

Morning came and Reece still sat starring at Essa and admired her beauty. He said to himself,

"There must be many guys out there who would wish they could capture your heart and I guess I don't match that standard. In addition to this curse I don't have a chance."

She woke up and began to feel the environment to see if there was someone around or anything to support her getting out of bed. As Reece stood up and walked towards her, she greeted her, saying,

"Good Morning, Ms. Vanessa. "How are you doing today ?"

I'm okay apart from being blind. Thanks for asking and please call me Essa. Were you here the whole night? "

She asked him as he replied, saying "Yes, I was. I had to stay here and take care of you as you asked. "

"That's nice of you. I thought you'd leave after I had fallen asleep. Thank you. " She said to him,