
The Cursed Legacy

Watch the Journey of Lucan and Malcon in the 18th century Europe

Jaadu_2910 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Final

As he reached the massive wooden doors, they creaked open, revealing a grand foyer bustling with students and teachers alike. The air was thick with the scent of old books and the hum of magical energy.

A young woman with a clipboard approached him, her eyes bright and welcoming. "You must be Lucan. Welcome to the Academy of Arcane Arts. I'm Elara, your guide. Follow me, and I'll show you to your quarters and give you a brief tour."

Lucan nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Thank you, Elara. Lead the way."

As they walked through the hallways, Elara pointed out various rooms and landmarks within the academy. "Over there is the library, one of the largest collections of magical texts in the world. And down that hall is the training area, where you'll be honing your skills."

Lucan's eyes widened at the sheer scale of the place. "This is incredible. It's like stepping into a different world."

Elara smiled. "It can be overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it. Everyone here is dedicated to learning and mastering their craft."

They continued down a corridor adorned with portraits of past scholars and artifacts from various eras. Lucan couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awe and reverence. Each portrait seemed to watch him, as if assessing his potential and the path he was about to walk.

Finally, they reached a wooden door with his name etched onto a brass plaque. "This will be your room," Elara said, pushing the door open to reveal a cozy space filled with everything he would need for his studies.

"Thank you, Elara," Lucan said, stepping inside and setting down his suitcase. The room felt welcoming, a small haven amidst the grandeur of the academy.

"You're welcome. Dinner is served in the main hall at seven. Until then, feel free to explore and get settled. If you need anything, just ask," Elara said before leaving.

Lucan took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. He was here, at the academy, ready to begin a new chapter of his life. He unpacked his belongings, placing the light grimoire and glowing longsword on a small table by the window. The symbols on the grimoire glowed softly, casting a gentle light in the dim room.

As he looked out the window, the city of London spread out before him, a sprawling tapestry of history and possibility. He knew that challenges lay ahead, but with his magic and determination, he was ready to face them.

"This is just the beginning," Lucan whispered to himself, feeling a sense of excitement and purpose. With a final glance at the glowing symbols on his grimoire, he stepped out of his room, ready to explore the academy and embrace the adventure that awaited him.

As Lucan stepped out of his room and made his way to the courtyards, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the academy. The courtyard was a lush, green oasis framed by towering ancient buildings. The scent of blooming flowers and the sound of birds chirping filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere.

Lost in thought, he didn't notice the figure approaching from the opposite direction until it was too late. He bumped into her, causing both of them to stumble slightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lucan apologized, quickly opening his eyes to see who he had collided with.

Standing before him was a young woman in the academy's student uniform. She had long, brownish hair that cascaded down her back and stood at about his height, around 170 cm. Her eyes flashed with irritation as she glared at him.

"Hey, can't you see where you're going?" she snapped, crossing her arms.

Lucan raised his hands in a placating gesture. "I really am sorry. I was just... distracted."

The woman's expression softened slightly, though she still looked annoyed. "Well, try to be more careful next time. This place might be magical, but it's still important to watch where you're walking."

Lucan nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Got it. I'll be more careful."

The woman sighed and then extended her hand. "I'm Selene. Selene Hawthorne. And you are?"

"Lucan. Lucan Draven," he replied, shaking her hand.

Selene studied him for a moment, her expression turning curious. "You're new here, right? I haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah, just arrived today," Lucan admitted. "Still trying to find my way around."

"Well, welcome to the Academy of Arcane Arts," Selene said with a small smile. "If you need any help finding your way, just ask. This place can be a bit overwhelming at first."

"Thanks, Selene. I appreciate it," Lucan said, feeling a bit more at ease.

Selene nodded and glanced around the courtyard. "So, what brings you out here? Looking for something specific?"

"Just exploring, getting a feel for the place," Lucan replied.

"Good idea," Selene said. "There's a lot to see and learn here. The courtyard is one of my favorite spots. It's a great place to relax and clear your mind."

Lucan looked around, taking in the peaceful surroundings. "I can see why. It's beautiful."

Selene smiled again, this time more warmly. "Well, enjoy your exploration. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Definitely," Lucan said. "Thanks for the welcome, Selene."

As Selene walked away, Lucan felt a sense of relief. His first encounter with a fellow student had been a bit rocky, but it ended on a positive note. He continued his exploration of the courtyard, feeling more confident about his new life at the academy. The sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the ancient buildings, and Lucan couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.

He looked at his student handbook and realized it was time for the History class. With a sense of urgency, he ventured into the deep hallways of the academy, navigating through the labyrinthine passages lined with portraits of past scholars and arcane artifacts displayed in glass cases.

Following the map in his handbook, Lucan finally arrived at a grand door with intricate carvings depicting scenes from the past. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open and stepped inside the classroom.

