
The Crimson Shadows

Lysander was a badass Hunter, but a mission went really wrong and his whole team died. He was the only one who made it, and he felt super guilty about surviving when his friends didn't. But he was gravely injured and retired from being a Hunter. Then one day, some crazy stuff happened again just like that horrible mission. But this time, Lysander actually died. Wild, right? But he didn't stay dead! Instead, his spirit got moved into some random person's body. At first, Lysander was confused. But then he realized this new body came with a special system that gave him cool abilities. The downside? His new body was way weaker than his old Hunter one, and his emotions and personality started changing too. Lysander thought maybe this was a chance to finally live a normal, chill life. Little did he know, this system that jumped him into a new body was about to change everything for him and maybe the entire world. Spooky, huh? Lysander's life is about to get crazy all over again... ********

Darkstar116 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

The End?

"Cheemse!" Lysander roared with every ounce of strength left in him, and his loyal companion rushed towards him.

Then he mounted on Cheemse and rushed towards The Big Oops to clash for the last time.



Cheemse leaped over the towering form of The Big Oops.

Its elemental wolf body started to gather icy energy as it aimed to grip the beast with its freezing claws and fangs.

When Cheemse leaped over the Big Oops to grab it with its claws and fangs.


Lysander swung his sword in order to cut down the monster once and for all while it was distracted.

But when his sword descended, The Big Oops also lashed out its claw, which was swirling with threatening dark energy.


The two forces met with a deafening clang, the shockwave cracking the ground beneath them.


From the sheer force of the impact, cracks started to appear on Lysander's sword.

He grunted, straining against the might of the beast as it slowly overpowered him, sending him flying back like a broken kite while his sword shattered into pieces.

At that same moment, The Big Oops's other hand glowed with more dark runes, which was grabbing Cheemse's wide maw and holding it shut. Black tendrils snaked around the Primordial wolf's body as more ominous markings etched into its icy form.

Then, before Cheemse could resist-


The beast's swiping claw slashed its neck in one fluid motion.


Cheemse's head toppled from its shoulders, crashing to the ground and leaving the huge wolf body standing upright briefly before it too collapsed with a large thud.

Cheemse, which can reconstruct itself even after shattering into thousands of pieces, now lay lifeless on the ground as blood poured from its headless body.

Lysander's eyes were wide with terror and disbelief as he pushed himself to sit up, frozen and shaking from the impact. He couldn't process just what the hell happened, how Cheemse wasn't regenerating its head again.

Is Cheemse dead? Yeah! It's dead now.

Cheemse did have the ability to regenerate, but it wasn't truly immortal, which means there are still a few ways by which someone can kill it.

But The Big Oops had done the unthinkable—what The Big Oops did was imprison Cheemse's elemental affinity with its dark magic and then sever its head instantly—a true and pure cowardly act.

Cheemse didn't see it coming and was caught off-guard by this sudden binding. Before Cheemse could free itself, The Big Oops had already severed its head, thus killing it once and for all.

Lysander finally came back to his senses when he saw The Big Oops coming towards him with an amused smile on its face.

While coming slowly towards Lysander, The Big Oops opened its hideous mouth. "That nuisance is gone for good," it said with a chilling tone. "Now it's your turn."

After saying that, it accelerated suddenly, closing the distance in a blink as it raised a massive claw to strike.

Time seemed to slow down as the beast slashed its claw down, which was moving fast but appeared to move slower to Lysander, as these were the last moments of his life.

Lysander clenched his fist, which was holding the sword a few moments ago, but when he saw it, only half the handle of the shattered sword remained in his hand.

The star-shaped mark on his forehead shone brilliantly, as it was now completely filled.

Lysander squeezed his eyes shut and relaxed his body. A regretful look appeared on his face as the claws descended upon him.

He opened his mouth and said in a cracking tone, "So it is then, huh? That's how my life en-"


There was a strange, whooshing sensation.

After a few seconds, Lysander twitched his eyes and opened them in confusion.

After gazing around a bit, he blinked once and then again, trying to put all the pieces of his memory together, and then said-


"What? What is this place?" he said while glancing around at the endless- ?? that was surrounding him.

It looked like he had been sent into a vast, featureless expanse of white that stretched endlessly in every direction.

"Oh yeah, that monster killed me. So this must be the afterlife."

He then stood up and said, "It's strange. When it slashed me at the end there, I didn't feel anything at all. Not even the slightest bit of pain."

"I mean, I was hurt because of the injuries it gave me, but its final blow didn't hurt," he said, frowning while crossing his arms across his chest and looking around a little.

"Maybe because my spell was not over yet? Yes, that must be why."

A chill ran down his spine at the thought of what could have happened had The Big Oops not killed him first. "It's good it ended me before the spell's energy wore off; otherwise..." his body shuddered even thinking about the backlash of his last spell.

Then he started to move forward in the endless stream of white...? whatever it is.

"Is this supposed to be hell? Or heaven?" he said while gazing curiously around the endless stream of white, featureless expanse.

"I suppose it doesn't really matter either way. Nothing can be worse than facing that abomination again," he said, and continued to walking forward like a toddler on a sugar rush, completely forgetting he was supposed to be dead.

Finally, in the endless span of white -?? Lysander saw something flicker in the distance when he covered umpteenth miles, a blurry figure slowly taking shape.

Lysander's eyes widened when he saw it, and he felt excitement. Fear? Of seeing someone in the afterlife other than him.

After seeing the mysterious figure, he broke into a jog and then a complete sprint.

As the figure became visible to him, he skidded to a halt.

His jaw dropped when he stared at the figure in absolute shock and disbelief. He uttered his next words in a cracking tone:

"What the..."