humble abode, Am-!

 Before he could even conclude the prayer, there was a kid bang noise heard coming from the roof…breaking it's way down as it tore through the roof. This caught Luca's full attention as he left Guru to focus on what had come in. The air was thick as smoke, from the crash filled the air. In the midst of it there was…something, No! Someone stand right there, what was that?

 Like a flash of lights on and off, Lucas saw himself being buried down against the wall as he got punched so hard that it sent him flying…he crashed at the alter, gaping his mouth opened for the fast rush of blood.

"is that a demon…How…? He stutters as he tries to get to his feet. "How did it break through the veil…Damnit! This is bad…I can't defeat and upper ranked, I might as well die. At this rate…the punch was as harder as anyone ever hit me…one punch am already bleeding…" Lucas gagged before getting up staring at the demon with his eyes.

Need to know: Upper ranked demons can tear through a veil. Only if it's weak…or the Visionary who casted it as been killed or lost his footing.

"where the fuck is Denzel? I have been thinking sick about him…and now could be a good time to show us what he got". Lucas muttered to himself as he embraced up for a fight with this being.

"I trust you understand what this means" the demon spoke as it tore of its raggy outfit…exposing the tattooed body of death.

"Huh? Lucas grasped in confusion.

"I will have Abyzou and no one will stop me…last chance to quit, Visionary" he said smiling in a crippling manner.

 Lucas simply understood that he meant the being in Guru. This demon was here to obviously take her and make a run for it…Now matters just got a whole lot worse for him.

 Some where in the city, just around the site was a food store like a supermarket. People's flooded in and out, trying to buy something for the weekend's meal. Denzel was there too but he was buying the opposite of meals. "wondered what's taking him so long". He groaned as he looked at his list again. "so my shampoo has finish…well that's bad. If another upper ranked shows up and I would come help him, eventually. Gosh! They have body napkins, this place is the best." He muttered to himself as he walked over the entire prescription and beauty line…brushing his hair backwards every 20 seconds. He got more body lotions, shampoo and hair dryer…before leaving.

 Addressing the woman at the counter, she was old…really old and had a mole on her left cheek. She did have a great smile and complimented his looks and hair color. He smirked…bending over to expose his reddish eyes.

She was lying, he was handsome…with his well relaxed white hair. Some visionary ladies had always had their eyes on him from the day he moved here as a bureau master. His funny nature and red eyes always had them focused on him. But with no locks on his background, you could him…pretty much of a ghost than a man.

 As the woman smiled as he handing him a paycheck he slide into his wallet to drag out cash. He bend his head into his wallet…as though he couldn't find anything. Then brought it back out smiling widely at the woman, who smiled back as she waited for her tip.

"Say…you people are really successful. I mean it's a big store…where did that come from? Denzel smirked as he placed his elbow on the counter, relaxing on his palms to listen to her. The woman looked at him and smiled back again… "Our money sir". She mumbled in discomfort as she didn't want him to run off without paying.

"Your mole…I mean you sell skin care. Yet you haven't attended to that…such a shame". Denzel said in attempt to see her reaction.

"Not everyone has money to buy such…

 Denzel without hesitation had his palm tap upon the woman's face, with a touch of body ointment that removes such…he rubbed her and she barked out immediately. "Sir…don't you dare harass me! She screamed and it caught the interest of everyone.

"Harass you? Why should I harass you…? You are a demon…even your shape shifting is as bad as you look. I can see through all that no matter how you try to hide it…(gets uo from the counter and packs what he bought) They say illusion…has a reverse effect on every thing…make fake…real, bad good and good…just bad". He said and smiled at the woman, looking for what she could do next.

 The old woman went ballistic…"I am not a demon, you cunt". As she yelled the security at the front had to step forward to hell out.

"Sir…what's the matter? The security official asked tapping Denzel who looked at him with a pale face as though he as sick.

"She has a mole…it's disturbing". Denzel replied almost immediately.

The guard scoffed and looked at him "Sir, you are making her uncomfortable, you are making everyone uncomfortable and am afraid, I would ask you to leave the store…now! He said and pressed upon his vest…ready to call for support, if he persist.

