Vivian thought her life was finally in the right track, until the man she loved, her fiancé, broke up the engagement on the day of her birthday. Hakoon, the Crown Prince, who is doing everything to avoid getting married for the time being, found a beautiful lady in despair who will be the help he needed. "It's a win-win thing." He said, but... maybe things get out of hand. Pretend to court her seemed such a good idea!
"I hope you understand it, Vivian," the blond man in front of her said, with a fake worried face. She hated that. Condescending was something Vivian Charlotte Astley hated.
"Is there anything I can do to change your mind, Lord Barless?" she asked, trying to keep her face cool.
He shook his head from one side to the other and pursed his lips.
"No. I just… I love her and I can't marry you." He looked down for a moment, before staring back into Vivian's eyes. "I'm sorry."
He got up and left, without courtesy.
Vivian kept seated on the chair inside the parlor, where her ex-fiance-to-be just broke up their future engagement.
'How am I going to tell my parents?' she thought nervously.
Vivian had been in love with Uriel Barless for many years. Since she could remember ever looking at a boy, that boy was definitely Uriel. When her parents had informed her that she was to wed the man of her dreams, in a conventional marriage, she had been absolutely ecstatic.
The dream didn't last long. Four months, to be exact. Now Vivian could understand why he was so eager to visit the Astley Manor. He was there to see Cecil Gilling, her (snake of a) cousin.
Uriel had never showed any interest in her, she knew that, but she believed he would at least be a bit more of a gentleman. Why break up with her on that day? It was not only the day of the Great Ball in celebration of the King's Birthday, but also her birthday.
"What on Earth is going on?" her mother, Lady Aleena asked, entering the parlor and looking at her pale daughter. "How did that happen?" She was, definitely, more than unhappy with the news. But of course, Vivian had just one job, to her: marry well. And the girl had failed.
After listening to endless scolding for something that was not her fault, Vivian didn't even have the opportunity to cry, for she had to be ready for the King's celebration.
"Let's hope that you can find another husband soon!" her mother said inside the carriage, and Vivian was not even paying attention. She looked outside the window, trying to hold back her tears. That was not the birthday she had thought she was going to have.
Normally, she was very polite and would be great company to have, but not that day, no–she was gloomy.
After talking to a few people, she found a breach and went to the gardens, where she sat on a bench and let herself cry her heart out. She had never cried in front of others, she hated to look like she was self-victimizing. She hated the looks of pity. And people did look at her like that, during that whole night. Everybody knew about her being dumped by the Marquis.
"Such a shame," a deep voice echoed from behind her, and when she turned her head, the first thing she saw was a handkerchief with the initials B.H. embroidered on it. She could admire a good embroidery work, much better than she could make one.
Raising her eyes, she saw a pair of icy blue eyes looking directly at her. The man was so handsome and charming that she couldn't avert her eyes--or even utter a word, for that matter. The night was a bit muffled, but, incredibly, a gust of breeze passed through, as if to add a more stupendous effect to the man, seductively moving the longest strands of his dark hair.
"Is my lady not inclined to talk to me?" he asked with curiosity in his voice, smirking and she could see he was amused.
Vivian frowned.
"Are you… mocking me, sir?" she asked, pursing her lips. She hated to be the object of mockery and contempt of others.
"Me? By no means, my lady! I would never!" he said, with a sneer, and took a step in her direction. "Please, I'm here just to offer you my support."
"Your support?" she asked, squinting. Vivian was not one to trust strangers, especially a man with a smirk like his. Her mother used to warn her from such a type.
"Yes. You were crying. Wholeheartedly, I would say. And, of course, I could not pretend not to see it. May I know the cause of your suffering?"
Vivian licked her lips and sniffed. She didn't notice it, but the man had seen that brief movement of hers, and his attention was now directed to her mouth.
"I just… "she said and stopped. He was a stranger. She couldn't just go whining about her sorrows to a stranger! She shouldn't even be talking to him, alone! Vivian rose from the bench, ready to go back to the ballroom.
'So inconvenient!' she thought.
"Please… I am a good listener. And… you don't know me. I am not from here, which means I won't be around for too long. You won't have to worry about me looking at you in the future and judging you, if that is what you fear, or spreading whatever is bothering you."
He made sense, but yet…
"Sir, I'm sorry for disrupting your night." She bowed. "I must take my leave."
"Please.. don't make me go back to that ballroom," he said and she raised her eyes towards his. "I mean it. Please. It's a win-win thing."
Vivian bit her lips and sat back on the bench. He approached her and sat beside her. She ignored the fact that this was more than inappropriate.
"Ah… Well.." she began. "My fiancé ended our engagement. I loved him very much. And it is my birthday." She was looking down at her hands, which were resting on her lap.
He offered her the handkerchief again, and, this time, she accepted it.
"Marry someone else," he said bluntly and she had to look at him with astonishment.
"Things are not like that, My Lord."
He smiled. "Why not? You are, with all due respect, a beautiful woman. Young. I can see you have a good lineage. Why is it not like that?"
Vivian blushed. To receive a compliment about her looks from a man like him... But then, he probably was just being nice.
"I cannot choose a husband. A woman won't ask the hand of a man. Those are the rules."
"Then, make yourself desirable for those men."
"My Lord, this is not something to tell a lady!" she said, frowning.
"I am not telling you to offer yourself like some meat dish. I am telling you to make yourself be seen. Let them know you are open to proposals."
"Hm… They know it."
"I see… Maybe a little competition is what is lacking…" He narrowed his eyes. "We could make a deal."
"A d-deal?" she asked. "What kind of deal?"
"I can help you. I'll be staying for a few weeks, and I am looking for some distraction. So, why not help a poor soul?" He smirked at her and his eyes gleamed. "I can pretend to court you. With my position, I assure you other men will see you as a treasure. Once you find the suitable man to be your betrothed, you end the courtship with me."
"This is... new. Different. You mentioned your position. Which is…?"
They briefly stared at each other and he lifted his eyebrows, smiling.
"I am dazed as you really don't know. Can't you say by my clothes, at least?"
In fact, Vivian had not looked at his body, for his face was too enchanting. When she did, she didn't have to go far from his shoulders. He was a royal.
"Where are you from?" she asked.
He laughed, amused.
"You are a delight. I really hope you accept the deal." He stood up and then bowed to her. "I am Brian Hakoon Baskerville, Crown Prince of Weatus. At your disposal, my lady."
Crown Prince. Those two words made Vivian freeze. He was…
"Your Royal Highness!" she said and got up to bow to the handsome man, but he held her arm, in a very bold move. Vivian widened her eyes at his warm touch.
Brian and her locked eyes. He let go of her.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have…" he said.
"No, it is… I am the one who should be asking for forgiveness, for not recognizing you, Your Royal Highness."
"Don't do it," he said, and when she looked at him again, he was more serious. "Don't treat me differently. We were having a very nice chat, here."
"I… " She nodded. "Right."
"Aren't you forgetting anything?" As she frowned, he was back to smiling. "Your name and your answer."
"Oh!" She smiled awkwardly. "My name is Vivian Charlotte Astley."
"And your answer?"
"First, tell me, sir: what do you gain from that?"
"As I said, entertainment," he said, but as she kept staring at him, he decided to say the truth, "Alright. My parents won't stop talking about me getting married. I don't want to. So, as long as we have this deal, I am safe from their nagging."
"Hmmm… " she said and thought that maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
"So, what do you say?"