

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Crazy vampire

Cathy could feel her head spinning as she saw the man that now stood in front of her to have her legs slightly tremble.

"Did I not say hands off?" Ronald said as his eyes were focused on the way Cathy held Nicholas arms to have the girl quickly leave his arm now bringing it to her side.

"What are you doing here?"Cathy took the courage to ask as she unknowingly took a step back. She wished she could run as fast as she could away from here and this man but he appeared to be everywhere. How did he find her here?

"Your highness! What are you doing here?" Nicholas couldn't help but ask as he looked at the vampire who kept his gaze on the human girl. Ronald didn't bother answering to Nicholas as he now took some steps to walk closer to Cathy who now quickly went to hide behind Nicholas but little did she know that even Nicholas wouldn't be able to stop him that night.

Noticing how the girl hid behind Nicholas's back, Ronald stopped walking any closer as he stood on the spot looking at her with an amused expression. "Are you scared little kitten? Come on now I won't bite you…. yet" Ronald said with a mischievous tone and Cathy could already feel the goosebumps that rose on her skin.

"Your highness?!" Nicholas called,not able to comprehend what was going on right now. This man had never even been to his house before.

Ronald's eyes lazily shifted from the girl to look at Nicholas who looked confused as hell right now. "Now why are you calling my name Nicholas. You should know I am not very pleased with the way my little kitten is hiding behind your back for protection. I think it would be better for her to know it will only take me a second to snap your neck off your body right now" Nicholas heard Ronald say to have his eyes widen In shock. If there was one thing he knew about this man well enough,it was that he didn't make empty threats and could do what he had just spoken of.

Nicholas stepped away from the girl at once and Cathy felt her heart jump. She bit on her lower lip unsure of what to do right now. Cathy could see the sinister smile that now played on Ronald's lips as she saw him walk closer towards her but she walked backwards away from him.

"Don't come any closer" Cathy warned but saw it only amused him the more. "What do you want from me? I thought you lost your memory"Cathy said while still walking back away from him.

"That was in the past. We are in the present now aren't we?" Ronald slightly chuckled as he said. Cathy could only grit her teeth in annoyance. She had known he was playing her. What was she to do now?

"Don't even think of escaping because I will find you and this time I will make sure to punish you…. severely" Cathy heard him warn and this alone was enough to make her stop from stepping back away from him anymore.

"Wait!" Cathy suddenly said as she now looked up to meet Ronald's gaze. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't intimidated by this man but she just wasn't the type to easily back down.

Cathy gulped down hard, staring at the man for a good minute before saying, "you claim you love me right? If I prove that what you actually have for me isn't really love would you finally let me go?" Cathy said, trying to bargain with the man but she heard the man click his tongue instead.

"That's not fun now is it? And what do I get if I am right?" Ronald said, his smile now turning seductively devilish. Cathy pursued for a second wondering if it was a trick question and Ronald wanting to use her words to his advantage quickly took the opportunity.

"I think it would be fair if I should decide. My dear little kitten ..." Ronald pursed as his feets gently moved itself on the floor circling her. "If you are unable to prove what you just said after three months, you have no right to refuse my marriage proposal once the three months have ended for whatever reason" Ronald said, spitting out the words so effortlessly as if what he had said wasn't a big deal.

Nicholas who had been quiet all this while looked quite taken aback by what he had just heard. Had he heard right or was his ear playing tricks with him? He wondered if the man was somehow drunk?

Because,he couldn't make any sense of what was going on right now.

Cathy was stunned for a bit but this man's words and actions shouldn't come off as a surprise to her anymore. "Okay. I agree"Cathy said and she saw that sinful smile he always carried appear on his face.

"Fantastic" Ronald beamed somewhat intrigued that the girl had thought she could really prove he wasn't in love with her while unknowingly digging her own grave because he wouldn't spare her. He was a devil who would devour the girl little by little till she was completely his.

"We shouldn't waste time now should we? Your time has already started and you need to make the best of it don't you?" Cathy heard him say and she wondered what he was talking about. He wasn't speaking about taking her to the palace was he?

"Am not going with you to the palace"Cathy said firmly and she saw Ronald tilt his head at her. "Then how do you plan on carrying out your big plan, little kitten? I am curious because I won't force you to come with me," Ronald said but it was a pure lie. He knew if the girl decided to act silly he was the one who would drag her away from here.

