
Invisible attack - Part 2

Rodriguez is the one taking the lead into the ventilators. Then it is Lenard, who is at the back of Rodriguez. Both of them are crawling into the vents while they are trying to not makes as much loud sound as possible before a few guards would hear them out. Rodriguez is suddenly stopping after he got to three meters, and he tells Lenard.

"Wait... There it is." he points on a small part where he can see guards walking on the hallways. "Two of them." he hears their footsteps in the hallway. "Move quietly."

"Understand." says Lenard to Rodriguez while he slowly follows in crawling style to the man is cellmate.

While they were silently crawling through the vents, they hear one gunshot coming from the hall. Both of them have almost shit their pants, but it turns out it wasn't them who provoke the gun shot, it was a rookie guard who forgot to turn off the safe lock to his handgun and he shot himself. The guards were laughing at him, but these two were not laughing, we're thankfully that the poor guy "helped" them to crawl into these vents.

About six minutes later of crawling, Lenard and Rodriguez managed to got in the Room they are supposed to be. Then, one guard jumps from his chair, with a knife to Rodriguez and Lenard, but he didn't expect the big man to take out his gun and shoot him into the head. The guard corpse feel with his face on the floor. This would've hurt a lot if he was still alive.

"One down." says Rodriguez to Lenard. "Come." he takes the guy to the feet. "Help me put him into a lock."

"Sure." says Lenard, helping his cellmate to move a guard body into an empty lock not far from this room. "Um... Where are the rest?"

"Probably patrolling." says Rodriguez. "Now, we got to make sure nobody is coming here and leave alive. We will hide into shadows."

Rodriguez runs into a dark corner of this room, and Lenard is following Rodriguez advice, and he hides under a bench who is used for guards to either sit or sleep if the couches are already occupied. While they are waiting for a target, they heard an alarm sounding off.

"Ah, jeez." says Lenard.

"Probably a runner." says Rodriguez tried to calm Lenard, and in a few seconds they heard the door opens and a few mouths speaking. "Shhh."

Lenard has only approved by moving his head. He takes out his pistol, and he waits for the moment when a guard will come into this room. And this moment will come. After a few seconds, two guards are showing up, looking drunk as Hell and barely walking on their two feet's. He is aiming to a guy head. Rodriguez is aiming another guy head, these two are shooting at almost the same time. The bullets hit these two guards and made them fall down. But, before they were about to breath, a cop shows up again, and this one was quickly taken out before he was about to announce the dead bodies to his colleagues. Rodriguez did this shot.

"What the fuck!" says a guard who was outside, and he saw his colleague fallen on the floor. "Richard! Are you fine-" he got killed by Lenard who fired a shot to the man leg, then by Rodriguez who shot the man throat. He falls on the ground, and stops breathing.

"Quick." say Rodriguez getting out from his hideout. "To the room before it is too late."

"Alright." says Lenard getting out from his hideout, and running with Rodriguez to the room.

When they've got there, they see one single guard is aiming a shotgun at them, and this made Rodriguez and Lenard to rise their hands.

"Gotcha, motherfuckers!" says the guard, who'se a fat bastard with a Freddy Mercury mustache style. "Now. You either get killed now or became arrested for life. Your fucking choice!"

"We surrender." says Rodriguez.

"Good call." says the guard who is going slowly to those two inmates to handcuff them, but as soon as he dropped the shotgun to lock Rodriguez, Lenard was quick and used his gun and shot the guard into the head. This made the guard die immediately and falling on the floor.

"So close." says Rodriguez, taking a breath of relief, and breathing heavily. "You've almost got me there."

"Sorry about that. I am still not used to carry a gun."

"What are you talking about? You managed to kill two people." the alarm proceeds to go off, and these two proceed to look at the bodies to see if they got the good people.

After a short check, the team realized they only got three members from the pictures, the others were regular guards. But this hasn't made Lenard feeling a little sympathy toward them because if they were still alive, they would most likely be dead in the morning. But before they would be able to leave, Lenard sees a security camera, and he shut it off by suing his handgun. After the camera got broken, he crawled with Rodriguez into the vents to their Block to tell the King their report.