
The Crown Of Blood

What if the world fell? Crumbled. Destroyed. Obliterated. Call it what you like, it is what is it. And with each breath I wonder, why it had to happen? Why fight, why kill? The answer is easy. Its not power, its not money nor riches. Everyone does what they thinks right. What they think would make he world a better place. There is no good and evil, no bad or good. There are no heroes. Only villains writing their own story.

sienna894 · 若者
7 Chs

The Officer

POV Carla of One Tree

Just when I think I can't take another step the camp appears.

More tents than I've ever seen, and more people. The tents are all shades of blue or green or grey and fire smoking lamb with foods I've never seen. Soldiers train, running up and down hills. Practicing sword fighting, knife throwing and wrestling. Horses exercising and eating. Lieutenants and Officers giving orders. It's a controlled chaos.

We stopped at five other villages on the way here. Each a repeat of what happened to me. More dead. More loss. More laughter. I haven't seen Mum or Tim since they were taken. I tried looking for them but had ,yet another knife held to my throat.

The worry has now subsided into more of a high alert situation. But it's hard to be on high alert after walking for nine hours. Our group steps into the camp. The smell hitting me first; mildew, fire and sweat. Not particularly pleasant.

Casper, who I refuse to call lieutenant, pulls his horse next to me. A large black stallion, that once could have been a nice horse once. But now it has the look of an animal that has been drugged one to many times.

"Girl, you're from the scout pass correct?" I nod, making sure to glare at him, my fear gone. "You can ride?"


He looks me up and down smiling. As if not believing what he's hearing.

"I can ride," I repeat.

"All right, all right. I bet little piggy could too," he laughs softly, his eyes glinting miraculously. Everything is telling me to drive my last knife into his neck. But even now, I'm sure they'll be more important foes to fight. Anyway, he doesn't deserve a quick warrior's death. Maybe poison, or illness or- the list of painful ways to kill this man is infinite.``The Officer wants to see you. Large red tent on your left. Good luck."

I nod and begin walking.

"No salute for your lieutenant, girl?"

I laugh, not bothering to turn round.

Free of Casper all my fear seems to have subsided. I have no reason to fear an Officer. He'll either kill me or he won't. At this point it seems more likely he'll kill me but if I believed that then there'd be no hope.

I turn the tent, looking upwards at the two guards stationed outside. They're both taller than me and have their faces covered. They open the tent flap and step inside.

It's nicer in here. Wooden boards for a floor and a small fire in the corner. A large table sits in the center of the room. Hills and mountains carved into it, rivers painted. A line clearly cutting the table in half, two sets of different colored soldiers sitting in certain positions.

It's a battle plan.

"You would not make a very good spy."

My head snaps up to the voice. A man sits alone at the head of the table. I don't know what I expected. A battle ready leader, with axes, a team of soldiers backing him. Not a middle aged man resting his feet on the table. Speaking with a well educated accent, edged with mockery, yet friendly. His eyes about as dark as you could get but warm, with a hint of amusement. His appearance seems more friend than foe. I have no idea what to make of him.

I open my mouth to reply, quickly shutting it, remembering who I'm talking to.

"Do I look like Lieutenant Casper? Speak."

"I'm not a spy."

"Yes, I figured that."

I half smile.

"Let's start with introductions then. I'm Officer Caesar of One Tree, who are you."

"I'm Carla of One Tree."

"Good at least they haven't given me the wrong person this time... you can ride, correct?"

"Yes, my Father taught me."

"How old were you, roughly?"

"I'm not sure... two or three summers?"

"Are you asking the questions or am I?"

"I was two summers old," I reply, liking the interrogation less and less.

"Very good. You know there is a ridden regiment in the army."


"No, no, no." He laughs. "I meant a real fighting regiment. That's why you are here, correct? To fight?"

"Yes," I reply. It's probably not the time to share the truth with him.

"Very good. Well then! Let's sign you up! No point in us wasting our time any further!"

He stands and turns me towards the door.

"Guard, take... Carla to the rider regiments. Tell Odor she'll sleep tonight, no lessons. She can start tomorrow. And Carla, hope you enjoy your new life. It's a whole different world here."

Can't wait to write the next chapters! I really hope you're enjoying reading! What do you think of the Officer?

sienna894creators' thoughts