

Episode 1

The early morning sun rised as usual, i was still sleeping on my mat my stepmum managed to give me as i was stressed out by the previous activities. Just then i felt a slap on my face that made me scream..

Stepmum: What do you think you are doing, sleeping right?? She asked still drawing and twisting my ear as i screamed in pain

Dannolis: Ahhhrhh, nothing mum i said still recovering from the pain that my ear hurts

Stepmum. And who do u think you are calling mum u bastard!!!!! She said with an angry tone, now stand up and go sweep the compound before i descend on u

I quickly went to carry out the order when i saw Nnaemeka her lastborn laughing and singing mockingly

Nnaemeka. Sleep, sleep, sleep dannolis the bastard child

Just then i rushed him and gave him a deafening slap that made him lose balance and hit his head on the wall beside him letting a loud scream

Emeka. Arrrrrrrrrhhh!!!!, he screamed so loud

Stepmum. Ah ah what is that sound for?🤔 she asked so surprised and saw her son lying on the floor with bloid gushing out from his head.

What is this she said and quickly hurried him into her car to the hospital ignoring me standing, i knew i was deep for a big shit when she come back from the hospital.....