"Am making you uncomfortable…? (He raised his head, tap his glasses as an energetic music was uprising) then I hope you wouldn't mind, if I do this". Throwing his two index finger beprotecti all I remember is falling off a tall building and….(pauses and mutters something to himself) Am I in heaven?

"No…! Lucas replied in a hurry to begin.

"Then…I hear this voice and she –

"You are dead…Guru. Apologies, your soul lies in the hands of a demon…I would set it free and redeem thee". Lucas snapped in harshly and drew his hand out…declaring a battle about to begin.

"But if I am dead…then why am I still-

"Divine visionary; Sleepy hollow! He snapped again and the whirlwind sent Guru into the walls of the church…cracking it further and creating a large scale smoke and dust. Lucas walked closer to Guru's crashing sight even further…ready to strike again if he still persist.

" I don't understand…Is this because I don't believe in God or the supernatural…? Guru stutters as he opened his mouth giving way for a flush of blood. He slowly stood up…still a bit puzzled as to why a Visionary would try to harm him.

"It's pointless…explain to a norm. But forget pain…you are already dead, Magma.

"The lady's voice I keep hearing…where the hell am I? Guru snapped at Lucas and got sent again into the walls, even harder this time and more blood pushed out. His heart got a stoppage in time as he felt it stop beating for a while. The air in his nostril tightened and he got drowsy all of a sudden…slamming his head hard on the floor and passed out eventually.

"Wow! can't believe… Denzel was right the transmigration to another dead body take a lot of time". Lucas murmured as he made for the alter where Guru laid still. Pulling his palms together and bent his head slightly for a prayer.

"The prayer of Divine restoration; Dear Lord, we pray for this cursed being, that's has its soul and body purged by the unwanted scourge of this earth. ( As Lucas prayed on a light wind lifted him up in the air. Bright light flashing down upon him as he was about to free the soul and destroy the being inside) That you look upon the eyes of mercy towards him and pardon his transgression, for even now that he is about to pass, we ask that granted him a finally wish to have his soul find an eternal rest in your humble abode, Am-!

 Before he could even conclude the prayer, there was a kid bang noise heard coming from the roof…breaking it's way down as it tore through the roof. This caught Luca's full attention as he left Guru to focus on what had come in. The air was thick as smoke, from the crash filled the air. In the midst of it there was…something, No! Someone stand right there, what was that?

 Like a flash of lights on and off, Lucas saw himself being buried down against the wall as he got punched so hard that it sent him flying…he crashed at the alter, gaping his mouth opened for the fast rush of blood.

"is that a demon…How…? He stutters as he tries to get to his feet. "How did it break through the veil…Damnit! This is bad…I can't defeat and upper ranked, I might as well die. At this rate…the punch was as harder as anyone ever hit me…one punch am already bleeding…" Lucas gagged before getting up staring at the demon with his eyes.

Need to know: Upper ranked demons can tear through a veil. Only if it's weak…or the Visionary who casted it as been killed or lost his footing.

"where the fuck is Denzel? I have been thinking sick about him…and now could be a good time to show us what he got". Lucas muttered to himself as he embraced up for a fight with this being.

"I trust you understand what this means" the demon spoke as it tore of its raggy outfit…exposing the tattooed body of death.

"Huh? Lucas grasped in confusion.

"I will have Abyzou and no one will stop me…last chance to quit, Visionary" he said smiling in a crippling manner.

 Lucas simply understood that he meant the being in Guru. This demon was here to obviously take her and make a run for it…Now matters just got a whole lot worse for him.

 Some where in the city, just around the site was a food store like a supermarket. People's flooded in and out, trying to buy something for the weekend's meal. Denzel was there too but he was buying the opposite of meals. "wondered what's taking him so long". He groaned as he looked at his list again. "so my shampoo has finish…well that's bad. If another upper ranked shows up and I would come help him, eventually. Gosh! They have body napkins, this place is the best." He muttered to himself as he walked over the entire prescription and beauty line…brushing his hair backwards every 20 seconds. He got more body lotions, shampoo and hair dryer…before leaving.

