

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · ファンタジー
26 Chs


Cathy felt her head pounding as she looked up at him a frown forming up on her face.was he going to turn her to one of his slaves?

That wasn't legal! Was it?

"What do you mean going with you"Cathy said using all her power to free herself from his grip as she now ran to where her father was standing behind him.

Mr rain finally took the courage to speak.

"Who do you think you are coming in here to claim my daughter"

he had been quiet all this while seeing when the man had walked in requesting to see Cathy.

He would have asked what he wanted with his daughter but he somehow trembled at his presence.he had suddenly omminated a kind of scary aura in which no one dared to miss.

Hailey who was watching the whole show kept on blinking like someone who had just been sprayed pepper in the eye.

What was going on?

He didn't say anything.and just when Hailey had thought the drama in front of her couldn't get worse she saw two guards come in going to where Cathy was dragging her away from her father.

Hailey couldn't help but wonder what was truly going on and just then she noticed those guards were royal guards.it wasn't hard to miss.

But how...….

"Your highness should I take her to the carriage?"one of the guards asked with his head bowed.

Hailey gasped on hearing the words the guard had spit out.

"Your...…your....highness??"mr rain stuttered having it hard to find his word as his eyes went wide in shock.

Not waiting any more second Mr rain went on his knees with his head bowed.how could he have missed it?

"Forgive me your highness if we had offended you in any way but please spare my daughter"Mr rain said with his head still bowed.

Now turning to the guards, Ronald only gave them a look and they were quick to let go of Cathy and Cathy not missing the opportunity also went down on her knees.

She didn't want to be deprived of her freedom at an early age.no not yet.

"Forgive me from stealing from your palace your highness.you can punish me in whatsoever way but please don't turn me to one of your slaves" Cathy said the words loud enough for everyone to hear to have their gaze turn towards her.

"You did what Catherine"it was her mother who finally spoke up still shocked at the words her daughter just spat out.

"I'm really really sorry your highness"Cathy added but Ronald was unmoving.his cold gaze still intact making Cathy more nervous.everything backfired at her so quickly.

Why did she carry on with her stupid plan anyways.now all she could just do was to regret her action but it was too late.

She wasn't sure what the king wanted to do to her.was he going to kill her or turn her to one of his slaves.

Cathy could only pick the second option as she was sure he would have already killed her if he wanted to.

But Cathy didn't want to be any ones slave.the thought of it didn't sit well with her in the slightest.

"What are you apolozing for.is it the part where you made me to steal from my own palace or making me fall in love again with you that night"Ronald said finally speaking up and what followed with his words were pairs of dumbfounded gazes included Cathy's as she raised her head up to look at him.

Cathy's eyes went wide with shock as she wondered if she had heard him right.

"Your highness…."were the words that Cathy could utter still kneeling there dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

"My head...it's…..it's spinning"Hailey could hear Marie say as she saw her hold her head as if she were actually dizzy as they both watched what was happening in front of them like it were a show.

Someone amongst them was definitely dreaming cause how was it possible this was actually happening in the present day?!

Dylan who had been quiet all along was the one who laughed ending the silence that had followed after the outburst.

"That was a joke obviously"Dylan said still laughing but no one else laughed with him even Marie who gave him a death stare to keep his mouth shut.

It was hard to believe actually even for dylan.he hadn't even finished taking in the fact that the king had faked his identify into their home and now this?

Who was dreaming amongst them here.it was high time the person woke up!!

Cathy on the other hand was trying as much as possible to not pass out as the rate at which her heartbeat kept beating was very abnormally fast.it was too fast!

Everything that was happening to her right now was abnormal.

Ronald who was hearing the way her heart kept beating rapidly against her chest now bent down in front of where Cathy had knelt his eyes now getting more softer as he stared at her for a while before speaking up.

"Just know that whether or not you acknowledge my feelings….I am not leaving here without you"

Cathy pursed her lips together staring at the man in front of her.was he really planning on forcefully taking her to the palace?

"I am not going anywhere with you.you can't force me."Cathy said her eyes meeting with his and the pit black eyes that had gone soft just minutes ago blazed again with fire as he now stood up turning his back.

"Bring her to the carriage"came his order and without wasting any second the two guards were quick to grab Cathy's arm jerking her off from the floor and just as Ronald was about stepping out with the two other guards Mona was quick to stop him as she ran to him going on her knees with her head bowed.

"Please your highness don't do this"Mona cried out not ready to loose one of her daughters to the king.she didn't know the fate of her child if she were to step out of here and leave with the king.

What guaranteed that her daughter won't be getting rid of even before the end of the day.

