
The cruel king and the fox

In the 18th, there was a cruel king who loved killing mythological creatures. One day, in his usual hunt in the enchanted forest, he found a pink haired woman that claimed to not be one of the creature that the King use to hunt.

LittleFox11 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 8

Ciel stares at the King's figure on the ground, filling the guilt corrupting her heart. She never wanted things to end this way. Yet, she knows she can't let his body lay on the ground or she would have problems.

She sneaks up towards the unconscious King. She had no time to check if he was still alive. The pink haired girl tries her best to pull his body into the enchanted forest to examine his body without any indiscreet gaze.

As Ciel dragged him into the Enchanted Forest, Raphael groaned softly, stirring awake. His vision swam, spots dancing in front of his eyes. He tried to sit up, only to find himself pinned beneath a surprisingly strong weight.

He blinked, looking up to see Ciel hovering over him, her expression a mix of concern and guilt.

"What… what happened?" he mumbled, his voice hoarse. "Did you… did you poison me?"

She frowns slightly, torn between relief and confusion.

"What? Of course not. I pushed you out from your window." She answers by checking his vital signs. "Don't you remember?"

Raphael scowled, struggling to sit up despite the weakness coursing through his limbs. He glared at her, his eyes narrowed.

"I remember falling," he grunted, his voice strained. "But how did I end up here?"

His gaze swept over the unfamiliar surroundings, taking in the strange plants and creatures that populated the Enchanted Forest.

"I'm the one bringing you here."

She stays on him, making sure he wouldn't flee.

"I felt guilty that I may have killed you because I wanted all of this to end in a peaceful way. So I brought you here to check up on you to be sure you were still alive."

Her gaze glued on him, she placed her hand on his shoulder, waiting for his reaction.

Raphael glared at her, his chest heaving with each ragged breath. He could feel the warmth of her hand on his shoulder, the steady beat of her heart.

"Check up on me?" he spat, his voice laced with bitterness. "So you could finish the job later?"

He shoved her hand away, rolling onto his side. "I'm not dead, fairy. Happy now?"

A frown appears on the girl's face as she places her hands on him to keep him in place.

"Be careful. You are deeply hurt. You probably have head injuries. It's already a miracle that you are still alive."

Raphael snorted, his pride stinging at her words. He glared at her, his eyes narrowing.

"I don't need your pity," he snapped, trying to push her away. "Just get me out of this godforsaken place!"

Despite his protests, he found himself unable to stand on his own. His legs buckled beneath him, sending him sprawling onto the ground.

Ciel's eyes widened as she rushed towards him.

"Be careful, dammit!"

She lays her hands with gentleness on him, showing she wanted nothing more than to help him at this moment, feeling guilty for what she did earlier.

"Let me bring you into my cottage so I could treat your wounds."

Raphael gritted his teeth, his body trembling with the effort of staying conscious. He could feel her hands on him, gentle yet firm. Despite himself, he let out a relieved sigh.

"All right," he grunted, forcing a smile. "Lead the way, fairy."

She places her hands in a way to support him and lead the way to her cottage. Her petite and naked form being his only crutch. They soon arrive at the magical flower field of her cottage.

"Here we go. Do you recognize this place? When you came threatening me."

Raphael squinted, his vision still blurry. He recognized the field of magical flowers, the same ones he'd seen when he first came in the Enchanted Forest to surprise her.

"Yes," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I remember now."

He glanced at her, his gaze lingering on her naked form. Despite himself, he felt a twinge of desire.

She stays silent and makes him enter her cottage. The interior was cozy and welcoming. She made him set up in front of the fireplace before she lit the fire.

"Stay still, I come back with supplies."

Ciel doesn't wait for an answer before disappearing behind the door of her cottage.

Raphael watched her go, his eyes following her retreating figure. He felt a strange sense of loss, the silence of the cottage echoing in his ears.

He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze drawn to the fireplace. The flames danced and flickered, casting shadows that played tricks on his tired eyes.

Ciel comes back with supplies. She leans closer to him, sitting beside him, putting down the supplies. The light of the flames mirroring on her fluffy pink hair and the light pink hue of her bare skin.

"Alright. Let me see behind your head."

Raphael flinched as she touched him, her fingers brushing against his wounded scalp. He grimaced, biting back a gasp.

"Easy," he warned, his voice low and strained. "You're hurting me."

He turned his head slightly, allowing her better access to his wound.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

She tries to be as gentle as possible while observing his wound.

"Mm. You may need some stitches." She says while only disinfecting the wound, not sure if he would let her operate on him.

Raphael grunted, his body tensing under her touch. He clenched his jaw, biting back a curse.

"Just get it over with," he snapped, his voice laced with impatience. "I don't have all day to waste."

Despite his harsh words, he didn't resist as she began stitching his wound.

Once she finished, she applied a bandage and slightly pulled away.

"You need some rest now. You should stay here for the night."

She offers, standing up to store the supplies where she takes them.

Raphael scowled, his pride stinging at her words. He opened his mouth to protest, then thought better of it. He was too exhausted to argue.

"Fine," he muttered, closing his eyes. "I'll stay."

His voice was barely audible, the exhaustion seeping into every word.

"My bed is over there, follow me."

Ciel helps him to stand out and leads him to her bedroom without waiting for any protests from him.

Raphael allowed her to guide him, leaning heavily on her for support. He could feel the warmth of her body against his own, the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips.

He glanced at the bed, his eyes widening slightly. It was small, barely big enough for one person, let alone two.

"This is your bed?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief. "Where are you going to sleep?"

"Do not worry about it."

She forced him to lay down on the bed.

"I can sleep anywhere."

Raphael sighed, his body sinking into the soft mattress. He felt drained, both physically and emotionally.

"Fair enough," he muttered, closing his eyes. "Goodnight, fairy."

His voice was quiet, almost a whisper. He sounded tired, defeated even.

"Good night." She murmurs softly while staring at him. She was hoping that all that she was doing for him would help him to change his mind about conquering the enchanted forest.

Then, Ciel leaves the room and sleeps in front of the fireplace in her fox form.

Raphael slept fitfully, dreams filled with images of the Enchanted Forest under his rule. In his dreams, he saw the fairies bowing down before him, their fear and submission evident.