
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · 幻想
95 Chs

The Story of The Lieutenant

Michael looked at Sarah in shock for a while before lowering his head in defeat.

"Everything makes sense now..." He said as he sighed tiredly. Feeling as if his life was sucked out of him after the shocking revelation from Sarah.

"What makes sense, hmm? About how you went buck wild on my body last night?" Sarah stated amusedly as she chuckled at his expense.

But Michael glared at Sarah for a moment, only for him to return to his previous defeated state as he sighed once again.

"Yeh, I guess. My parents did always tell me about a Vampire's big libido. I just didn't expect it to be that bad," Michael stated as he contemplated the past lessons his parents instilled within him with scrutiny.

Sarah waited for the man to go through his thinking for a while, before voicing another question.

"Why are you hanging around the humans then Michael? I'm sure you don't have to go hunting by yourself if you have parents, which still leaves me with the question, why are you here?" Sarah asked with a raised eyebrow.

Michael looked at Sarah for a moment before he answered.

"Because I wanted to have fun with the human friends I had made. My father is a human noble, so I was also expected to make friends. And so I did."

"And I don't regret it," Michael said as he looked into Sarah's eyes deeply.

To Sarah, his friends seemed like an important point to him. Which she still found weird, but decided it was better not to question them as it could hint suspicion at her identity.

Instead, she decided to use the leverage of their shared race. I mean, she did do all of this acting and disguise's for a reason, right?

And so, she struck the iron while it was still hot.

"Hey, it's fine how you want to make friends with your human friends and all. In fact, I fully support your endeavour! Because I require your assistance in making my own friend." Sarah said with mock excitement while clapping her hands in the air.

"And the person I need help making friends with is the Lieutenant you came with! I'm sure he likes you very much doesn't he?" Sarah said with a smirk.

Michael cringed at the mention of 'like'. And also confused about why Sarah would possibly want to meet the Lieutenant.

But he cleared his throat as he first retorted back the first concern, "Now, I'm sure you might see that from the distance, but you can be sure that that could not be further from the truth."

Hearing the unoriginal information, Sarah cooed in surprise to give a reaction, "Ooh~ and why is that the case?" She asked in an attempt to get new information for her future victim.

But as soon as he heard this question, Michael awkwardly looked to his left, "Well..."

At his small pause, Michael once again cleared his throat as he attempted to answer the question in the most non-threatening way possible.

"That's because he blames every noble in our kingdom for the death of his family."

"What the... I mean that's a tragedy," Sarah said at the last second as the momentary shock almost made her shout out profanities.

'What the fuck is wrong with the nobles! Why would they outwardly provoke a Lieutenant of their army and a cultivator at the same time? And they killed his family as well!?' Sarah thought as if she was a writer furiously writing down an essay about everything wrong with the world.

"But do tell me, why does he blame the nobles for that?" Sarah asked with a laidback attitude as she maniacally thought about every scenario of how this could have played out before hearing her answer.

In the end, she didn't need to be much imaginative, since Sarah quickly got her answer.

And the answer didn't sound particularly wholesome to her ears.

Michael sighed as he soon gave the story about a happy man coming back to his home after a war.

Only to be met with a burnt-down house and fur surrounding the borders.

An army of Beastial Demi-humans had attacked his home when he was gone for the war. And he was unfortunate to find his wife and children in ways that would not be safe to be spoken about to the outside world.

Now, how were the Demi-humans able to enter his home when it was situated nicely behind tall wars and massive guards that were able to protect them all the time before?

Well, it was a tale as old as time.

Cowards being selfish. And the coward took his fiefdom's safety along with him when he ran away from his responsibilities.

"You can guess what that means, don't you?" Michael said as he looked deeply into Sarah's eyes.

Sarah nodded as she responded with the understanding behind such an event.

In light of her comprehension, Michael continued along with his story.

So, as the coward ran from his responsibilities, he implicated all of the citizens in a war that they had no hand in. A war they weren't meant to join.

Like this, everyone in that fiefdom had died, including the family of the Lieutenant by the time he had returned back from the frontlines.

But all he returned to was naked corpses and chopped heads of his loved ones.

This was also the time the first recorded instance of his law manifested.

From what the nobles knew, the law of the Lieutenant was to give life to objects that didn't have it before. This also unfortunately meant, that whatever was alive before, could not return to the living world after its death.