The room was vast, with high ceilings and walls lined with shelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls. Students were already seated, chatting quietly among themselves as they waited for the class to begin. At the front of the room stood an imposing figure, an older man with a long, silver beard and piercing eyes that seemed to see right through you. He was dressed in deep blue robes adorned with symbols of knowledge and power.

Lucan quickly found an empty seat near the back of the room and sat down, trying to blend in. The professor cleared his throat, and the room fell silent.

"Welcome, students," the professor began, his voice commanding attention. "I am Professor Alaric,

and I will be your guide through the annals of history. In this class, we will explore the events that have shaped our world, the rise and fall of civilizations, and the pivotal moments that have defined our existence."

Lucan leaned forward, intrigued by the professor's words. History had always fascinated him, and he was eager to learn more about the world and its secrets.

Professor Alaric continued, "Today, we will start with the Great War, a conflict that changed the course of history and the balance of power between humans and other magical beings."

At the mention of the Great War, Lucan's attention sharpened. He had heard stories of the war, of the legendary battles and the powerful magic that had been wielded. But there was one tale that had always intrigued him the most: the story of the cursed magic that had been lost in the final battle.

"The Great War," Alaric said, "was not just a clash of armies but a battle of ideologies and magic. Many powerful spells and artifacts were created and lost during that time, including a potent curse that was said to hold unimaginable power."

Lucan's heart raced. He remembered the stories his parents had told him, the legends of the curse that could change the fate of nations. Could this be connected to the journey he was now embarking on?

As Professor Alaric delved deeper into the history of the war, Lucan's mind raced with possibilities. The mention of the curse and its connection to the past made him wonder if his own light magic had a role to play in the unfolding of future events.

The class passed in a blur of information and speculation, each word from Professor Alaric weaving a tapestry of the past that felt all too relevant to Lucan's present. As the lecture came to an end, Alaric gave the students their first assignment: to research a significant event from the Great War and present their findings.

Lucan gathered his things, feeling a sense of determination. He knew exactly what he wanted to research. The curse and its mysterious disappearance during the war had always fascinated him, and now he had the perfect opportunity to uncover the truth.

As he left the classroom and walked through the hallways, Lucan felt a renewed sense of purpose. His journey at the academy had just begun, and already, the threads of history and destiny were intertwining in ways he had never imagined.

As he was walking down the hallway to his room, Lucan spotted Professor Alaric ahead and quickened his pace to catch up.

"Professor!" he called out.

Alaric turned around, his robes swirling slightly with the movement. "What happened, young one?" he asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Uh, well, Professor, you were telling us about how light magic destroyed the magic wielder of that curse?" Lucan began, his words tumbling out in a rush.

"Yes, yes," Alaric replied, nodding. "There are some students that remember those small details," he added with a slow, amused laugh.

Lucan hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "Well, I also have a light grimoire and a light saber."

Alaric's eyes widened slightly, and he leaned in, his interest clearly piqued. "Is that so? Show me."

Lucan quickly pulled out his light grimoire from his satchel, the intricate symbols on its cover glowing faintly. He then unsheathed his saber just enough for the professor to see the blade's ethereal glow.

"Hmm," Alaric murmured, studying the items intently. "Extraordinary. These are not common artifacts, young Lucan. Where did you come by them?"

"They've been in my family for generations," Lucan explained. "Passed down from my ancestors. My father told me they were gifts from a powerful mage who fought in the Great War."

Alaric stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Fascinating. The light grimoire and saber are powerful tools, indeed. They have the potential to amplify your light magic significantly. But tell me, Lucan, what draws you to the story of the cursed magic?"

Lucan took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I've always been intrigued by the legends of the Great War and the curses that were lost. And now, being here at the academy, I feel like there's a connection between my family's artifacts and those ancient events. I want to understand the history behind them and perhaps, learn how to harness their full potential."

Alaric nodded slowly. "A noble pursuit. The history of the Great War is complex and filled with mysteries. Your light magic might indeed be a key to unlocking some of those secrets. But be cautious. The curse you're curious about is a dangerous force. Many have sought its power and paid a great price."

"I understand, Professor," Lucan said earnestly. "I'll be careful."

"Good," Alaric replied, his expression softening. "Keep your curiosity and determination, but also maintain a sense of caution. Seek knowledge, but do not let it consume you. And if you ever need guidance, my door is always open."

"Thank you, Professor," Lucan said, feeling a surge of gratitude.

Alaric gave him a reassuring smile. "Now, go and prepare for your research. The library holds many secrets waiting to be uncovered."

With that, Lucan continued down the hallway, his mind buzzing with possibilities. The encounter with Professor Alaric had only strengthened his resolve. As he reached his room, he knew that his journey at the academy was not just about learning magic; it was about uncovering the truths of the past and finding his place in the unfolding history of their world.

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