Lady Rosamund and her son Mark had arrived back from the hunting to pick up Sophie. Sophie had to continue to act as if her ankle had been hurt which went in vain and no matter how much she limped, Calhoun had not bothered himself in picking Sophie up, and all he did was give her words of encouragement. She didn't need words from him!
Sophie had planned to direct his attention to her, but it had backfired quite badly, leaving her with Theodore who was the King's right-hand man but in her eyes, he was nothing but a servant who didn't stand in the same status as King Calhoun. Since she had come to be of age, Sophie had made sure to play her cards right. Calhoun had bedded many women before, and she didn't care about it because she was still learning her ways in the castle, knowing well they were nothing but women who were used and thrown away for his pleasure.
Once she would become his queen, there would be no need for it.