 Addressing the woman at the counter, she was old…really old and had a mole on her left cheek. She did have a great smile and complimented his looks and hair color. He smirked…bending over to expose his reddish eyes.

She was lying, he was handsome…with his well relaxed white hair. Some visionary ladies had always had their eyes on him from the day he moved here as a bureau master. His funny nature and red eyes always had them focused on him. But with no locks on his background, you could him…pretty much of a ghost than a man.

 As the woman smiled as he handing him a paycheck he slide into his wallet to drag out cash. He bend his head into his wallet…as though he couldn't find anything. Then brought it back out smiling widely at the woman, who smiled back as she waited for her tip.

"Say…you people are really successful. I mean it's a big store…where did that come from? Denzel smirked as he placed his elbow on the counter, relaxing on his palms to listen to her. The woman looked at him and smiled back again… "Our money sir". She mumbled in discomfort as she didn't want him to run off without paying.

"Your mole…I mean you sell skin care. Yet you haven't attended to that…such a shame". Denzel said in attempt to see her reaction.

"Not everyone has money to buy such…

 Denzel without hesitation had his palm tap upon the woman's face, with a touch of body ointment that removes such…he rubbed her and she barked out immediately. "Sir…don't you dare harass me! She screamed and it caught the interest of everyone.

"Harass you? Why should I harass you…? You are a demon…even your shape shifting is as bad as you look. I can see through all that no matter how you try to hide it…(gets uo from the counter and packs what he bought) They say illusion…has a reverse effect on every thing…make fake…real, bad good and good…just bad". He said and smiled at the woman, looking for what she could do next.

 The old woman went ballistic…"I am not a demon, you cunt". As she yelled the security at the front had to step forward to hell out.

"Sir…what's the matter? The security official asked tapping Denzel who looked at him with a pale face as though he as sick.

"She has a mole…it's disturbing". Denzel replied almost immediately.

The guard scoffed and looked at him "Sir, you are making her uncomfortable, you are making everyone uncomfortable and am afraid, I would ask you to leave the store…now! He said and pressed upon his vest…ready to call for support, if he persist.

"Am making you uncomfortable…? (He raised his head, tap his glasses as an energetic music was uprising) then I hope you wouldn't mind, if I do this". Throwing his two index finger below his lip and saying the words of divine protection.

"Oh Angelic being, purify all that is dark and let all impurity be reveal before the light".

 A protective dark veil was reveal upon the shop, everyone was in panic as the lights around flicked. The woman was no longer a human but transferred to a demon. Groaning and prying around as her fingertips went sharp, body matured and strengthen. Ruins appeared on her body as she grew a little in height. She sprinted at the surprised officer and attempted to kill him but Denzel had him shifted immediately.

The guard had a thank for his lucky stars as she was glimpse away from ripping apart his throat. Heading over to the call for support as they aimed at shooting the demon down.

"No! Denzel said glancing back at them as they pulled out their trigger.

"But sir…? A bald officer stuttered.

"Go help the people in here, I would handle this. Denzel snapped at them and looked at the demon woman.

 They quickly hilled off in a foot race to go save everyone and left Denzel with the demon. She bent over slightly to gain a solider ground then threw her fist at him, trying to scratch him but it was pointless…he was fast and had good reflexes. Dodging every single punch and attack. He eventually had a look at the woman, dodging her fingers as she went all in for a punch…he pushed his body aside, watching her fall forward and with a little touch to the back…he supported her falling and she went crashing into the wall with speed.

"you really are slow…aren't you now, Grandma". Denzel said and chuckled at his own speech. The woman got up looking at him with eyes of hatred and anger. She went full surge at him again and this time, he pulled out his phone as it beeped for a message.

"Noises heard at the grave site…signs of Visionary battling a demon…seems like I have to get over there. Denzel said as he dodged more and more of her attack, it seems as though he wanted to wear her down.

"just die…! The demon woman screamed as she threw a punch that was held by him. He finally looked at her, paying attention to her and a warm smile appeared on his face.

"You look awful…" he said and chuckled, throwing aside her hand as he opened up her body for more hits and then…grabbing her by the collar of her gown and bam! On the shelf.

