

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Unpleasant morning

Unpleasant morning

Cathy woke up the next morning with the little voices that kept going on about in her ear and upon opening her eyes she met with two maids standing by the side of her bed each holding a frown on their faces.

rubbing her eyes gently she sat upright on the bed Cathy looked outside the window to see that it was already morning.

had she slept off? Cathy couldn't remember as she was sure she only just laid down on the bed with her holding her stomach due to the fact that she had overeaten.

but what she couldn't get was why these two were here frowning faces at her.

"what do you want"Cathy asked directing her question to the two that kept gawking at her.

"we were asked to come and dress you up"one of the maid said making Cathy's brows knit up together.

"dress up for what"was another question from Cathy to have one of the maids hiss out loud already getting pissed at the girls question.

"look here we are not here to play dress up party with you so just get up and follow us to go and bath you"it was the same maid who had hissed that answered her making Cathy frown wondering what the two problem was it her.

they were all like this towards her but she didn't care though.they were less of her worries.

"I wasn't the one who assigned you to the task so don't you dare transfer that agression to me tch"Cathy gave them a face before getting up from the bed standing upright her hands beside her as she now stood still.

a minute passed by and not anyone made a movement to have Cathy turn to them her eyes twitching at them.

"what are you two waiting for"Cathy shot the word at them and she could see them curse underneath their breath as they moved closer to where she stood undressing her.

she wasn't new to this type of stuff as she had always watched the way the maids in her aunty's house always undressed her and even bathed her.

it was something she thought she wouldn't allow and would be too embarrassing for her but she had actually enjoyed it that day that her aunty had told the maids to dress her up.

although she only liked the part where they bathed her she just wanted to teach these two a lesson.how dare they talk to her in that manner.

Although she knew these maids here were ten times richer than her family she wasn't going to allow them look down on her.it wasn't like she wanted to be here in the first place so they should just hold their peace until she left here.

that was if she would even leave here alive.

A small sigh escaped Cathy's lips as they now led her to the bathroom and Cathy's eyes lit up a little seeing the warm pool waiting for her.she had missed this!

Entering into the pool Cathy let herself drown a bit letting her hair soak into the water before complying with the maids to bath her.

they finished bathing her while Cathy told them to let them clean herself up leaving one of the maids to bring out the dress she was to where and Cathy upon seeing the dress sharply turned to the maid who was holding it.

"what are you doing with that"she asked and she saw the maid roll her eyes at her.

"this is the dress you will be wearing for today"the other maid replied to have Cathy huff.

"am not wearing this.take it back"Cathy said not ready to put on what looked like an entire yard of fabric sowed into one dress.this one was even heavier than the one she wore on the night of the ball.

"you have to"the maid holding the dress said making Cathy bite her lip in frustration.

she didn't argue with them more than that as they now wore her the dress.

they tied the corset in a such a hard way that she almost lost her breathe.

"do you want to kill me"Cathy said holding her hips as she kept breathing heavily.

"trust me I wish I can"she heard one of the maid muttering it to the other one but Cathy ignored them as she tried standing up straight and aside for the really tight corset the dress in which she wore was really really heavy and she was sure she would fall.

the worst part was that it was black.of all color did they have to make her wear black? although the designs were commendable she still didn't like it.

her blonde hair was let down and Cathy made to look at herself in the mirror.what was all these dressing up for anyways.

Cathy wondered not liking the way they dressed her up.

Cathy then wanting sit down got a 'what are you doing' look from the maids making her wonder where they were going to take her to.

sighing,Cathy simply raised the two side of her dress up in order to be able to walk well but the maids had something to say about it.

"what are you doing"one of the maids spoke up giving her an eye but Cathy ignored her.

"mind your business"was Cathy's reply as she headed for the door.

they opened the door for her and on stepping out she met with a gently breeze brushing her hair to the side to have a little smile forming up her face.

at least the breeze treated her nicely.they walked now walked down the stairs with the maids leading the way.

