
The cursed fae prince;Fated to die

Zeriel is a cold blooded multi billionaire a ceo to a big company, he doesn't believe in love and not just that Zeriel has a secret identity as he isn't human but has blended himself into one. Hiding his supernatural abilities and coexisting between them. Zeriel a winged fae creature and hybrid of a dark and light fae parents was considered an abomination from childbirth and cursed to die at 30 which led him to leaving his race to the human realm to maintain peace and on the other hand find a way to lift the curse. He finds himself falling for a human girl who he hated so much,this feeling was like a tree blossoming in his deserted heart which he tries everything to kill. Will this love bloom? Can Zeriel change his fate and prolong his life? Journey with me let's discover more adventures.

Seaquin · ファンタジー
63 Chs


It's been a busy day for Alisha , after a series of research the previous night. She's determined to produce a fragrance that would have the psychological effect to calm the nerves and prevent nightmares.

The production room is filled with different raw fragrance and glass cylinders with bottles and chemicals used for perfume production.it's arranged sequentially in rows neatly sitting in its shelf's.

At the centre of the room is a big long table where all the production is done. Alisha is busy in the production room mixing up some essential oil fragrance. She's seen wearing a white lab coat, white gloves and a face mask. 'Why hasn't he come to work for three days? His office has been locked. I hope he's okay', she thought but immediately shrugged it off. "Why do I care about him? Issh".

Right on the table were glass containers which contained several fragrances with labels. Alisha picked up juniper berries, a fragrance that wards off terrors of the night, sandalwood, peppermints and lavender oil that calms the nerves.

She takes a certain measurement of each and mixes them in the cylinder. She looks at her wristwatch "I'll be back the next twenty four hours", she said as she removes her lab clothes hangs it on the wall hanger and closes the door. Alisha is busy on her computer doing some research few minutes later her phone rings and she picks it up "hello this is Alisha, who am I speaking to?".

 "It's logan. I need you to bring a file to your boss at his place. I sent you a text, the driver would come pick you up when you're off work". "Okay sir, Is my boss alright?" she asked a little worried, "He's fine just focus on the production" he replied and ends the call.

Logan is seen standing beside Zeriel's bed who was in a deep slumber. He seemed to be in pain as he was struggling amid his sleep. He was sweating profusely despite the temperature of the room being so cold. "it's been three nights bro, it's time to wake up.

 I really wish I can help ease your pain bro" he muttered his voice was laced with worry. Zeriel has been in a deep slumber for three straight nights. The nightmares keep coming often each time, Zeriel only remembers the face of two men who dressed as king. It seems that the man in the dark hairs stabbed the other man in light hairs. He couldn't read their expression but it seems like a betrayal to him.

Meanwhile Logan, who was standing the whole time looking at his friend, walks out of the room. "I need to inform the chef to prepare a meal for you so u can eat once you get up", He muttered.


 Alisha got off work around 6pm and decided to head over to her boss's place via the call she received earlier. The driver had already picked her up from work, she sat quietly in the back seat looking outside the window absentmindedly. "Are you okay ma?" The driver asked, looking at her through the mirror. He couldn't help but ask because the woman hadn't said a word since the trip, he could tell that she was tense or rather scared. "I'm fine", she answered in a faint voice.

She was already stressed out and doesn't want anything or anyone to add to her stress. She also wondered why her boss would summon her to his place, her thoughts were running wildly, a part of her was worried a little if he was well and okay while the other part made her believe it wasn't her business.

 "We've arrived ma'am" the chauffeur announced as he opened the door waiting for her to come down. Alisha at the point was astonished by the environment she found herself in. The mansion looked like the house of a president or a king.

She gapped with her eyes open. She knew Zeriel was rich but didn't expect him to be that rich. "Excuse me ma'am '', the chauffeur blurted out.

His patience was already running out. "Sorry '' Lisha replied as she snapped out of her daze. She came out of the car and stood beside the driver still looking around. "This way ma'am" the chauffeur ushered her in, just then Mr sunny walked towards them.

Mr sunny was in his late 50s he seems to be one of the oldest staff and the house manager. He's the head of all the domestic staff in Zeriel's mansion. "Hello young lady" Mr sunny greeted Alisha with a smile. This way please, alisha whose eyes were filled with curiosity quietly followed behind.

 As he walked past the an alley before getting to the sitting room. It was really spacious with expensive furniture neatly arranged. The marbles on the floor were sparkling .

"Make yourself at home while I notify the young master," said the housemaster as he turned and goes upstairs. Lisha had always dreamed of owning a nice house someday. Though she wasn't from a rich home,her adopted parents tried their best to cater for her. She wondered who her real family were if they were a rich business tycoon or billionaire who had lost their child.

She had always imagined what life looked like as a spoiled princess in her teenage years. She gave up the thought after many many years nobody came looking for her. Her mother had always told her the story of how they found her lost in the woods at the age of two during their vacation.

After several means of identification failed they finally adopted her since nobody came for her and she only seemed to stop crying whenever her adoptive mother carried her. She remained grateful to them for treating her as their biological child. Just as she was lost in thoughts Logan walked towards her which startled her.

"Hello clumsy," he said to her. "It's Alisha," she replied. "Good evening sir. Here's the document he asked for," she said, stretching to file towards Logan .

"No no no" Logan said, shaking his head, "you'll have to give that to him personally, Here, go upstairs to the middle room by the right knock there" he said, directing her. Lisha stands up and heads towards the stairs. Why do I have to face him? Why can't Logan just take the documents? They both enjoy stressing me, she thought as she rolled her eyes. Well I can use this opportunity to find out why he's been absent from work these few days she thought. Logan, who could read her mind, chuckled and left for his room.

 Shortly she arrives at the door and knocks. "It's open", the familiar cold husky voice replied. Lisha takes a deep breath before moving inside only to drop dead in shock at the sight before her.

 "When did you start knocking before coming inside Logan?" said Zeriel, who was standing stark naked. He had just finished taking his bath and had just come out of the bathroom only to turn to see Lisha who was standing frozen by the door, the file on her hand had dropped, her jaw dropped with her mouth wide open.

 She couldn't believe what was before her eyes. His members were pointing at her. Zeriel, who remained calm, smiled and walked towards the wardrobe , picked up a towel and wrapped it around his waist with his upper body showing. Alisha quickly snapped out from shock and turned around to leave the room. "Sorry sir" she stammered. "Come back here", he commanded. She turned around to pick up the file and placed it on the table. She avoided looking at him. Her head was bent low, her cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

 She wondered why Zeriel didn't flinch. "Do you care for anything? you can stay for sometime while we discuss some issues". Alisha was no longer feeling comfortable anymore.

"Sir, we can have this discussion some other time. "Pervert" she said on her mind, "I  need to go home now,I feel sick". zeriel smiled wolfishly he seemed to know he was the cause of her uneasiness.

 Ask the chauffeur to drive you home and take a day off work to rest. I'll text you if need be." he said to her "Thank you sir" Lisha replied, still looking down as she turns around and dashes out of the room. Zeriel quickly puts on his bathrobes ``Logan Logan '' he calls out in fury as he heads towards his room.