
The Curse of the Moon Goddess

Marikit wants to find out who captivated her grandmother. She will do everything to find the culprit. Then she meets Dominatur, the king of Red Blood Luna Pack. She thinks he will be a great help to her. Will Marikit find out the real identity of Dominatur? And if she will, will she be able to endure how dark his world is?

sinvalore · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 6

The crickets' drone made the night more mysterious and gloomy. The cold breeze brushed against my naked skin. I looked up and the starry night welcomed my eyes. They reminded me of the stranger's cold and dark silver-grey eyes. They were brutal yet beautiful.

I walked through the parched earth. The sound of shriveled leaves I stepped on made the environment become coarse and unbearable. It was peaceful yet something was bothering me. This wasn't ordinary. I can still picture out those bloody scenes in my mind.

The crickets' buzz subsided. I took a deep breath followed by a few steps towards the narrowed entrance. I didn't know where it took me.

Just one mistake and I will die, I thought. Who knew this path would lead me to my grandmother, right?

There were tall trees everywhere. Only the heavenly bodies split the nightfall, giving off light to guide my way but, I can still tell that going to this unknown place was not a good idea.

I shook my head to clear out what's on my mind. This was not the right time to think negative stuff. I was here for my grandmother. I needed a lead, a clue. I wanted to know where my grandmother was.

I passed through the stinky place. It was like the smell of rotten bodies. I cupped my nose when I was about to barf. I swallowed hard, tears were threatening to fall. I wanted so badly to give up but for what? I chose to deal with the consequences of flouting my mother.

I groaned at the back of my head. This was my choice, my decision. I will stand for it.

I continued walking through the nonentity when my eyes glistened in optimism. I saw luminous bodies floating in the air. They greeted me with hospitality. My heart fluttered as fireflies were multiplying a hundred times, flying towards my direction.

"Wow," I whispered, lips were half open. I raised my palms in the air, allowing the insects to rest on it.

I failed to put my feelings into words. These floating insects were so beautiful. I had seen something akin to these but nothing compared to these luminous bodies. They were like guardians of fairies.

The overwhelming feelings dwindled when I heard a low growl coming from behind. My heart abruptly palpitated. I whirled around and wandered my eyes everywhere. I even noticed that fireflies started to flee.

"Oh, god." I mumbled. My body was shaking in fear.

Startled, I turned around when I heard again the familiar growl followed by big footsteps circling around me. My breathing hitched the moment I detected the familiar strong scent. It was daring me to breathe in.

My whole world was in danger. I thought of a beast wanting to devour my body. I wasn't ready yet for my own death. I still needed to find my grandmother.


It was a small voice coming from me. I was horrified but there was a feeling of wanting someone in my arms.

No, I rejected my own voice. This was crazy! This thing was beyond my normal life!

Mate? A fucking mate?

I almost laughed at my own foolishness when another growl of a big creature echoed inside my head. I contorted my face, ready to face the creature I expected was a lycan.

A lycan. I can't be mistaken. It was him again- the lycanthrope I thought only existed in mythology. How can it be possible? Do werewolves live too?

A couple of seconds passed when an accustomed build of an animal came before my eyes. I was totally numb, breathing frozen. My mind was buffering. I felt like my whole world was shut down.

He was ten feet away from me, circling around me suspiciously. His silver-grey eyes were like daggers. From here, I can see them dilating to different shades.

He stepped forward, still in his alarmed position. He was like a predator and I was his prey. He was big—his fur was like spikes and thorns. His mouth was watering with sticky salivas.

I remained silent and immobilized. I was trying to hold his brutal eyes. For my entire life, I haven't seen anything like this. I've been in different countries of America but I didn't see a pair of eyes like he has.

He must be one of a kind, I thought.

I watched him step towards me. My inner voice was as loud as my mind. She was muttering the same word, mate.

What was that for?

His scent was getting stronger and his intensifying heat was radiating all throughout my body. I can almost feel his body to mine. It was ridiculous because I haven't felt this way before. It was foolish because my inner self was jumping in joy.

My heart has been hammering since he came into view and my breathing was abnormal. It was difficult for me to move my body because his eyes were freezing me. He captured me by his presence and I even wished to stay with him.

What the hell, Marikit? What were you even thinking?

I traveled my eyes from his hard chest up to his ruthless face. He was big. He has broad shoulders, chiseled face, spiky furs, and large canines. It was so easy for him to crush me because I was literally small and weak.

He growled and beamed to meet my eyes. I stepped back—which I deeply regretted because he growled again, making me flinch. He leaned closer to me, sniffed and blew his nose. There was a tingling sensation when he ran his nose on my shoulder—carefully and lustfully.

He breathed in on my neck. I can feel his canines on it. It was just a quick contact, barely touching. And to my surprise, I found myself wanting for more.

He slowly fell back. His deep eyes were still on mine. They were fluttering, screaming affection. My inner self was jumping in joy and I could feel myself begging for him.

