
The curse between two

after losing her mother at a young age she is now the only one left of her line. she believes she is the last of the forgotten lines. living with her adopted pack she is reserved and temperamental. our male lead he is a werewolf who lost his parents in his teen years before learning everything he can about himself and the power he holds. both thinking they are the last of the forgotten, they learn that they were very wrong. one problem though she caries an extra burden will he be willing to fight with her and conquer it or will they be the death of each other.... literally.

Danay94 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Clade 7

I Wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and alert. I stretch and go to the dresser for some grey sweatpants, and head downstairs. I grab some black coffee and wait for one of my Betas to enter the dining room so we can go over what the schedule is today.

Boston comes in grunting with exhaustion. I laugh and say "hay Boston rough night?" "Ya Liz is in heat and hasn't let me sleep properly for four days." Im still laughing, "at least you're active haha, good endurance training." he slugs my shoulder "my endurance is just fine ass hat. at this rate I think she is just trying to kill me!" right after he says that Derrick enters the dining room jolly as can be. "Hay brother hay Boston, How's the coffee this morning?" I reply "pretty tasty." Boston lazily states, "life saving!" Derrick quickly jokes to me, "not you Clade you drink nasty ass coffee. who doesn't put anything in their coffee?" I simply shrug my shoulders "men and from what I hear even women" he makes a scrunched face and claims "ewwww" I laugh at him and wait for him to sit with us. I ask them "hay where is Flued?" Boston replies to me, "he's still in bed man you know he is not an early riser." I giggle to myself "ya you're right. then lets get started with todays agenda. Derrick I want you to do training this morning with the kids. also next time you decide to sleep with someone at least lock your damn door! second Boston I want you to to check the status of how construction is doing today and let me know when it'll be done by the end of day. when you guys see our sleeping beauty I want you to tell him to get some intell on the rogue issue and see if he can figure out who is leading them by morning." they both nod to me. Derrick exclaims "you should know by now when music is blaring I'm getting down to business if you know what I mean." he winks at Boston who just shrugs. I shake my head and finish my coffee. "ill be going to town sometime today to participate in the orphanage and visit the kids there. ill probably go around two or three." Derrick speaks up, "why you going there you're an alpha not a servant. just saying." "because Derrick I like to give back to the human community around us. Ill go after my alpha duties are done." with that I get up and head to my room to get ready for the day.

the day goes by quickly with meetings and day to day business. I ask Indigo, "you ready to go see the kids?" he wags his tail in my mind indicating yes. I let my betas know through the mind link, "I'm heading to town let me know if you need me" they all reply alright or have fun. I leave my office and change into some light great skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, with some dark grey vans. I let the front part of my hair fall forward not fixing it, because I know the kids are gonna mess with my blue streak anyways. I jump in my black hummer and head to town.

I arrive at Blue hill orphanage around three thirty so with plenty of time to visit and help with dinner. I walk in the big oak doors and smell the withering old scent of wood and dust. the head of the orphanage sees me as she crosses the hall and changes paths to meet me, "Clade so nice to see you! the kids will be excited. they are all out back playing on the play ground and field." I give her a hug and thank her, then start to head to where she told me. I open the back screen door and see twelve kids playing, running, and smiling excitedly. I can smell the difference in the dirt around me and hints of the different scents each kid throws off. I walk forward and sit on the bench about 20 feet from where they all playing, when one of the boys notices me and yells, "CLADE!!!" all the kids come running except one, she is new I haven't seen her here before. I greet all the kiddos and play with them for a while throwing ball, tickling them, we even play tag. eventually they start to get tired of running and play some quiet games in the middle of the field, but I notice the new one hasn't moved she is just sitting there picking the grass she's on.

I decide to walk over to her and Indigo comments, "why isn't she playing? does she not feel well?" I look at her curiously, "I don't know but i'm gonna see if I can at least make her smile" I approach her cautiously not wanting to intimidate her with my size, because she is very small. I kneel down to her level, eventually sitting down in front of her, as she is watching me very nervously. I calmly speak to her, "Hi, sweetheart my name is Clade, why aren't you playing with the other kids?" she looks up at me timidly , but she doesn't answer me. "can I know your name? I told you mine." she answers quietly, "Racheal." "that's a pretty name, how old are you?" "I'm four." I reply to her calmly, "would you like to see a magic trick Racheal?" she nods her head cautiously. I pull light pink roses out of my right sleeve, and her face lights up brightly. "how did you do that? where did you pull those from?" she says brightly. I tell her calmly, "it's a magic trick I can't tell you haha." she asks me nervously, "can I keep them? they're very pretty." I nod my head and she hugs them quickly burying her round face in the flowers. I ask her curiously, "how did you get here? if you don't wanna tell me it's ok I know it can be scary." she looks at me with watery eyes, "something bad happened, my mommy and daddy were hurt by bad people and I got lost running away like mommy said to." I scoot closer to her knowing she is upset, and let her lean into me." she says with a wobbly voice, "I lady with green sprinkles in her eyes found me and brought me here. she said it was safe." I look at her surprised, "green sprinkles?" she looked down at roses, "yes, she said to call her Evie while she walked with me." I took in the information, "oh ok, does she come visit you sometimes? do you like it here." she looked at me with a new brightness in her eyes, "yes, she comes at least once a week. I do like it here but I miss my mommy a lot." I look at her sorrowfully I know, but the kids and the head here is great at helping others feel better. you should try playing tag or on the monkey bars with the others." she looks at me curiously and says, "ok I'll try, will you come visit again?" I say for certain, "yes, I promise" I wipe her tear stained face and help her up. she giggles and goes to the other kids playing. I watch them for a bit longer and head to the kitchen to help with dinner before I leave."