
The Cursed Alpha

Being an adopted child, Annie never though that her eighteenth birthday party would be a day of disaster. It all began when she put on that mysterious necklace, and that was when her body underwent a miraculous transformation. When Annie happily decided to offer her first time to her boyfriend, she accidentally found him sleeping with her sister, Susan. This betrayal caused her to lose control due to rage and sorrow, and she experienced a physical transformation. After turning into a werewolf, Annie mistakenly killed her boyfriend and Susan. Annie fell into the abyss amidst her panic. Just when she thought everything was over, she found herself in the world of werewolves. The first man she saw after opening her eyes called out to her gently, “My mate! I’ve been waiting for you. I finally found you!” The man’s eyes were a deep passionate purple, and he stared straight at her. Annie stared back at him for the longest time. Every cell in her body was dancing, and her blood boiled inside her veins. It was a sense of familiarity, a pain mingled with excitement and sadness. She vaguely remembered this face. It was a face etched deeply into her memory and couldn’t be erased even after almost a hundred years had passed. “Ian, forget about me!” Annie turned away resolutely. “My body and soul have been enshrined at the temple. This is my agreement with the Moon Goddess. Only with this can we break the curse in your body!” “Go, Ian! You must complete the mission God has given you! You will lead the pack to victory in battle.” Annie’s silhouette slowly disappeared into the shrine’s light. “And I… will always pray for you here!” “No!” Ian grabbed Annie’s wrist. “This time, I won’t let go!” The skies immediately darkened, and a raging wind swept up. Lightning struck mercilessly, and the thunder was deafening. This was the Moon Goddess’s rage! The curse forbids them from being together! As the two individuals held each other in the darkness, should they brace themselves and challenge the curse? Or should they give up and submit?

Lye Baked Bread · 一般的
199 Chs

Boyfriend or Brother-in-law?

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Susan has to marry Jack!" My father said calmly to me from his seat behind his desk. "Jack approached me privately a week ago and told me that Susan was his mate. So, we discussed how to go about this matter involving the three of you. Jack wants the both of you, and I agreed!" 

"He can dream on!" My mother, Caroline, cried. "I will never allow my daughter to share a husband with another woman, much less a b*stard like Susan!" 

"You also knew the truth, Dad? Why did you hide it from me?" My tears streamed down my face once more. "Why did you decide for me? You didn't even ask for my opinion!" 

"Annie, my darling daughter!" There was a hint of guilt in my father's eyes. "I'm so sorry! Jack promised he'd take care of this matter properly, but he screwed up! Jack will inherit the Pack soon, Annie, and become the new Alpha, while Susan will become his Luna. Marriage is the best way for two Packs to be allies. For the future development of our Pack, please accept Jack's proposal!"

"You want me to be Jack's mistress?!" I exclaimed. "That's absolutely impossible!" 

"Are you out of your mind, Finn?!" My mother slammed her hands on the desk and stared at my father with wide eyes. "You're humiliating yourself! Go to hell, Finn! I won't let my daughter become anyone's mistress! Absolutely not!"

"Do you think I want this?!" My father stood up furiously, the chair skidding backward at his abrupt motion. "Who would accept a woman without a wolf as their Luna?!"

"An illegitimate child can become a Luna, while my daughter has to be a mistress? How is that fair?!" My mother roared, her voice echoing throughout the room. 

Illegitimate daughter? Was she talking about Susan?

Oh my gosh! What the heck was going on here?!

"Susan is also my daughter! I'll announce this fact to everyone at the birthday party later!"

My father glared at my mother. "I've had enough of you, Caroline! I've endured for so many years! I've decided to acknowledge Susan formally! I don't care if you agree or not!"

I was stunned, and I felt extremely anxious. My thoughts were instantly jumbled from what I heard. Why were there so many unexpected things happening on my birthday?!

"Dad!" I said in an extremely low voice. "Today is my birthday. Are you sure you're going to do that?" 

My father glanced at me, and he obviously saw the pain I was in. His eyes were reluctant, but his tone was firm.

"Majority of the Pack will be here for the party, and I think it's a good time. Susan is your sister, so you better be there when I make the announcement!" My father lowered his head slightly. "You better not disobey my orders, Annie!" 

I sneered bitterly at my father, and then I slowly stepped back to open the door. Once I did, I ran to my room.

"Annie, wait!" My mother grabbed me and pulled me into her room.

"Get out!" I slapped my mother's hand away. "Leave me alone!" 

"Annie, I won't let you be anyone's mistress!" My mother comforted me as she held me. "Jack can go to hell!" 

"Why did Dad do this to me?" I whispered through tears. "Why is it that even he thinks I don't have a wolf? Am I just a piece of trash that no one wants in his eyes? Why?!" 

"Annie! Oh, darling! Don't cry!" my mother choked out. After a long time, she continued, "Your wolf will show up. I'm sure of it!" 

It was a long time before I stopped crying when my mother took out a jewelry box from her safe. She pulled out an emerald necklace and placed it around my neck.

"This is your birthday present from me, darling!" My mother said softly as she stroked my cheeks. "This necklace has been handed down from my great-great-grandmother, and it's rumored to be made from the blood of ancient witches. Of course, it may very well just be a myth. Anyway, I hope this necklace will bring you good luck."

"Thank you, Mom." I said and threw my arms around her. My mother's warmth calmed me a lot and chased away my sadness.

"Today is your birthday, so you have to pretend to be happy!" 

My mother encouraged me as she wiped away the tears on my face. 

"Don't let anyone see your sadness or vulnerability. Be strong!" 

I took a deep breath and did my best to calm myself. Finally, I took my mother's arm and walked downstairs with her. Everyone in the banquet hall was waiting for my arrival, and many well wishes and blessings floated into my ears. I forced a smile to face the guests before me.

Next, my father announced to everyone present that Susan was his biological daughter. He simply told them that he had her before he got married. As for Susan's mother, he didn't say anything about her. My father then embraced Susan in front of everyone, and I watched this scene from a corner in silence.

Susan shed emotional tears, and I felt a pang of disgust as I watched how she hid her face and cried, acting very pitiful. 

I could see some of the guests in the audience giving her sympathetic looks as if they thought Susan had been mistreated at home all these years.

She had always played the role of a pitiful child to gain sympathy, but no one knew that I had been taking the blame for her whenever she got into trouble behind our parents' back since she was a child. She was good at acting and had a beautiful face, so I guess that was her advantage as a woman!

Luckily, my father didn't announce Susan and Jack's marriage simultaneously. At least he still saved my last shred of dignity as my father. I didn't know if I should be sad or happy. So, I drank a lot, hoping the alcohol would numb my pain. 

However, the atmosphere in this place only made me more depressed, and I really wished to leave this miserable place.