

Later, Lenard, who was escorting by the guards, gets thrown into the cell where he belongs, there is also Rodriguez, who was reading a magazine, but when he saw his cellmate, he dropped the thing and got at him. One guard is opening up the cell, he threw Lenard there together with the other guard, but Rodriguez catches him before his face was about to meet the concrete. Guards are then locking up the cell, and says to Lenard.

"And be niece this time, or we will put there again. Bah! Ha! Ha! HA!"

"What they have done to you there?" asks Rodriguez looking scared at Lenard who is still shaking. "L-Leanrd, what have you done?"

"I have killed, Rodriguez."

"What?" asks shocked and backing up.

"The Mr. Boss forced me. That snake forced me to kill five people, only to not give me the promising reward, only to laugh in my face and threw me in the cage."

"That snake... He dares using a weak man like you, only to create a criminal and destroy his life." says Rodriguez looking in disgust at a guard who is in the center of the block looking around with an assault rifle in his hands. "And they are using these guards to inspire the fears into us."

"So... What am I going to do?"

"Stay calm." says Rodriguez to his agitated friend. "I have also killed people, and got here by doing illegal actions. I sold drugs, I have killed people and took a job with illegal documents. I truly deserve to be here. You, on the other side, you do not deserve to remain here."

"So you tell me this thing again?... How many times I have to hear this just to be feeling better?"

"Lenard... You wanted to know something?" says looking at his inmate, and he goes to the desk, and from there he takes a notebook, and he threw it into the bed of Lenard. "Look. I have connection from outside. The people from there I am working with they are wanting me to make this "Mr.Boss" be taken out of this position and close down this so-called "prison". I know, this sounds weird, telling all of this to you, after this long time, but the thing is, I was only acting alone, and you... You might be the man who will help me win this battle and put down the man."

Lenard is taking that notebook, he opens it, and proceed to read some notes on the different date. He is feeling impressed to see all the things he noted there. About the guards, doors, inmate roles into this prison, and the guard's behavior. Lenard is looking back at Rodriguez, and he asks him.

"Who are you?"

"Like I told you many times, boy." says Rodriguez with a smile. "People are calling me Ramirez and Rodriguez. One time I was a normal human, before some incidents happened with my family in Chicago, graduated from school, beat a man to death, made a British friend who stole my money and fled from America. I am a clean man now. I detoxify myself from these drugs and now. I am cured of the devil lettuce." he looks at Lenard who doesn't speak any word. "So. Surprised by what I am throwing at you?"


"Well." he pats his shoulder, take a good sleep man. He takes the notebook back, and he goes with the notebook back to his desk. "You have a snack on the pillow. I keep it for you for the time you will be getting back."

Lenard takes the food from there, it is a bag with pretzel, and he devours it in a fast speed. In just a matter of minutes, he eats half of them, and then, Rodriguez takes a bottle from the desk and threw it at the bed of Lenard, who is quickly opening and drinking from it in a fast rhythm. Then, he goes to sleep.


Lenard wakes in a dark room, there are five bodies there, hanged on ropes, those five bodies resembles the one of the people he killed in this prison. Lenard was able to see them thanks to a purple lights who are moving all around this place he is. He is backing away in fear, and before he would be screaming for help or any other thing, someone appears in front of him like magic.

"W-W-Who are you?"

Then, the person coming from that smoke, takes out a lighter, he puts a cigar on his mouth. While he was lighting the cigar, his whole body gets revealed and this made Lenard confused as Hell because the man there is resembling his appearance. That man is taking a huge smoke from the joint, and then he looks at Lenard confused.

"I am you, my friend. And you are me."

Then, Lenard wakes up, later, in the nighttime, sweating and breathing heavily. He looks around, and he sees Rodriguez is on his bed, sleeping and snoring. Lenard being too scared to go back to bed, decides to remain awake until the morning will come.