Cathy reasoned with what he said and he was right. If she wanted to prove the point to him she would have to be near him at all times. There was no way she would be able to prove that if he was in the palace and she was there in her village and besides, he gave her a time limit in which she would have to be cautious of.

"Fine. But on one condition"Cathy said, staring intently at him while he just smiled at her. "You won't restrict my movements. I will walk around the palace however I want."

Ronald frowned knowing the palace was full of vampires. One that would jump on his kitten if given the chance to but that could be fixed anyways.

"You can move around however you want but do not for whatsoever reason ever step out of the palace"Ronald warned but she didn't mind it. It was just for some time anyways.

"Lower your eyes Nicholas! You are making the soon to be queen uncomfortable" Ronald said, turning to look at Nicholas who immediately kept his eyes on the floor. "What a good little boy don't you think Catherine?" Ronald asked as he now walked to where Cathy stood taking her hand as he clasped it into his own while still keeping contact with her which looked back at him with wariness.

Cathy noticed the way he had taken hold of her hand and wondered if he was planning on taking her with him that night. "I have to go back home, your highness. To inform them t......."

"Nonsense! I will send them a letter once we arrive at the palace" Ronald suggested instead to have Cathy frown. She won't run away! Not when she knew he had his own means of finding out where people were.

"But...…" she was about to say but the man had cut her off with his sharp voice, " don't test my patience kitten. I have little of it" saying this, he started walking away with her not bothering to exchange any other word with Nicholas who just looked at the vampire with disbelief.

They rode to the palace in the king's carriage and not one of them spoke a word to each other. Cathy quietly sat in the carriage facing outside the window staring at the trees that passed them by till they arrived at the palace.

Coming down from the carriage, Cathy took a deep breath in and out as she stared at the wide palace. She wondered what went on in the palace and was somehow excited to explore it. After all, a place couldn't be this big and there wouldn't be something fun to explore!

"Enjoying the view? It would be all yours after three months" Cathy heard the devil say beside her and she smiled turning to meet his eyes. "You should preserve that title for someone else" Cathy retorted back and she saw him let out a small laugh. Truthfully,if someone should see this man laugh they would think he was the purest soul alive while in fact, he was a demon sent to frustrate her life.

"Now that would be totally wrong wouldn't it? After all, you would be my wife" Ronald said so casually and Cathy wondered if he ever felt shy of saying anything. He said them so blatantly as if it was a normal thing.

"Good luck then" Cathy only hummed as she saw him bring out his hand for her to take. She didn't decline as she placed her hand in his palm as the two now walked inside the palace.

Upon sighting the king, everyone kept their heads bowed till he walked past them making Cathy feel slightly uncomfortable as she was walking beside him. It felt as if they were also bowing to her. As soon as they got inside, Cathy noticed Joseph coming from the other end and she wondered if the man was a Witch. How did he know the king had arrived? Cathy wondered as she watched Joseph approach them.

"Welcome back your highness" Joseph greeted with his head bowed and as he slowly raised his head he went ahead to look at the lady that was standing beside the king to see that it was Cathy. his eyes went wide for a second before clearing his throat as he also offered her a bow. "Lady Catherine" he greeted her politely, not daring to ask the king why she was back here.

"Take her to her room...... .unless" Ronald trailed off turning to Cathy giving her a sly smile. "Unless she wishes to stay in my room instead"

"No" Cathy was quick to reject as she quickly went to stand beside Joseph. "I'll be leaving for my assigned room now, your highness," Cathy said sharply. This man was really shameless.

Ronald only nodded at Joseph who led her to the room she had been in when she was here last time. Soon, it would be titled as her room. She walked beside Joseph who didn't speak any word to her even though he had a lot of questions to ask. "Do you need anything milady?" Joseph asked once they had reached the front door to the room to have Cathy shake her head.

Joseph nodded as he pushed open the door for her to enter but before she got in, she turned to him pausing for a second before saying, " I don't need any maid coming in here. I will be bathing myself" Cathy said her tone giving off no room for objection and Joseph could only sigh. This lady was back to stressing him.

"It is not my order, milady" Joseph calmly said, trying as much as possible not to get pissed off. He saw her lips part and knowing she was about to retort back he said, "nevermind, I will inform the king you said so" Joseph said knowing fully well what was about to leave her mouth was another argument and he wasn't ready for that this night.

Cathy only nodded as she entered the room, closing it shut. She looked around the room, her feets gently tapping on the floor as she walked over to the bed, her hands sliding through the bedpost.

She was back here again!!