
The Curse of Memories

Luan received a curse of 16 lives, where he never lost his memories and once he reach the end of the 16th life his soul will be destroyed. He never really fought in neither of his 15th reincarnation, he was ready for his end. But in his last life someone made him change his mind and fight against destiny, looking for a way top end the curse once and for all. He only has one shot to do it.

Jun_Oliver · LGBT+
20 Chs

The god of seals

Luan didn't really wanna talk about Julian, he knew him a long time ago, his personality changed over the years.

"So... How did you met him?" She asked as he sit beside her. "Did you meet him casually or was like... A dream, maybe."

"He was a playboy when I met him for the first time, in Zoorest." He thought but said another thing "If finding him being hold by ropes inside a basement is considered a dream... Then yes."

"That is so different. But was he alright? How did you took him out of there?"

"About that..." Luan to say then closed his mouth again.

"Did someone helped you two then?"

"I kinda used my power for the first time. I don't remmember much."

"Oh, I am happy that you are well now. As for me I took a glance from afar when I was looking for medicine on the desert. I was so scared that I run away."

Luan could imagine Flower on the sand searching and see a misterious person with a sword and a cloak wandering around, then he started to laugh.

"Oh, yeah!?How was your first time with him?"

"First time?" Luan raise his voice a little, while his face turned red as a tomato"I never did that in all my life."

She laugh and lay down with a hand on top of her belly, what made Luan's face become more red.

"Not that, dirty mind. I mean the first time you met."

"Oh!" He said, composing himself "He was joking around, I really didn't like it very much."

"Julian playing around?!" Flower sit down again, amazed "I never saw him playing around."

"Of course not, it was in Zoorest." He spoke to himself and then looked over to her. "Maybe he wasn't... I don't know."

She smiled and then got up, put her hands on the waist and said.

"Now that no one is spying on us, let's make the plan."

"What plan?" Luan asked surprised, then he got up as well and looked around "How did you know someone was spying on us?"

"I saw them. Throught the mirror on top of that furniture in front of the bed."

"I was looking there too."

"You were? Last time I checked you were in your little world while speaking about Julian."

"I was not!"

"You were doing it. Your face was so red that you looked like a tomato." She said as she turned around and touched the mirror "I don't know how they watcted us from here, but I will find out."

"Are you stupid?" Luan asked, after stoppong beside her, looking to the mirror as well "Don't you see that they have cameras?"

"And what is that? Never heard of that magic."

Luan was astonished, almost all the world had cameras, except...

"Are you from Apepminth?"

"How did you know?"

"I travel a lot." He answered and then a memory of that place came to his mind and he quickly said another thing after it."Not that I went inside the land.

"Yeah, it would be weird. Since that only gods can enter without permission."

"For real? I didn't know. When I went near there someone told me that I couldn't go in so I turned around and leave."

Flower smilled and went back to the bed, where she took a paper from her pocket and made a pencil appear on her hand.

"Let's not talk about it. We should think of a plan to take them out of the dungeon."

"You're right. Let's do it "

Meanwhile, Julian was walking back and forth, nervous.

"At least we know he wasn't found yet." Exila said "It is for the best."

"The best? There is a whole kingdom searching for him and I am here stuck."

"I know what you are feeling, but we should think of a plan." Jin said, handcuffed to the wall, just like his brother"For what I can see, they know the powers we have so let's go with caution."

"Easy for you to talk, you're brother is here."

"And all kur family is death or missing." Jun said "Even if you don't like your family you still have them."

"I am sorry for your loss, but don't forget that Luan is alive not dead."

"That is a New that I wasn't expecting." A man with long red hair and a braid said.

"Shit!" Julian said under the breath."

"Who are you?" Jun angrily asked.

"Where are my manners? "The man asked and looked to Julian "i am Mortis, the god of seals. Now... Which one of you will tell me where the person that killed son is."

"He didn't kill him. It was Douglas." Julian said, staring ar the man "Luan would never kill Lucas."

"That is weird." The man said, serious and angry "Douglas is my borther's slave, how could he kill Lucas without my knowing?"

Julian lauched at him, but the man only laugh and pointed a finger to the male, making him scream and fell on his knees, in pain.

"If I remember well... Demigods can't have seals, how did you get yours?"

"That... Is for... Me to know... And you to never find out."

"We will see about that." The man said, smiling from ear to ear. Then he put his hand down "After the championship I will come back, just wait.

Without waiting an answer, Mortis leaved the dungeons and Julian punched the floor, making a crack, surprising everyone.

He quickly got up and break the handcuffs easily, making everyobe uneasy.

"Maybe is a trap." Jun said, walking around the cell.

"Or a test." Tom suggests.

On the other side, Luan was walking around the palace with Flower. They took the advantage that the girl was a healer in the palace to wander around, and after a while they saw Mortis walking out of a hiding dkkr on the garden.

"Julian must be there." He said and Flower agreed with him with her head.

"What is it?" Sally asked behind them, making both jump.

"Julian and the others." Luan explained with the hand on his chest.

"For someone so good at fighting you didn't hear me coming?"

"Yeah. I don't really fight, I am against it."

"I see" she said and lookex to the garden again "I will talk with my father, please wait on the bedroom.

"No need." Mortis said behind them "I need to talk with the young man there."

Everyone froze, unsure of what to do. After all, Luan was hidding who he was all this time.