Cathy sighed seeing as they still had many stairs ahead of them.as if it wasn't enough that she had to put on this stupid heavy dress she still had to go all the way down the stairs with it.

the maids followed behind her till they reached the end of the stairs and just as Cathy watched them leave she saw the butler that had taken her to the room the other night,approach her.

"milady"he greeted with his head bowed making cathy surprised.did he have a change of heart overnight or what! Cathy wondered as his face looked a lot more friendly this morning.

"you seem to be in a good mood"Cathy said as she saw him give her a smile to have Cathy blink at him.

he was definitely in a good mood today.

"I will lead the way milady"the butler said as he now walked ahead of her taking her to God knows where.cathy followed behind him her eyes casually looking around the enormous palace.

"where are we going butler"she asked as she now made to walk beside him but he was too fast leaving her behind him again.

"you'll see"was what the butler replied with his tone a lot more gentle than what he had used last night.

it wasn't long before they reached where he had been taking her to all along for Cathy to see that they were in the dinning room.

Cathy turned to look at him wondering why he brought her here and before she could ask the butler her eyes caught hold of something to make her look further and there she saw the king and her brother.

the dinning was really big such that she couldn't see them at first glance?

gosh! that was bloodily awesome.cathy thought before her head finally caught on to the fact that she was in the dinning room where the king and her brother were.

she walked up to them and even though she felt like stomping her feet on the floor as she walked she couldn't because of the dress she wore.

"what are you doing"came her question to Ronald as soon as she was now standing beside him.

Ronald who now looked up to take a closer look at her paused for a bit.

"are you planning on standing while eating miss Catherine"Ronald said and there again he keeps calling her by her full name.

"I don't know what you are trying to achieve by doing all this but I don't want to be part of any of it so please just take us back to our home"Cathy said stressing the home word so he could make do of the word but she heard her brother cough Infront of her.

he was sitting opposite the king and looking somewhat relaxed.

"speak for yourself Cathy"she heard Dylan say to have her gaze sharply turn to him.

"stop making a fuss and just sit down"Dylan added and soon enough, three maids came in,each placing the food they brought on the table.

she saw how Dylan was quick to push a plate of food to his side making Cathy wonder what had gotten into him.

"Dylan!"Cathy screamed out his name.maybe that would get him to his senses.shouldnt he be looking for a way to get them out of here?

"sit down missy"was what Dylan said and she could only turn to look at Ronald who had been eye stalking her since.

No! she wasn't going to sit and dine with the man who forcefully took her away from her home.

she didn't even want to spend another minute here as all she could think of was going back to her mom, dad , Hailey and most of all Marie!

"what do you want from me! do you think it's by forcing me to stay here with you that will make me love you back?"Cathy questioned even though she had not really bought the idea that the king had feelings for her. and saying it out like that was somewhat embarrassing for her.she chose to say it anyways she just wanted to get away from here.

Not like she didn't like being in the palace but she wanted to be here on her own free will and accord.

"you will gain nothing by keeping me here just let me go"Cathy added and she could notice the glint in Ronald's eyes his lips pulling up.

"now why would I do that? if we are going to get married shouldn't you at least know your soon to be husband well?" cathy could hear Ronald say out the words so casually as if it were nothing.

"wh...what are you talking about"Cathy stuttered trying to wrap her head around what the king just said.

"o my! that was so cool brother in law"she could hear Dylan say making her shoot gazes at him.

"Dylan! who's side are you on here?"

"And what do you mean marriage! you can't force me to marry you"Cathy now snapped her head at Ronald who now held a glass of wine in his hand.

"who said I would"Ronald replied his eyes taking in her expression as he took a sip out of his wine.

Cathy just stared at him dumbfounded not knowing what to say.she used to be just an ordinary girl who did artworks for money and pleasure and played hide and seek with her best friend but here she was with just two nights changing everything about that?

Cathy held her forehead with the palm of her hand as she paced about the dinning room a little laugh casually leaving her lips leaving Ronald to just look at the girl who was acting up in front of him as he wondered what was going on in that small head of hers.

she finally stopped pacing around as she looked over at Ronald who's head tilted to the side wondering what she had to say this time.

"let's make a deal! what if I look for somebody else for you to marry,how about that?"