
Capturing Greg Guard - Part 4

First phase is over, now they have to commence phase two, and this will be of the hardest phase because they need a way to help them carry this man to their King's without being noticed. The secret passage it is too tight for both of them to go there, and going by the hallway may attract attention of the security cameras. Lenard, Rodriguez and Yuki doesn't have any idea how they can send this man body into the north Block.

They entered the man body in the armory room thanks to the card he has it. After they entered the Armory room, Yuki closes the door before he was the last one entering the room while Lenard and Rodriguez were carrying the man body into this room. There are a lot of weapons which would help them to start a big escape from this Hell, but their mission it is to take this guard to the King room.

"Boys!" says Rodriguez to these two, looking at a locked door in this room, and not the one they used it to enter this room. "What do you think this door is leading to?"

"I don't know." says Lenard, going closer to the door and sees it has a keyboard with twenty-six letters, and a password by nine letters. "But it is probably much more dangerous than the surrounding things."

"Guys!" says Yuri seeing a door unlocked, he checks the door going closer and sees is leading to the showers. "Did this room was always connected to the East Block Showers?"

"What?" asks Rodriguez checking to see if Yuki is saying the truth, and an after a moment of checking, he looked at both of those two prisoners. "And this shower room it is connected it to a few halls with nonfunctional security cameras. This might be our only chance to escape without being detected... by guards."

"We can take one?" asks Yuki showing a handgun to Rodriguez.

"Put that thing down, Yuki. We will come later to take this big loot. If the King order us this thing."

"Okay." says Yuki feeling sad that he cannot take a gun with him from this room, he puts it back, and it helps Rodriguez carrying Greg into the bathroom.

"How can a room be connected to the bathrooms without being seen by anyone?" asks Lenard, leaving the last from the Armory room. He closes the door, and he observes that the door he camouflaged perfectly with the walls. "That is why." says Lenard to himself, he is going to help these two prisoners are carrying the man into their King lair.


They do successfully leave the bathroom, but when they did get into the hallway, three guards have seen the man's there, carrying the body of Greg.

"You there!" says a guard coming at them with a teaser. "You three are going to Hell for thi-WAAAAGH!" he got knocked out by a prisoner who stabbed the man back with a fork, and the other were put down by Rodriguez, who applies a hard fist into a guard, and the other guard got knocked down by formidable Yuki martial arts style.

Rodriguez and Lenard are taking the body, while the guy who helped them to stab the guy with a teaser, who is Abou, is taking the teaser and is passing to Yuki, and he tells them before he leaves this scene.

"Remember this gesture, or else there will be problems. Bye!"

These three prisoners continue to carry the guard, ignoring the security cameras who are broken for such a long time, due to a group of gangs who stole a bunch of rocks from outside and use it to break the cameras, and it worked. These guards didn't even care to change these cameras because these allowed them to apply much more brutality towards the prisoners.


A few moments later, and a few prisoners helping them to escape from the guards, mostly those from North Block. All of those who helped them deliver the guard to the North Block, knows about the King orders, and they have decided to risk their lives in order to fulfill this task.

On the King's lair from the North Block, Rodriguez, Lenard and Yuki are putting the guard down on the floor and let him there, in the middle of the room, while the other prisoners have gathered into this cell to witness this scene it will be about to happen.

When the guard wakes up from his sleep, he got the biggest surprise from his life, but before he could be a bout to say something, North Block King is aiming his handgun to the Guard head, and he asks him a simple question which involves death and life.

"What is the passcode to the secret door?"

"And if I don't tell you?" asks Greg Guard with a smile on his face, then, North Block is aiming his gun on the left leg of the Guard, he shoots on it, and it made the guard screams. "SON OF A BITCH! AAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHH!"

Then, the King is aiming his gun to the head of Greg, and he asks him the same question again, but this time it responded.


"...And?" asks Rodriguez. "There should 5 more."

"Fuckers!" says Greg to the Rodriguez, who remembered that the password of the secret door needs nine letters to be unlocked. "Fine... B-U-T-T-A."

"So it is T-Y-U-I-B-U-T-T-A?"

"Yes..." says the Guard with his last words before he got shot in the head by the King, and it made everyone surprised and shocked by this. "That guy was lying and deceive us."

"How do you know that?" asks a random prisoner.

"Nobody would be able to give the access to the secret door to freedom this easily. He was probably bluffing that he knows the code to buy time to escape. Lenard and Rodriguez. Would you carry this man into the First Boiler Room?"

"Yes, sir." says Rodriguez and Lenard, who proceed to carry the body of the dead guard into the boiler room.