"Please your highness"Mona begged again to have him turn around looking down at her.

"What do you want me to do mmmm"came Ronald's words as if he were not the reason for all the tension going on.

Ronald looked at the lady knowing fully well he was the bad guy in this situation but there was no way he was going to leave there without her! There was this unquenchable thirst that burned in him and it wasn't even the thirst for blood!

He didn't know what it was but he knew it was because of this very girl so how do they expect him to just let her go?

Pausing for a minute,Ronald thought about it and realized he didn't give them anything to guarantee the safety of their daughter.

He then looked over at Mr rain who was still on his knees.

"Your daughter is safe in my hands Mr rain but if you are having some sort of doubts you are free to send your son over to my place to check up on her once in a while.he has my permission to go in and out of the palace however he wants...."Ronald said before pausing for a bit.

"Am afraid that's all I can do for you"saying this Ronald turned his back on them as he left followed by the two guards who took Cathy along with them.

Cathy couldn't do anything as she just let them drag her away.they were stronger than her anyways.

They got to where the carriage was only to meet with a man who was resting his back on the carriage door and as Cathy met with the man's eyes she flinched.

He looked so goddammed scary.

"Did you have to wait for me"Ronald said his voice casually being so non chalant as he simply used the tip of his finger to push the man away opening the carriage door.

Without even being told the guards already knew to leave the girl alone as he now gestured for her to enter and Cathy could now notice how his face had turned warmer now.

How could he change his moods so swifly like that? Cathy wondered as she had remembered how he had looked like she was staring at the devil just minutes ago.

Sighing,Cathy's step were slow as she made to enter the carriage.

She really didn't know what to do with this man.just minutes ago he had almost made all of her family peed on themselves and here he was now opening the carriage door for her.

Cathy was finally seated on the carriage seat even though it took a good amount of time and just when Ronald was entering too Dylan suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Cathy was used to that.

"I will follow my sister"Dylan said and Cathy almost coughed.what did he just say?

Since when did her brother care about her enough to follow her to a place where she didn't know how her fate would turn out to be.

"Go back inside Dylan"Cathy simply said to him not wanting anyone to get hurt in the process of trying to look out for her.

"Shut up"Dylan was quick to cut her off getting a glare from her.

Why did he suddenly make that decision though? Why didn't her parents stop him.

Ronald said nothing as he only just looked at him for a bit before turning his gaze to Cathy who didn't bother taking a glance at him as she just sat upright facing ahead of her.

Cathy's heart jumped immediately the coachman drove past her house.

What just happened? How could so many things happen at once In just one day.

"Did you really have to follow me"Cathy bent a bit whispering down to Dylan's ear.

She was in the middle of Dylan and Ronald which made her annoyed as she didn't want to be anywhere near Ronald.

Dylan ignored her.well mainly because of the cold feet he got sitting next to a bag of cold ice.and by bag of ice Dylan meant the man that he was sitting beside which he had no clue who he was and what he was doing in the carriage with them.

Dylan couldn't even breathe well as he held his breathe occasionally trying as much as possible not to make any mistake as the man he was sitting beside looked like someone who was ready to snap his head off his neck if he got the chance to.

It was already night time by the time they got to the palace but Cathy was sure it was already mid night as she felt extremely tired and sleepy but on getting down from the carriage the sleep was soon to leave her eyes.

Cathy took a deep breath looking at the palace she now stood in front of as she wondered what was waiting for her in there.

And thinking about it Cathy suddenly wished she hadn't made the decision to attend the palace ball in the first place and all this would have been avoided.

"Have your legs suddenly gone pale or what move your feet"she could hear Dylan's voice from beside her as he took her by her arm in a bid to make her walk.

They got inside the palace and Cathy was surprised of how lively everywhere still looked as she watched how the maids and servants still moved to and fro making her her wonder if they never rested as it still looked as if each of them had something important to do.

"Am I in heaven!?"Dylan exclaimed gazing at the interiors of the palace his hand abruptly leaving Cathy's arm as he kept looking around.

"Your highness!"a butler suddenly appeared in front of them bowing at the king.

Taking a look at the person beside the king he bowed his head again

"Master Rick"the butler kept his head bowed for a while before raising it to look at the two unfamiliar faces the king had brought to the palace.or was it master Rick who brought them here.

Or maybe it was that they had gone out on their own to look for a meal? But why would they do such.

"Your highness what should I do with them?"the butler asked to have Ronald turn look at Cathy before Turning his gaze to the butler.

"Take her to a room beside mine while the brother stays in the guest room...make sure nothing happens to them"Ronald said the last sentence with a stern warning as he now left the vicinity along with Rick.