This was a rule that the Lieutenant didn't know when he tried to revive his family.

And that was also the time his hate for nobles was born.

Now, the Lieutenant wouldn't have hated all of the nobles so venomously if that was only the case. No, he would've just tried to take revenge against the escaped noble, and appeal to the high court for a chance at vengeance.

But no such thing happened...

Instead, the nobles did everything they could to cover up the event and even tried to hide the noble who had sinned against the people in his cowardice.

And this, this was what stroke the Lieutenant's anger like a chainsaw against a pile of guts.

Some time went by. Blood started flying. All until the pathetic nobles gave up their comrade of sin for their own safety.

And that was also the time when the Lieutenant saw every noble as the same.


By the end of the story, Sarah was sniffling as she wiped her nose and tears on a napkin near her like a mongrel.

"How... *sniff*... could they... *sniff*! Damn those noble scums!" Sarah said sobbingly as she blew into a napkin near her while a supporting Michael patted her on the back in a show of comfort.

Somehow, this intelligence-gathering mission turned into a sob story session that she hadn't seen coming at first.

The story came so out of left-field that it left Sarah shocked and sad to the point of tears.

"There, there," Michael said awkwardly as he tried to comfort Sarah's sudden outburst of tears in a manner he could handle.

'How did we end up in this situation,' Michael thought indignantly after seeing the childish outburst of Sarah sniffling into his shirt like a little child.

She seemed the exact opposite of a Vampire he was used to.

But somehow, that added a charm to her that Michael just couldn't resist.

'I wish I could hug her,' Michael thought with a helpless smile as he brought his hand up to Sarah's head and patted it softly in a soothing manner.

"Don't worry... you'll be alright," He said with warmth in his voice. A warmth that he himself didn't realise he was developing.

At the sudden kind gesture, Sarah froze up as she lifted her glossy red eyes and looked at Michael with... mixed emotions.

'W-why is he suddenly so nice!?' Sarah thought with shock as she saw the gentle smile of the brown eyes Vampire looking at her with affection.

But she decided not to question it, and instead took advantage of that kind mood as she snuggled her head into his chest like a blushed maiden looking at a prince.

Now, she wasn't falling in love or anything like that. Though it might seem the case, she was actually just genuinely confused.

But then she remembered one of the points of mature people.

'They are very affectionate and empathetic,' Sarah thought with a hint of a smile creeping up on her lips.

Those thoughts cleared up a lot of her doubts as she remembered her previous experiences with mature men and women in her life.

And not mature in the physical sense, but mature in the mental sense. Those people were always a part of humanity she vehemently enjoyed. Sure they might be a bit rough in bed, but when the time came, they were always the ones to soothe her soul with kindness and affection like no other.

They were a comfort that seldom came into Sarah's life. They were just so comfortable to talk with whenever you met them, and they always had the best intentions in mind when it came to people they just met. Strangers and close ones included.

But the most important characteristics that Sarah enjoyed from them were two things.

Wisdom, and Genuinity.

These two characteristics were hard to find in people. Because with wisdom came kindness, and with genuinity came generosity. And as stated before, they seldom appear in this world. Especially in the slums of Morrowl where all of this was non-existent or erased if ever seen in the public eye.

These thoughts would have seemed enlightening to some individuals, but they were just passed by like a faint dream in her mind.

They were just passing thoughts. Nothing much importance was kept on them as they were the same as knowing ice was cold. It was practically common sense for Sarah, and she didn't care much to put much importance on these.

As she had these thoughts, she moved her head away from Michael's head as she had finally gotten over her emotional outburst from before.

Well, it was a fake emotional outburst in some sense as it was only an attempt to seduce Michael further into her grasp. But she unexpectedly lingered on the thoughts of kindness longer than she normally would of.

It was nice to have some connection. But it would soon be forgotten once her mind went back to her goals.

"We should leave now, Michael. Though this was a fun adventure~" Sarah said seductively as she finished her sentence off with a sultry chuckle.

At the mention of Sarah's leaving, Michael moved away respectively and moved toward the curtain as he took his exit.

But just before he left, he heard a soft voice calling out to him as it gave a faint promise.

"Let's do this again Michael~"

Nothing much, head empty. But still happy! :)

Now head hurt and confused. Much Sad... :(

Spartan_Wolfcreators' thoughts