
The Cursed Bloodline- Alex_Blackwood Story

In a world that the supernatural is real and fairly known the things that lurk in the night hunt upon the streets. Alex, someone who had just moved to the town of Redfall tries to find his place while hiding something in his past. This will also be on Scribblehub at:

Alex_Blackwood · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 6: Old Friends

Lena: Hey, Alex.

Alex: You've got to be shitting me...

Alex had just carried Aurora to his apartment, and after arriving, both Lena and Issen, two of Alex's old friends, were there waiting.

Alex: What are you doing here?

Issen: Hell of a way to greet your friends.

Alex laid Aurora down on his couch before turning to the others.

Lena: So who's that?

Alex: A friend, but back on topic, why are you here?

Lena: Isn't it obvious? You.

Alex: *sighs* He asked you to find me, didn't he?

Issen: Yeah...even gave us a time limit before he sent Faye.

Alex: Well, it's a relief that it was you instead of her.

Lena: Back to another topic: who is she?

Issen: Way to keep that jealousy on the downlow...

Alex: She's a friend of mine. We were out together-

Lena: On a date?

Alex: Kinda? Not important; we were attacked by some local vampires, and she...found out.

Issen: So she knows about you?

Alex: Yeah...

Issen: Shit...

Lena: So...will you be coming back with us?

Alex: *sighs* Not like I have a choice. It's either you or Faye, and I'd rather go back without being injured along the way.

Issen: But...what about her?

Issen pointed over at Aurora, who was still knocked out.

Alex: Shit...any chance we can wait?

Lena: Not really.

Alex: Damn, alright. I'll just write her a note and hope that gives me time to explain everything.

Alex quickly wrote Aurora a note before leaving with the two others out to the sidewalk. Luckily, Ms. Chen had gone home for the evening, so it was pretty easy to leave without getting noticed.

Alex: So how are we getting there? 

Lena: Well, luckily, when we found you, I called another friend of ours to pick us up.

Alex: Who?

Lena: Victor.

Alex: Ah, well, at least it's someone I'm friends with; if you brought that little shit Bowen or Sparrow, I would've not gone quietly.

Issen: Well, we know better than to bring Bowen or Sparrow.

After a few minutes, a black sedan with tinted windows pulled up to them, and the passenger window rolled down, revealing a man who appeared to be in his mid-20s with short, pure black hair and grey eyes. 

Victor: You called?

Lena: Hey, Victor, we got the package.

Alex: I'm a package now?

Victor: It's good to see you, Alex; it's been awhile.

Alex: Yeah, sadly, you found me.

Victor: Blame his highness; if not for him, no one would be looking for you, besides Violet and Faye anyway.

The three got into the car with Victor; Issen sat on the passenger side, while Lena and Alex sat in the back seats.

Alex: Speaking of, is Violet still pissed?

Victor: Beyond pissed.

Alex: Figured.

Victor: You know you broke her heart, right?

Alex: I know, but...even if that's what I wanted, I couldn't marry her. We know how my grandfather wants to keep the bloodline pure, or whatever.

Issen: I've been watching way too much Game of Dragons for that to sound right in my head.

Lena: Shut it.

Alex: Not what I meant; besides, I don't have any immediate family left alive, so that doesn't apply here.

Issen: I know.

Victor: So why do you think your grandfather is going through all this trouble to bring you back so suddenly?

Lena: When you first left, he didn't care.

Alex: Most likely...he's using me as a tool. It's not like he misses having me around. If I had to guess, he has cooked up some plan he needs me for.

Issen: Like, what?

Alex: Hell if I know, but whatever it is. I don't like it.

*Aurora POV*

Aurora had just woken up on Alex's couch and looked around, she was without a doubt by herself in his apartment.

Aurora: W-What happened...I remember going out with Alex and then-

Images of the horrors she saw flashed through her mind. Alex fighting a bunch of vampires and not just fighting but killing them brutally one by one.

Aurora wanted to throw up but she quickly swallowed it back down.

Aurora: A-Alex...he's...a vampire and he...oh god.

Aurora once again looked around just in case. She thought her and Alex were becoming close friends, maybe even something more but now. She was scared of Alex.

She then looked at the coffee table in front of her and saw a piece of paper with writing on it starting with "To Aurora".

Aurora: He left me a note?

Aurora began reading:

"To Aurora, 

So, I know this is going to be hard to explain. What happened and what exactly am I. Well...you've probably guess correctly by now but I'm a vampire. I was born a vampire and had known nothing but being one for most of my life, but a few months ago I decided I wanted to see how humanity lived. When I arrived at Redfall I met you, Mina and Jordan and saw how you three got along and enjoyed each others company and honestly I wanted that. While I did have friends at my home, we were never like that. They always looked up to me like I was a king or more accurately a prince and it just felt strange, but being with you three who saw me as nothing more than your classmate and friend...it met everything to me. I felt like I finally had a sense of normalcy living as a human, but as you saw that changed. When we went out we were attacked by a Noble Class Vampire and his goons. I dispatched them all so you don't have to worry about them trying to find you. Now...Aurora. I want to be able to continue being friends with you even despite...my real identity. I promise you, I would never harm you, but I understand if you're scared and never want to see me again. If that's how you feel throw away this note and cut me off, but if you want to give me a chance to be your friend again or even just want to talk about things in more detai;. Text me. 

- From, Alex.

Aurora sighed after reading Alex's note.

Aurora: Dammit Alex...what am I supposed to do...


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