"Still think you are up for it Grandma? He said as he pulled out his phone again to ca an Uber. "yes…very exactly. I would need your services now…take me to the same grave yard as-

 There was a roaring scream behind him and a harsh voice of someone being all angry. Jumping form held to shelf, it was the woman and before he could even move she was on the air…flying with speed at him. He paused at his word and turned to her slowly as a feint smile appeared at his face. "Not bad…but you do end up in the right place but at the wrong time".( Still turning as he have his glasses slide down slowly, exposing his red eyes) "Divine Visionary: Deto_nation!

 As the woman 'closed in from the air, the pressure tightened…as though a submarine had reached the furthest of the deepest part in the ocean. The tick sound of a clock was heard and a loud bang…pushing the woman away. The blast was big as it destroyed part of the shelves around and had the woman's hand, legs and part of her face and body…erased. She laid down breathing heavily as she tried to get up but it was no use. She was beaten, weak and clearly on the verge of death.

 The guards had successfully removed everyone from the scene and returning to see Denzel walking away…ignoring everyone's gaze as he pulled his bag and moved into the van. "I trust you boys to take it from here". Denzel snapped at the guards who were shocked that he had singled handedly taken care of a demon.

 Lucas on the other hand had himself stringed up like cloth on a hanger. The demon sent to retrieve Abyzou had the ability of telekinesis and clearly knew how to use it. The quick fight scene between Lucas and the demon ended when Lucas attempted a rough yet highly assured of victory plan as he used a second spell on him "Divine Visionary: Hell's brim". The whirlwind of contrasted itself together, forming a ball of air that was capable of clearing dozens of men. The smoke that was raised when it hit the demon was a lot and Lucas saw his chance to strike. He ran into the smoke with a plan that the moment it cleared, he would use Heavenly aftershock and end it all. As the dust departed from the sky and visions got clearly a bit…he roared with a his might. "Divine Visionary; Heavenly After-

 There was a hurling wind heard near him and the force of something inbound. The look form the demon and the feint smile, detailed that something was wrong. He got his ribs nearly cracked by one of those long benches in church…which drive him into the walls and he gagged non stop..spilling out blood.

 Being hanged up in mid air by the demon…with Guru doing the same but in this case with his eyes shut and seemed like he was already out cold. Lucas tried to fight and resist his control but he had his hands twisted by the sides and had his body weakened already by the damage the bench caused. He probably wasted all his strength trying to the beach out his stomach region.

 "Its no use fighting…my powers can't be resist. (He said to the fighting Lucas and looked over to the sleepy Guru) Abyzou…! I know you can hear me…best come out, else-

"Leave him alone…you ugly bitch!

"Perhaps…I should kill you…The demon said and pointed at him.

"Abyzou…get out now…Lord Satoru has requested for you. He snapped and pulled his hand at Guru's chest…forcing Abyzou out as a demon. Guru went screaming as he suddenly woke up…his eyes went up in painful agony as it felt like he ha taken a stab to the chest.

"I said leave him alone…! Lucas called out from his mid air swing and had a fair share of pain as the demon extended it to his side…he screamed like Guru but a little quieter as he had experienced such before.

"Get off me…! A voice said and the demon went flying backwards. He halted his forward approached as he looked on in shock. Lucas fell down as the demon has lost its footing over him. He was in no mood to attack now as he waited to observe what was going on.

 Guru went down with him and quickly got up…eyes fuming red, hair spiky red and he tore of his clothes too. Ruins like tattoo was all over his body as it indicated a demon's presence in him. He had his eyes locked on the demon as he felt this bastard was his enemy, not looking at Lucas who had his ass laid down.

"I told you…not to touch me, Amon…Now you die! Dark Inferno: Disintegration…!

Need to know: Dark Inferno was the word said by Demons of higher power before actually performing their skill. They would need to call on their master's name to take such powers and unleash them on an opponent.

 As the fire that appeared for the magic circle, which appeared under the demon's leg. Burning him from bottom to top as it left completely nothing but ash. When that was over he turned to Lucas as it was his own turn probably to burn. " this is my awakening…"