
The Curse of the Moon Goddess

Marikit wants to find out who captivated her grandmother. She will do everything to find the culprit. Then she meets Dominatur, the king of Red Blood Luna Pack. She thinks he will be a great help to her. Will Marikit find out the real identity of Dominatur? And if she will, will she be able to endure how dark his world is?

sinvalore · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 2

I stepped backward. I couldn't say if I should feel terrored or what. This beast was creeping into my flesh but there was something whispering to me to never be afraid of this big creature. Rather, celebrate.

I looked into his silver gray eyes and found a diamond. No matter how dark they were, I could still see glitters in them.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, stammering. My heart was beating loud against my chest. I felt like my organ was about to explode.

He growled and I stepped backward. This time, I felt frightened. My mind told me to flee but my feet were stubborn and I couldn't move them.

Fate must be enjoying playing me because my phone rang. The big creature growled again, sending cold electricity all throughout my body. I panicked more. I could feel the intensity slowly building up in his body.

Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. The wind blasted against my face but it was no use. My knees were wobbling. I was still sweating.

He stepped forward and my breathing hitched. His silver grey eyes were dangerous. At any moment, he might swallow me hard.

"P-Please," I begged, stuttering. My palpitation was tripled. "I-If you w-want to kill me," I gulped once. His brutal eyes were on me while taking few steps towards me but I was freezing.

It was so unfair for me because I couldn't think straight. My stance was daring him to pin me down.

I prayed silently. I hoped that if this was the end of my life, no one would cry for me. No one will miss nor care about me. They would still go on with their lives and forget I once existed, that it would be easy for them to move on from my death since I didn't matter at all.

I gulped once as I pulled out my phone. I checked who was calling and found out it was my mother.

Swiftly, my phone got taken away from my hand. I was flabbergasted, and didn't see it coming. And I realized, he could crush me without any effort. I was small and thin, anyway. It's always hard for me to gain weight.

He dropped my phone and stepped on it, grinding his foot against the ground. I was like, what-the-hell-did-you-do-to-my-precious-phone?!

I remained stolid although deep inside me I wanted to crush this monster into pieces. The thought of him killing people made me become malicious. But I knew I was nothing compared to him. I was like an ant and he was a human. I can hurt him but it won't bother him since he can pinch me down.

He howled loudly. Tears welled up in my eyes as my chest started to sink. I was frightened.

He stiffened then walked out. His eyes left me blurry cues. I nailed my feet on the ground as I watched him disappearing out of my sight.

I sighed, stiffened and ran my tears dry. I've been crying hard for countless minutes. My body was draining so fast and my eyes were fluttering in exhaustion. I felt numb. The pain on my knee was overwhelming. The environment was giving me chills to the bone and the hunger I've been enduring was tormenting.

I had to go home as soon as I could, I thought. There could be no way out but for my family, I will do my best to go home. I wasn't sure if I was taking the right way but who knew it would lead me home.

I walked past the smokey places. Bloods were staining the pavement and I tried hard not to vomit because of the foul scent. I wasn't used to this place at all. I've been living in a clean and fresh environment.

We weren't wealthy at all but I was content with that. I've been enrolled in a private school where no one loved to bully me. I was skinny and weak. I couldn't fight back.

I strode through the rocky mud dirt searching for help but I found myself alone in the abyss of confusion. No one was here and I could tell this place was privately owned by powerful people. Tall trees and the green mountains were all around me. This wasn't an ordinary land to dwell in. It was like a dream with a touch of reality. Or maybe it was just my mind thinking like that since I was starving.

A couple of minutes passed, and I found myself marching my way home. There was a fruit of hope in my heart. Finally I will see my family soon.

I smiled as I stopped in front of the gate. This was my house, my home. Tears pooled over my eyes. I got the chance to live with them again. I promise I won't walk astray again. I would be obedient enough to prove to them that I can be a good girl.

I ran inside, calling their attention. I was excited to see them. My tears were rolling down my cheeks, overwhelmed by the feeling of coming home.

"Mom!" I called out. I opened the door and got inside.

The white walls and light welcomed my eyes. I dropped my lips as I felt uncomfortable. I roomed my eyes around and felt a pang in my heart.