Oh, god. What was this feeling?

He growled once more and fled away, leaving no trace but his scent. My shoulders flopped the moment I lost him out of my sight. My inner voice was now whimpering.

Oh, goddess. This was confusing and horrible.


In the middle of the night, my feet led me to my way home. The forest was dark and lonely. Only the buzz of insects filled the place. I can no longer trace any firefly that I wished would take me home.

I felt so weak and exhausted. My shoulder was burning but it was endurable. Thank goddess. 

As soon as I saw the light coming from the torch, there was a hope slowly building at the pit of my heart. But it was just a short celebration. I pictured out again the features of the beast. I can still recall how he breathed in on my neck, can still feel his nose and canines on my shoulder and can still remember the tingling sensations he gave me. It was heaven, I must admit.

"Marikit!" Mom called out angrily. She was standing in front of the door and ran towards me. Her furious eyes suddenly softened as she brought me in her arms.

"M-Mom," my voice broke. Hot tears welled up in my eyes.

"Oh, sweety," she whispered, shushing me down.

"I'm so sorry, Mom," I cried. She just rubbed her palms on my back before she loosened up.

"No, sweety. You don't have to," She said. She held both of my cheeks and kissed me on my forehead. She was the sweetest woman I have ever met for my entire life. Losing her was the biggest mistake.

Sometimes I wondered if dad regretted leaving mom; of leaving us. I knew how important his job was but he has to consider us too. If we really matter to him, he will give up everything for us.

But no. He didn't, 'cause maybe not all love stories deserved a happy ending. Not all love stories were made like fairy tales. People come and go. No one will stay unless they need you.

"Are you okay? Hungry? You must be tired, sweety." She commented worriedly. I just smiled and hugged her tight.

I loved my mom so much. She wasn't perfect but she's the best thing ever happened to me. She made mistakes but they made her what she really was. She's my everything and I won't let anyone take her away from me.

"Mom," I called out, pulling away from her. I held her eyes, so she did to me. "I love you, Mom. I'm sorry if I'm being stubborn again."

Mom smiled but she was trying to hold her tears. I giggled and hugged her again.

Later that night, I had my dinner alone in the kitchen. Marilag was in her room and mom was babysitting my niece. It was good to be back again.

I was silently eating when I heard commotion in the backyard. I stood up abruptly, my heart was hammering in fear. Although my body was shaking, I still had the guts to check out what was that all about.

I left my food on the counter. I ran outside the house to check if I was mistaken. I can feel him. I can smell his scent. My inner self was jumping again in joy. She was happy to know that the beast came back for me.

I wandered my eyes around. I was hoping to see him again. I whirled around once again but found no trace.

No, my inner self objected. The familiar scent was here but I can't trace it.

Just when I was about to leave, I saw a man leaning on the wall. My heart jumped off in shock. I winced and squeezed my chest. I wanted to pin this man down.

"Marikit, aren't you?" he asked, making me flabbergasted.

He knew my name? How and since when?

He was hiding from the shadow but I could clearly see his eyes. Once again, I was surprised when they were silver grey.

Was it just a coincidence that this stranger and the beast had the same colour of eyes?

Oh, goddess. Enlighten me.

He stood up comfortably. He brought his hands down and started walking towards me. I, on the other hand, fell back silently.

The cold breeze blew my hair, so as to his. When the light struck his face, my inner self jumped off in happiness. She was so happy to see this stranger.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, stammering. I swallowed hard, fear was consuming me.

He smirked. Yes, he did. From the way he made a facial expression, it simply told me he was stronger than me. I already knew that. Moon told me Dominatur was the leader of the group.

In one swift, he ran towards me and pinned me on the wall. His hands above my head, his silver grey eyes on me. My palpitation tripled. I was running out of breath.

His scent was really familiar. You might think I was crazy for thinking he has the same scent as the beast.

Or maybe this was the beast, I thought. But how can it be possible?

Sneering, he ran his fingers on my shoulder. He beamed forward, his nose almost touching mine and I can feel his hot breath fanning my face. It was tingling yet, excruciating.

He ran his palm from my shoulder down to my hand. It was delicious, I must say. I haven't felt anything like this before. Only him and the beast made me feel this way.

He leaned closer, his bulge was pressed against my tummy. He was towering over me. There was no other way to escape rather than hitting his dingdong.

The mischievous smile was still on his lips. He breathed in on my shoulder— like how the beast did to me. One more move and I will conclude that this man was the beast I met yesterday and tonight.

"You smell so good," he commented. There was a lustful threat in his voice.


We both heard mom's voice. He swiftly shifted his eyes inside the house then turned to me again.

"We'll meet again," he said like he was so sure of it. "'Till next time... Marikit."

He fled away in one snap of my eyes. He left no trace but his scent. It was the same scent I detected from the beast.

Was it him? How come? Was he a lycanthrope? How did that happen?