
The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy

I was born a princess, only to be sold off to another empire's prince. In this world, where women are considered less than human, I would rather pretend to be a man. I may be broken and bruised, but I will rise up stronger than before. With a chance to relive my life, I won't let anyone hurt me again.... even if he is the crown prince of the greatest empire. ~~ For donations and support, please send it to: https://paypal.me/EricaBulaclac Thank you so much!

Hua_Li_An · ファンタジー
114 Chs

The Orb of Light

Did I do alright? Was my greeting satisfactory?

I kept my bow low and steady as I awaited the verdict. Maybe my strict teachers in manners and etiquette will hit me again...

Instead, I was greeted by jubilant laughter from the men in front of me.

"Hah! Our Kingdom's only princess seems quite elegant in her young age."

"Indeed. You have done well in raising her, my King."

"Lady Eleftheria is her name? Such a fitting-sounding moniker for a well-mannered child."

I realized that I was merely five, and I had shown a curtsy and a greeting befitting an older lady. I could already feel the surprised stares from my nanny and the maids that came with me. No one had taught me anything about anything. In fact, no one expected much from a young child at all.

After a few moments, I allowed myself up, stealing glances at the men. I first looked at my father, yet his face was in its eternally cold expression. He probably didn't even look at me as I greeted them.

I let my gaze wonder naturally towards the guests. There were three men, all in nobles' garments and with distinct temperaments. One of the men was thin and gangly with a pointed nose. He looked down at the world through his bronze monocle. The man at the center was muscular and tan-skinned. He had a handsome face, with a well-trimmed beard and rather short hair. The last man was stout and wide. He seemed to always be wiping at his forehead and huffing loudly like he had just finished a marathon.

I stared at them before looking back down. Even after my observations, I still didn't understand their reason for coming here, much less for them calling me into their presence.

Anyway, what was that clothed object behind them?

The fat man coughed a bit, before saying in a loud voice that could be heard throughout the humongous ballroom, "Princess Eleftheria, first daughter of King Thrace of House Saule, is now illegible for the Ceremony of the Children of Solus."

I almost gasped in shock. I should have known this was to happen! How could I forget?

In the past, I had made a ruckus when I appeared in the hall wearing boy's clothes. I remember feeling incredibly happy when I first wore it, so when the guests arrived, I forced my maids to dress me up as such.

I still remember the fury in my father's gaze when he coldly ordered me to change my clothes...

That must have been why I don't recognize any of my maids right now. They should've promptly lost their jobs because of my rash actions.

"These three honorable men, Sir Jordan of House Tallus, Sir Jakob of House Aron, and myself, Sir Royl of House Genta, stand as witness to the high lady's calling. I beg then, the princess to approach the Orb of Light beside her sire."

The thin man then removed the cloth from the object in a flourish, and I had to walk carefully towards it, noticing the simple rolled out carpet leading towards the elevated Orb.

It would be most embarrassing of me if I should trip on my way...

I almost did when a firm hand kept me from falling. I looked up to find the gaze of my father, stoic as ever. I quickly steadied myself and continued on, walking with the King beside me.

I didn't recall anything happening like this in my past. I only remember how I was alone when the men had scowled at my results, deeming me useless and powerless. Now, however, I stood beside my father, staring at the Orb a few meters in front of me.

The Orb was a glowing glass ball with mysterious floating lights within it. It was placed on a thin prop, just tall enough for a toddler. As I leaned forward towards it, I could barely hear a slight humming from its center.

I already knew that my results would show the dimmest of lights from the Orb, so I only mentally prepared myself for the disappointment from the men's faces.

"Princess Eleftheria, kindly place your hands upon the Orb," the muscular man said, his voice gentle, yet still gruff.

'Huh? Shouldn't I be asked to remove my gloves first?' I suddenly thought. 'I believe there were researches about how the results would be more accurate if I used my bare palms?'

But then, I realized that those researches may not even be existing yet during this time.

Might that be why I showed such a below-than-average score in my past? As a princess, I always wore gloves even as a young girl. But most young children wouldn't even bother to cover themselves up as much as I did...

Could it be... ?

I pushed down the rising hopes inside me. It never did any good to have high expectations. For all I knew, I really was a trash with no talent in magic.

The fat man then coughed again from behind me. Realizing I was just standing still, I decided to make a move.

I walked forward, coming right above the faintly glowing Orb. When I knew they couldn't see what I would do from behind my back, I gently pried off my gloves and stuck them into one of my gown's numerous frills.

Thank the Gods for my extravagant gowns!

And then, with my bare palms, I carefully grasped the glass ball...

I didn't hold high expectations. In fact, I only felt dread for what would happen right after.

That was why I was so surprised when the Orb started to glow brighter and brighter. It vibrated in my hands, and when I brought it closer to my face, I heard the sound of music.

I had to close my eyes when it started to glow too bright. It wasn't hot, but I felt so warm in my gown that I felt the beads of sweat gathering on my temple.

'How can this be?' I thought.

I had to open my eyes again so I could check if what I saw was real. Indeed, the Orb glowed so bright it looked like I was holding a miniature sun.

'... I have such a strong power?' I found myself thinking in a haze.

I suddenly felt the need to sleep.

The muscular man caught me as I was falling, and the thin one gently pried the Orb out from my fingers.

"Amazing..." one of the men gasped. They looked at me like I was the Sun God Solus Himself.

Just as I was about to let myself close my eyes, I found my father staring at me.

'Ah... I finally see a new expression on that stupid, cold face..."

I let myself sleep. I roamed around in my dreams, my father's shocked face still plastered in my mind.

Hi guys!

Hohoho~ The princess saw a new expression on her dad's face? Find out what happens next in the next chapter!

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