"Mom!" I called out again. There was a cold electricity traveling all throughout my body.

"Marikit?" I heard a familiar voice calling my name. My eyes widened and I twisted my head to where the voice came from. When our eyes met, I abruptly smiled and ran towards my mother.

"Mom!" I called out and hugged her tight. My other sibling came into view.

"Where have you been?" She asked, rubbing my back.

I loosened up from her. Tears trickled down my face. I smiled sheepishly and wiped my own cheeks.

"I'm sorry, mom. I'm so sorry." I said.

I knew I've never been a good child. I was a rebel. They gave me everything I needed but I only paid them headaches.

"Shsh," she shushed me down in a soothing manner. "It's okay, sweety. What's important is you're safe."

I smiled and turned to my sister Marilag. She's younger than me by two years. I had my older sister but she's gone now. She died in an accident. Dead on the spot. It was really tormenting and heartbreaking.

Losing my sister was the worst thing ever happened to me. She died in an accident but before that, she was so sweet to me. It was the third week of June when I had my last conversation with her. I felt uneasy when she didn't reply back. I knew it was an unusual thing because we just talked a few hours before that. Then later that night, I just heard the heartbreaking news.

I knew we weren't the best team but I loved her so much. She was part of my life and when she died, a part of me died as well. Letting go wasn't easy at all. I've been holding on to the past that made me hope for more. I wished I was a good sister to her. I wished I was the best but because we were like chasms, we barely understood each other. We had opposite personalities and sometimes it's our hindrance to communication.

"I'm happy you're safe," Marilag stated and smiled bitterly.

"Where's grandma?" I asked and turned to my mother. Her eyes dropped and I knew it already.

Tears welled up in my eyes and they cascaded in a second. My heart was sinking. Another loss. Such a hapless life.

Mom engulfed me in her arms and I cried hard. We just lost a good and a loving grandma. She was my mother when my biological mother left us for good. It was like abandoning us. And as a kid, we couldn't raise ourselves so my grandma had no choice but to keep us.

"M-Mom," my voice broke. It hurt to think that my grandmother was gone. What will happen to us now? Where will we start a new life?

I loosened up from her again and turned to Marilag. She was crying silently. I pursed my lips and hugged her and she broke down into tears.

I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. I was as weak as her. How can I make her feel better if I wasn't fine at all?


"Where's her body, mom?" I asked. I was holding a glass of water.

"We don't know, Marikit." Mom shook her head in sorrow.

"That means there's a possibility that she's still alive?" I cleared out.

If we can't find her dead body, she could still be alive at this moment.

"I don't know." She sighed. "But I hope so."

"I hope she's not one of them." I said and looked down.

"What do you mean, Kit?" Asked Marilag and I looked up to see her gaze.

"There was an attack of lycans."

"Lycans?" Mom mouthed. When I shifted my eyes to her, her brows met above her nose bridge.

I fluttered my eyes in confusion. How come they didn't know about what's happening outside? Or was it just a dream when I met a huge creature? I wasn't hallucinating, was I? And what did they mean that they were happy I was safe and we can't find grandmother's body?

"Lycans only exist in mythology, Kit." Said Marilag and I abruptly threw my gaze at her. "They are only imaginations."

Imaginations? Did she mean I was just imagining things earlier? What was that bloody place? Those flesh-eater creatures? Those howls and growls, cries of helpless people?

I checked my knee and found a bruise. I wasn't dreaming! I was sure of that. I met his silver grey eyes and was so sure he wasn't a hallucination.

"You better rest now, Marikit." Mom propounded. I dropped my jaw in disbelief. "Lycans don't exist. Tomorrow, we will search for your grandmother."

After that, she turned her back to us and walked away. I remained in my seat, still bubbled. I couldn't find a word to say.

"You better keep it to yourself, Kit." Marilag said and stood up. "Who knows lycans do exist?"

I fluttered my eyes. I was puzzled more. Marilag was giving me hidden cues. There was an urge for me to dig deeper.

Do Lycans exist? Where is their camp, tribe or hideout?

I need to find it out soon. They may have my grandmother. And I was pretty sure that silver grey eyes was the leader of the pack.