
Tim against Rodriguez and Lenard

On the football field, Rodriguez and with Lenard are coming, right at the right time when the teams were about to be made. When these two got to the field, a blonde inmate, who is probably the leader of a football team, is looking at Rodriguez, and he says in a loud voice.

"Rodriguez is in our team!"

"Oh fuck." says another guy who has a few weak players in terms of physical.

"And we also get Lenard." says the same blonde inmate who apparently is the leader and has another place for a player because these games will be played by six teams, each having at least five players.

Lenard is going to the team he got with Rodriguez, and he is greeted with smiles since they knew they do not have good keeper on their team, but now they are having a good one because Lenard it is a good goalkeeper at football. With Lenard and Rodriguez on their side, this team would be hard be beaten, but when they saw Tim going into another team, which it will be a hard factor to be beaten since Tim is described by some inmates who are football fanatic as a great defense.

All the teams formatted are heading to a bench, where an inmate, which will be the referee, is deciding the order of football matches.

"We will be playing a game where winner will play with the other teams until he gets defeated. I think most of you here are familiar with this type of game, so I will be not explaining the rules. The first match will be between Team Greg and Team Figaro! Time limit would be five minutes! First team to score two goals win! If a team hasn't score we will go to penalties! Now Team Greg and Figaro occupy your formation!"

Ten players are walking to the football field. Team Figaro is composed of four white men and one black man. Team Greg has Tim and four inmates with origin of south Americans. Tim is going to the defensive position as everyone from the field and outside expected. Rodriguez and with Lenard are on the Robert Team ( the captain name ), and as the referee said, they are next and going to fight against the winning team.

After four minutes, the winning team it is Team Figaro since they managed to score two goals almost at the final minute. This team is going to face Team Robert who is looking much more difficult than the previous team they face it, but they are hopeful in Tim who is a solid guy and able to defend properly. Team Robert is taking the side that Team Greg had it into their first four minutes.

Lenard is going to the post position, while the other four members are on the field, only one on the defend zone, and three on the attacking zone, and there is Rodriguez, on the attacking zone. The referee sees that Rodriguez and with a player from enemy team are ready to start, so he declares the Team Figaro to start the kick-off.

The match starts, and the enemy team is attacking furiously, but before they were about to score, Rodriguez comes and took the ball and dribble on those three attackers who were attacking on force, he then passes to someone from his team after he encountered Tim. Then, the man he passed at, shoots the ball at the post, but it is easily blocked by the goalkeeper.

The next attack that comes at Lenard was difficult, but he managed to block the ball from entering the post by catching it and threw it as soon as possible to an attacker from his team. That attacker manages to run with the ball as fast as he can, and he fooled the goalkeeper and Tim that he will be shooting, instead he passes to Rodriguez which is on the other side and at the first moment he got the ball, he does a clean shoot which the goalkeeper wasn't able to catch it or blocking. He goes into the post, and score it is 1 - 0 to Team Greg.

The enemy team starts the kick-off, and they are advancing fast as usual. One of them shoots from a close distance, and Lenard manages to kick the ball and send it to the post of the other team, the goalkeeper wasn't careful at the ball, and he goes through the net. The referee uses his whistle to declare the score it is now 2- 0 for Team Greg. And Team Figaro leaves the area. All the teams and spectators were shocked as Lenard who has done that amazing goal from such a far distance.

Off the field, the Figaro Team are saying bad words to the goalkeeper, and they proceed to push him around, and then one of them, the leader of the team, applies a punch to the man face and ruins his face. After that, they leave the area angry, besides the goalkeeper remaining there, and head back to the prison.


After a few more minutes, Team Greg are leaving the area after they fought three teams, but they lose on the penalties thanks to one of their attackers who wasn't able to shoot at the post and shoot in the air. But they are taking this break because they needed one, after the tough rounds they had to the other teams. The rest of the teams are staying on the benches and are looking at the next match. Rodriguez and Lenard are on the left side of the bench, and they are talking in a low volume to each other.

"Are you alright?" says Rodriguez to Lenard.

"Yes." says Lenard honestly. "You?"

"Yeah. Hey, um. Good game. You catched those balls pretty good."

"Thanks, your attacking was also good. And fast reaction to take the balls from the enemy."

"Have you ever played football this good at your country?" says Rodriguez trying to light up the mood and discuss more.

"Yes. I was one of the best goalkeepers from my country at my high school. My school won a lot of titles while I was there."

"Why weren't you so focused on the football and became a good player?"

"It is because of corruption in my country, and I play football most of the time on my free time."

"I understand." says Rodriguez to Lenard, and they continue to look at the game of the two teams who are playing in a questionable manner, the one that make you wonder: "Are these teams good or bad?"

After a while, the sirens sounds which indicates the inmates should head to the Cafeteria to get their meals while they are still hot and prepared. Lenard and Rodriguez are going there, together with Tim who is tagging along them.