And immediately the two were out of sight the butler dropped his smile as he now looked at the human girl in front of him.what was the king's business with her that he even had to put her in the highest chambers of the palace.

He sized her from head to toe before finally speaking up to them.

"Follow me"he ordered and even though Cathy did not like the way he acted she had to comply with him anyways.

She was in the palace and not just anywhere else.

Dylan who followed behind the butler along with his sister couldn't just stop admiring the place as his hands touched every single thing he walked pass by.

"Cathy! If it were true that the king really has feelings for you shouldn't you be the happiest person alive?"Dylan whispered beside Cathy to have the butler come to a quick stop turning around to look at the two that had been trailing behind him.

"What did you just say?"his question was directed to Dylan who staggered back a bit wondering how the butler had heard him.he had made sure to keep an extremely low tone.there was no way the butler had heard him.

"Nothing"Dylan replied trying not to give too much hint as he saw the butler giving him a knowing eye which he wondered what it meant.

"If you would be faster than this please my legs are aching"Cathy said chipping in.she was extremely tired and she got why.

She hasn't eaten anything yet since in the afternoon even with the way she had fainted.she was sure she didn't have much blood in her body again.

Taking a look at the lady the butler gawked at her for a bit before turning to his front as he continued to walk further.

By the time they got to one of the chambers Cathy was sure she would pass out any moment from now.

How many stairs were they even?

"This is your room miss uhhhhh....."the butler trailed off as he had not asked the lady of her name yet.


"Miss Cathy this will be your room.you shouldn't leave here until you are asked to got it?"came the butlers words expecting a nod from her or rather still a reply but he got none.

How impudent!

He went ahead to open the room door for her to get in.

"What of my brother"Cathy inquired.

"I will take him to a room now"the butler replied to have Cathy look over at Dylan who gave her a go ahead look.

Not having any other choice cathy went in as the door closed behind her leaving only her in the room.

The candles in the room looked like they were just newly lit as everywhere was still bright.she could see every corners of the room as she marveled at the sight in front of her.

She would finally get to sleep on a bed!

Should she be happy about it?Simply sighing Cathy looked around sizing the room to see different paintings hung on the wall.

She walked up to the bed and just as she was about sitting down the door flung open revealing a butler who walked up to her with a large tray in his hand.

Well that was fast!

He was different from the butler that had brought her to this room though.

"I was asked to bring this to you"the butler said his voice coming off as harsh and as if he was pissed at her for some reason and the butler without saying anything more simply placed the tray on the fine wooden table that was just standing beside the bed and as soon as he was done,he left!

While Cathy could only watch not knowing what to make do of this situation!

Why did they all seemed to hate her presence so much.it wasn't like she asked to be here in the first place.

Walking over to where he had left the tray Cathy opened the lid that was on it to Have a small gasp escape her lips.

How did they know she was hungry to bring her food.cathy wondered as she didn't waste any more time drawing the table closer to the bed as she sat down and started digging into the food.

She had one bite and she couldn't help but salivate at how it tasted a soft moan escaping her lips without her consent.

On the other side of the palace two tall figures could be seen in the dark alleys of the palace the both facing each other.

"Why did you call me out here"it was the king who asked,his voice coming off as someone who was already bored.

"Is it true?"the man who was named nick asked his hands slipping through his pocket.

"Do you really have feelings for the human girl cause the Ronald I know who has been alive for five hundred years without even looking in the direction of any woman has suddenly developed feelings for someone?and that too a human? How are we supposed to believe that Ronald"

"Was that why you called me out here"was Ronald's reply his already bored voice coming out to be even more bored.

"Was that why you left the palace?"Nick continued ignoring the cold tone Ronald gave.

"I thought we were over this topic"Ronald said and without caution nick was quick to throw him over the wall his hand going deep inside Ronald's skin as his hand reached for his heart.

He was stronger than any average vampire and one could say him and the king were both on the same level when it came to strength and so what he was doing right now was something no ordinary vampire could try with another as each were stronger than the other.

It were so that if any average vampire should try to pull out another vampire's heart away from their body inorder to kill them and the vampire happens to be older and stronger than the average vampire they would desicate.

But even with Nick threatening to pull out Ronald's heart he was unmoving his lips pulling up somewhat amused but Nick had other plans as he pierced his fingers deep inside his heart to have Ronald finally react a painful gasps escaping his lips.

As if that wasn't enough nick continued going deeper until he got the reaction he wanted.

"Whatever you are planning Ronald don't ever leave the palace like that again"and with that Nick released his heart his hands now covered with blood and not saying anything more he turned and left leaving Ronald to heal up on his own.