
Rodriguez need a hand

The night has come into Sapphire Prison. And like in every night on this bad prison, inmates are leaving their cells to go to Cafeteria and eat their dinner which is much worse than lunch. On this dinner menu it is expired chicken with expired fruit yogurt, a deadly combination which would result in an explosive diarrhea, vomit in the middle of the night or other disease which would need operation, but these operations would be hard here because this prison doesn't afford anesthesia.

Rodriguez and his friend, Lenard, are staying at the dinner table, they eat their food and looks at the fight between two inmates who are fighting for one chicken nugget. Rodriguez whispers to Lenard.

" I bet ten cents the guy with a dragon tattoo on the neck is winning."

" Deal." responds Lenard, looking at those two guys fighting.

Those two guys shakes their hands, Rodriguez and Lenard, to make their bet be official. Looks like Rodriguez and Lenard have become the best friends from a single day here on prison. Things sure change in a prison, especially in a corrupt one, which is in the arms of America. "At least it is not in the arms of North Korea", said one guard in his first day when he meets the rules of this place, and it is also true.

Pablo and Tuscan, those two prisoners who are fighting for that chicken nuggets, have their fight broke by three guards, who jumped with their nightsticks and proceed to beat them until they bleed and get knocked out. This didn't surprise the other prisoners because almost everybody who start a fight will either be beaten by the guards or... by the other fighter before guards were about to show up.

"Looks like we both lost." says Lenard to Rodriguez, who is drinking from his cup of water.

"Yes. Hey, boy! Could you do me a small favor?" says Rodriguez to Lenard.

"Sure. What is it?"

"It is easy. Go and give me a bottle of Coca-Cola from the seller, Larry. You know where it is? Right?"

"I am here for only a day, man."

"Go on North Block. Cell 12."

"Got it."

"Here. Fifty cents." says Rodriguez, handing fifty cents to Lenard. "That's the price of a bottle of Coca-Cola from Larry."

Lenard takes those fifty cents, and he heads to the North Block. To arrive there, he has to leave the Cafeteria, takes the Main Hall and heads into the North Block. Then he arrived at the North Block, and then he has to go to the Cell 12.

This prison allows inmates circulating from a block to another, but they have a time limit. At eight o'clock to twenty o'clock it is the time limit, and if a person break this rule, they are going to either get locked in an underground cell for an entire day, or worse, has to clean the entire block only using a toothbrush.


A few moments later, Lenard arrives at Larry's Cell and there, he asks the guy who is occupying with the sales, and also the ones named Larry. His cell it is like a small store from Romania, full of different kind of supplies, and also with a bed to sleep. Sure, some stores in Romania do not have that kind of luxury. I mean, having a bed at the "work" it is really comfortable and amazing. The cashier looks curios at Lenard, like every cashier who meets a new guy entering his store, but in this case, it is cell.

"One bottle of Coca-Cola, please." says Leanrd while he puts those fifty cents on the counter.

"Alright." says Larry going turning on his left, takes from a shelves one bottle of Coca-Cola, he hands to Lenard, and he takes the change. "Say it. You are new here?"

"Yes. Lenard is my name."

"Nice to meet you." says Larry without a joy in his voice. "Judging from your uniform, you are not from this cell."

"Indeed. I am from South Block."

"South Block... Is Rodriguez still there?"

"Yes. I am his cellmate."

"So the rumors are true. Anyway, bye and good luck."

"Thank you." says Leanrd leaving Larry's Market and is heading to the Cafeteria where is Rodriguez staying to eat his lunch and waits for his Coca-Cola bottle.


Leanrd arrives a few minutes later back to the Cafeteria, but when he got there, three inmates, who were wearing green uniforms, have stopped him. They are looking angrily at him, which made Lenard felt uneasy. But thankfully, they quickly scattered after Rodriguez got at a guy back, and he punched him right into the liver, who made him fall unconscious. Those two prisoners runs form Rodriguez and apologize for trying to attack him.

"Are you okay?" asks Rodriguez. "Anyway, thanks for the Coca-cola. I was beginning to feel thirsty.". He takes the bottle from, Lenard, after he handed to him because Rodriguez it is not a brute like the other. "You did a good job. Here. Three cents."

He hands three cents to Lenard. As a reward for doing that small task. A very small price but here in the prison, it is a generous price since the economy here it is entirely different form the outside world. Leanrd takes the money, he thanks Rodriguez for this, they both heads back to their cells to sleep on this night. Leanrd is staring to feel a little nervous about this prison, but he starts to adapt quickly here, even though this is his first time in a prison.