
The cursed fae prince;Fated to die

Zeriel is a cold blooded multi billionaire a ceo to a big company, he doesn't believe in love and not just that Zeriel has a secret identity as he isn't human but has blended himself into one. Hiding his supernatural abilities and coexisting between them. Zeriel a winged fae creature and hybrid of a dark and light fae parents was considered an abomination from childbirth and cursed to die at 30 which led him to leaving his race to the human realm to maintain peace and on the other hand find a way to lift the curse. He finds himself falling for a human girl who he hated so much,this feeling was like a tree blossoming in his deserted heart which he tries everything to kill. Will this love bloom? Can Zeriel change his fate and prolong his life? Journey with me let's discover more adventures.

Seaquin · ファンタジー
63 Chs

wild thoughts

Maddie had earlier gone clubbing alone. She just wanted to vibe and cool off. She couldn't drag Alisha along cause she had earlier told her how busy her schedule was.

The bass thumped through the air, reverberating off the walls of the club as Maddie sat alone in a dimly lit corner, sipping a glass of whisky.The rhythmic beats of the music matched the pounding of her heart, creating a hypnotic ambiance that seemed to engulf her.

Lost in the pulsating atmosphere, Maddie's mind wandered, her thoughts drifting among the swirling lights and the vibrant energy of the club. The crowd danced and laughed, their carefree spirits contagious. However, her solitude stood out amidst the sea of revelers, as if she were an observer of the nightlife rather than a participant.