
The Creators adventure in remnant

The Creator of everything going on adventure for entertainment and fun follow Elijah and company as he goes through the land of remnant warning I don't own anything besides OCs also I'm a new writer and probably am very bad at it but I want to give it a try he will be extremely op cover image is not mine comment and ill take it down

Max_Craft · ファンタジー
12 Chs

ch 6 Training

After talking with Tai about training Yang and Ruby. he let me stay on the couch until he cleans out the spare room. I said it was fine. thinking to myself it's not the worst thing I have slept on.

while Elijah was laying on the couch he was thinking over designs of his new weapon he was going to have he started to draw up some schematics he heard some light footsteps coming down the stairs but paid them no mind.

As Ruby is coming down the stairs she noticed the living room lights on curious. she walks over an sees Elijah drawing weapons and parts she starts to walk over to wanting to help.

"Hey Elijah what are you doing?" wanting to facepalm herself because its obvious what he's doing "I-I MEAN what's the schematic for?" god why is it so hard to talk with him now wanting to cry.

"oh hey Ruby its for my weapon. I'm planning to make it tomorrow after training you and Yang. I'm still thinking on what to do for a long range option." Elijah greets her ignoring her embarrassed look.

"what do mean by training?" she asked

"Your dad wants me to train you and Yang before I go to beacon in a couple of weeks." he replied

"Oh." she said looking sad

"run some of you ideas by me I might not look like it but I'm not a slouch went it come to designing weapons." puffing out her small chest trying to forget that he be leaving in a couple weeks.

"sure." he said while patting her head they keep talking with each other about weapons and other stuff completely forgetting about time. until Elijah points out that its two in the morning and she has to get up in the morning for training not really wanting to stop talking with her himself but figured that it'll be better for the training. not knowing that Tai was watching them with little smile as he headed back up stairs.

after Ruby heads back up stairs Elijah lays down and thinks "a scythe bow combo this should be fun haven't used a bow for a while. need to get up at eight and fix breakfast". After that he goes to sleep only to get woke up to Ruby shakings him telling him that breakfast is done.

"what time is it" he asks

"Its nine" she replies

"damn it I over sleep again" he complains

"anyway what is for breakfast?" he as asked on their way to the kitchen.

"eggs and pancakes and cookies!" she gets excited at the cookie part.

as they are eating Tai explains to Yang and Ruby that Elijah will be training them until he leave to beacon with Yang. Yang looks like she was going to say something and remembers she lost badly. so doesn't say anything. and continues eating with a spark in her I to surpass Elijah.

"ok I want you two to come at me with everything you got if you can make me move from my spot you all pass no more training I will only use my left hand if you fail to make me use my right hand you will be going thought a more intents exercise. get ready go." he said with a smile

Yang rushes at him and Ruby starts to flank to shoot at him

Yang meets him with a uppercut but he dodges it and pokes her at her weakspot trying to make her close them all while Ruby is shooting at him.

"hey Yang why aren't you blocking or dodging if i was a enemy you would of been dead from the first blow." he asks

"my semblance lets me store and enemy's hit and makes me hit harder."

"oh let me tell you something then you should never tank a hit on purpose it'll get you killed just like this." he says

we see him launch a punch from a tricky angle and hit her right in the in the stomach making her spill her breakfast and pass out he is thinking "that's some thing we are going to have to work on."

as he is thinking he is shot by Ruby he looks back at her and says. "looks like its just me and you."

ruby keeps on shooting at him while he keeps dodging. finally he gets tired of getting shot at and ruby has run out of ammo and starts charging at him she swings at his head. but his dodges it and grabs the handle and takes it from her. she looks looks completely lost and try's to throw a punch but even a kid might be able to throw on better than her he sighs and says "Ruby you rely on your weapon to much and neglected your hand to hand so we will work on it. we will end it there, we will continue after Yang wakes up so go rest.