
We are starting a Riot - Part 2

Later, at the Cafeteria Room, Rodriguez leaves the place, after he took the main dish of today and eat it there. It was French fries, with only mustard, the worse combination you could eat these dishes. And to add the fact that this mustard was made from Extreme Mad Dog, whoever would eat that, is sure either crazy or likes to have his stomach melt and launch cannons at the bathrooms. While Rodriguez is walking to the hallway, he sees a guard, who is coming at him.

"You! Come to the Visiting Room!"

"Yeah?" asks Rodriguez who was not expecting that thing, and he still has a lot of things to do to make this plan for tomorrow when the Riot will begin.

He obeys the guard order, and he walks with him to the Visiting Room, but before he was able to do that, he had to go through an inspection. After the inspection, which was successful by the way, goes with him to the Visiting Room.

When he got there, Rodriguez goes to the table no. 5, where the person who is visiting is waiting for him. The person there it is someone he did not expect it to see it here. He is a tall man, with short hair, a beard and has a pair of sunglasses. The man took the phone which connects on the side of Rodriguez since this glasses that are between them are soundproof.

"Hey." says the man on the phone when Rodriguez picked up the phone. "Are you Ramirez?"

"Yes." responds Ramirez.

"Thirty four?"

"Thirty four."

"Alright." says the man looking around to see if nobody is watching at them, and he is saying the next sentence on a low voice tone. "I am Agent Sancho and also Lawyer. Carmen sent me here to discuss a way I can make your friend leave this place. And I think I have found some incriminatory evidence."

"Such as?"

"I found in your friend's apartment a few bottles of pills of forgetting memories. Memo Loss is the name of the drug. A new drug made in Asians to use it at politics war of to forget about the Coronavirus. Anyway, the pills there have been in the trash bin for a few days, probably the day before he was arrested. And I found something weird in his apartment."

"What else?"

"He ever mentioned you he has a lot of guns there? And most of them are not even on his name."

"What? On whose name are then?"

"You will probably not be going to believe it, but they were on the name of the Yakuza old boss who died a few years ago. We are talking about Hajima Itsubuan. And they were all hidden in a blocked apartment, right next door to his. Not even the landlord or other neighbors knew about this. But this, even if it seems like something who would not help much of Lenard, we have also found the mark of someone else in the room, and that someone else it a guy named Unghea Albert, after a long research I and some friends specialized in Criminality have conducted."

"Aha. Right now, I cannot talk with him about this case, since he is put in a Dark Cell."


"He did something wrong in this prison. But it was all made because of the man who is owning this prison."

"Wait. So you say he did crimes here, because he was threatening by a man who owns this place? and you mean the man called Trevor Inique?"


"Then." he smiles. "We have gathered enough evidence to make the man leave, but your friend might be a much more trouble with all of this process at the tribunal and other things. But we can manage to squeeze him out of this Prison. It will be long and intense, but we can still do it."

After a few more moments of talking about their plan for tomorrow, a guard comes at Ramirez, and he orders him to leave this place and head to his cell. He thanks the man for all the things he has done, leaves the room and heads with one guard back to his cell. While he is walking, Ramirez is already thinking about the next part of his grand scheme to put down the man who was shattering his poor cellmate life and the chances to leave early.

Back on his cell, Ramirez enters the cell while he was pushed by that guard, who then laughs and at the moment he was about to close the cell, Ramirez grabs the collar of that guard and with a smile he is telling him.

"You could've done this any other day, but you decided to do it today, and on this day, everything will change."

Ramirez garbs the man, he threw it into his bed, and he puts a pillow right on his face. He is pushing that pillow so hard, the man was trying his best to free himself, but to no avail, because of the strength Ramirez got all of these years here. While he was suffocating the poor guard who decided that today would've been a day he can bully the strongest person from North Block, he is looking angrily at that guard.

After a few seconds ,the guard dies due to suffocation, and Ramirez, takes out the pillow, to see the guard's cold face and cold body. He is looking at his back and thankfully, nobody is there. He immediately goes to his desk, he takes a trash bag from there, who can hold even one hundred kilograms of trash. Not the biggest, but enough to hold a dead man body (he got that thanks to Yuki when he was still selling the stuff to inmates, and not killed by a guard in brutality) and hide it somewhere it can be seen. He puts the man body in that bag, then he is finding under the bunk bed, and later, when Agent Jeremy will come to his cell to take the trash, they will commence the second operation: Taking down the four guards who are protecting Mr. Boss office every day.