
Good friends - Part 1

A few moments later, Tim, Rodriguez and Lenard enters the Cafeteria, to their surprise, nobody is there, and this makes both of them happy because they will have time to select the best and hot dishes the Cafeteria is offering to them. They go, and took a few plates, then heads to the desk of the cookers who are putting at them hot beans soup, and a few slices of salami. They are looking at the meal like it is treasure, but for some people outside, they would consider this a joke.

Rodriguez and Lenard, and also with Tim are walking to a table, where is Abou sitting, all by himself. Rodriguez and Lenard are sitting on the same side, and Tim is sitting on the Abou side. This surprised Abou because he did not expect them to join at his table. And yeah, there has been days since they were talking. Well, that is in the case of Lenard who was used by Mr. boss to kill some criminals who were a bigger threat than him or anyone at that table.

"Hey, Lenard." says Abou to Lenard. "How was on that cell?"

"Darkness." says Lenard trying to remember what happened there, and he barely can recount the events happened there. "And a lot of rats there. I also had to eat them in order to survive."

"Jeez." says Tim to Lenard. "You had it worse than us." says Tim while he is looking at Abou, and he shakes his head in approval because these two men's were beaten to a pulp of a few guards by the order of Mr. Boss.

"The game was great." says Lenard eating the beans.

"Agreed." says Tim to Lenard.

"It was amazing how far we played." says Rodriguez to the people.

"So. Are you going to try and run from here?" drops Abou the bomb at the table.

"Nah." says Tim. "I'll be thinking to stay longer. They might be free to me earlier because of good behavior and work at their workshops and mails."

"I am going to accept my punishment." talks Lenard after he took a large spoon of beans. "After all, I have been put in that cell."

"Yeah. What was even the deal about it?" asks Tim at the table.

"Are the rumors true that Mr. Boss used you to do to kill five men?" asks Abou at Lenard, which he only replays by shaking his head.

"Those five people weren't exactly executed by me... I have a second personality. And is probably the one who brought me here."

"Ah, hell." says Abou surprised to hear this. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you suffer from such harsh disease."

Everyone is looking at Abou, curious about the thing he said earlier. Then, Abou proceed to explain to those four people that he killed a man with multiple personalities one time, and he did that because one of his personalities was suicidal, and the other was always trying to stop him. He also explains to the inmate how he killed the man, he only injected in him a poison on his forehead, right at a vain. He died while one personality said "Thanks", and then the other cursed him.

This made the gang feel really breathtaking by his man gesture. This made Lenard thinking, about his personality, what if it was a suicidal one instead of a violent personality expert in the art of killing and beating.

The gang of four people are eating their beans and do some little chit-chat. Tim told them about a woman from this Prison who sells nude pictures of her for three cents. This made Abou curios, and he asks Tim some questions about her. Rodriguez is telling the people from this table how he put a pistol into a guard ass checks. The story he told them he made them almost vomiting by thinking the image Rodriguez was describing there.

After a few minutes, they finished their meals and were about to head outside, but a guard stops Lenard and Abou, he tells them to head to the Workshop rooms to repair some things who need to be repaired. Lenard and with Abou are going there, while Tim and Rodriguez tells them "They will be seeing later" after they finish their tasks there.


Lenard and Abou are walking to the hallways who are connecting to a few rooms where inmates are working in order to achieve a slighter punishment and get a few hours or days cut from their punishment. Abou and with Lenard enters the Workshop, there they see three inmates from East Block who are working at a bed to fix it. A guard comes at these two, and he tells them while he was spitting.

"Go and clean table number five and from their repair three buckets. I don't know how do you repair it, I want them fixed, alright?! If you do not fix them, you will be getting a few police baston on your ass or on your back side of the balls. Understand?!"

"Yes, sir. Yes!" says those two inmates at the guard and head to the table five, and there they see five buckets there.

Lenard and with Abou are working at one bucket per. time since there are three there. The first one has a problem while he was held by the bucket handle. Abou fixes that handle by just changing the handle with one in the small cabinets at the table. After that, they are fixing another bucket, and this one had a problem at the bottom, a few holes. Lenard is fixing that one bucket, while Abou is dealing with a bucket with no bottom. Lenard uses an iron piece and melting machine to fixes these big holes. It took a while, but when he finished it, the guard comes to them, they inspect their work, and he says to them, in respect.

"Nice work! You clean here and can head to your cells. Understand?"

"Yes, sir! Yes!" yells those two people at the guard who is making him feel happy.