
The crisis is precipitous

After the disaster, the earth was devastated. Food is scarce, resources are in short supply, and the situation is chaotic... A young man killed from the area to be planned, with his back to the yellow sand, came to District 9 alone to make a living, but he didn't want to meet three or five friends by chance. He rose in troubled times and opened a legend

DaoistdeCCGV · SF
14 Chs

Chapter 14 master Ma

The next morning.

The old cat was woken up by the phone at six o'clock because the team had a task and rushed back to the superintendent. While Qin Yu was thinking about something to save money for breakfast, he didn't expect Lin nianlei to send him a plate of hot fried dough sticks.

"Just bought, eat." Lin nianlei hung the fried dough sticks on the door and shouted.

"Ouch, I'm so sorry." Qin Yu, who was washing, was stunned.

"It's all right. The neighbors help each other." Lin nianlei wanted to thank the hot water last night, so she smiled and said, "I'm at work."

"... so early?"

"Well, there are field missions, so we should get the equipment early." Lin nianlei waved to Qin Yu with a smile: "see you in the evening."

"All right!"

"Bye, sisters." Lin nianlei turned away with a shoulder bag on her back.

Qin Yu was stunned for a long time: "sisters, where to start? Is this taking me as zero...?!"

Five minutes later.

Lin nianlei waited for her female colleague at the door. As she ran to the unit, she said in a very quiet way: "I'll tell you, the very manly little brother in our yard... May be a fag..."

"True or false?"

"It's basically stable. I saw it with my own eyes."

"My God, that's a pity."



After eating the breakfast brought by Lin nianlei, Qin Yu simply cleaned up and rushed to the team.

Because of the lack of resources and the short establishment time of Songjiang City, the basic transportation is very inconvenient. There is no subway, no bus, and taxis are rare. Ordinary people basically rely on their legs to travel, or buy an electric car instead. However, the charging cost of electric vehicles is also very expensive. What they can afford are businessmen with stable work and stable income, or small leaders of government agencies.

Qin Yu was a very stingy man, and he had to save money to achieve other goals, so he didn't buy an electric car. In addition to attendance, although the car in the group can be used, he has to bear the use cost himself, so he can only walk to the unit.

After walking for about five minutes, when Qin Yugang wanted to go to the store to see if there were electronic cigarettes to sell, two strong men came up to him, one left and one right.

Judging from the other party's posture and face, Qin Yu instinctively stepped back, pressed his right hand on his waist and pretended to pull out the gun, but in fact his gun was not on him.

"No harm, I'll talk to you." the leading man bowed his head and said.

Qin Yu was silent for a few seconds: "who are you?"

"You don't need to know me, just know it." the leading man lifted up his clothes and revealed the gun in his waist.

Qin Yu stood still with a cold face.

The leading man opened the gun insurance: "can you talk?"

Qin Yu thought about who he had offended when he got to Songjiang. Then he nodded and said, "let's go."


A few minutes later, in the alley.

Four middle-aged people stood on both sides of Qin Yu. An old man sat in an electric SUV and didn't come down.

Qin Yu looked at these people carefully and found that their clothes were very simple. They were all wearing thick fur coats and wool hats. Their cheeks looked dirty, as if they were all oil stains.

In this environment, Qin Yu was not afraid of the so-called big men who wore smooth clothes and spoke softly. He often showed a profound appearance, but he was afraid of these people who came from unknown sources and looked rustic. Qin Yu was a little nervous because the people in front of him reminded him of Panasonic, the fierce bandit killed a few days ago.

"You caught Ma Laoer and Damin?" the old man in the electric car asked with his coat wrapped around his shoulder.

Qin Yugang didn't choose to fight with each other, but obediently followed in. The biggest reason is that he has probably guessed that these people came for the case. Because he came to Songjiang to offend several people, the third is one, but the contradiction is far from the degree of shouting to fight and kill. If the other party comes because of the case, it's just for business and fishing, so Qin Yu doesn't think it's necessary for the other party to be hard with him.

Qin Yu hesitated, nodded and replied, "I caught it."

"My surname is ma. I'm the uncle of Ma's second son." the old man lowered his head, took out a flue-cured cigarette and lit it with a lighter.

Qin Yu blinked, and immediately his expression became ambiguous and low: "Hello, Hello, boss ma."

The old man turned and looked out of the car. His voice was hoarse: "little brother, have you just come to Songjiang?"

"Yes, I just came here and paid for this job." Qin Yu was very frank: "hehe, anyone in the division can lead me."

"You have something to do with it. You can be the team leader as soon as you come?" old man Ma took a cigarette.

"It doesn't matter." Qin Yu said with a bitter face, "I'm lucky. I came across a case and broke it easily. The director was happy to be promoted."

Old man Ma vomited smoke and said after a long silence, "little brother, you handle the case. Think of a way to sell me face and let the man go first."

"Ha ha, this..." Qin Yu smiled timidly: "this... It's hard for me to do!"

"I won't let you do it in vain."

When the voice fell, old man Ma waved to the strong man standing on Qin Yu's left, and the other party took out 20000 Yayuan in cash from his arms and handed it over: "take it."

"This... This is not very good." Qin Yu smiled and declined.

"No money, and son D," the strong man asked very succinctly, "which do you want?"

Qin Yu was very nervous with fine beads of sweat on his forehead. Because he has an intuition that if these people are unhappy, they will really die every minute.

"Little brother, you led the team to handle the case. If you raise your hand and draw some evidence, our family will be released?" old man Ma said with a smile. "In this age, there are people who talk about eating and drinking and survival, but I haven't heard anyone talk about principles. The police officer may not be able to do this job for long, but when the money is in hand, you can spend it whenever you want."

Qin Yu smelled the sound and touched the 20000 yuan in the strong man's hand. He replied with a greasy smile: "Sir, I say something heartfelt. I really want to take the money in my dreams. 20000 yuan is enough for me to buy a sheriff and marry several daughters-in-law, but... I do have difficulties."

The old man didn't reply.

"The leader of the division promoted me and asked me to solve the drug trafficking case by naming the Taoist surname." Qin Yu whispered: "If someone was arrested at that time and hasn't been taken back to the division, don't mention that you, Mr. Ma, gave me 20000 yuan, but I won't give me a cent. I'll certainly release the person after hearing your name. But now that the person has been taken back and the chain of evidence has been completed, I'll release the person suddenly. Isn't it against the leaders and give eye medicine to the division? Mr. Ma, I'm mixed up in the planning area It's been so many years that I finally have a safe meal to eat. I really can't offend the leaders... So I can't help with this... "

"Damn it, don't be shameful!"

The strong man on the right took out the Nepalese Army, swung his arm, ran to the back of Qin Yu's head and chopped it.

The wind broke and the knife cut very fast.