
The Creators adventure in remnant

The Creator of everything going on adventure for entertainment and fun follow Elijah and company as he goes through the land of remnant warning I don't own anything besides OCs also I'm a new writer and probably am very bad at it but I want to give it a try he will be extremely op cover image is not mine comment and ill take it down

Max_Craft · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Ch 5 Spar and training

As Yang and Ruby sit down at the table. they can smell the food coming from the kitchen and can't help but drool a little. then Elijah walks out with there plates and sets them in front of them. they look cant help but think "alright at cooking" my ass then the rest of us are shit, maybe it looks good but taste like shit. In an unknown universe a blonde midget sneezes and says some one understands.

Ruby is the first one to eat and takes a bit and stop stiff. Tai and Yang are worried and look at Elijah he is just eating away. then they here furious munching and true to se Ruby as if she is posseted by something wolfing down the stake and going for another one with gusto. they try and have the same reaction as Ruby. as this went on al but one was gone all three reached for it only for it to be taken last moment they look at Elijah as if he just killed there pet. when he puts it on his plate and finishes eating it. he looks up to see what the commotion is he starts to sweat because they are looking at him ready to murder him.

"So how was dinner?" he asks they look happy and then remembers he ate the last one and go back to glaring with even more intensity

"um Yang you want to have the spar now?" he asks trying to stop them looking at him like that it works for the most part Tai looks kind of worried still Yang looks exited and Ruby looks mad at him and pouts and says to her sister "TAKE HIM DOWN YANG!!!!" completely oblivious to what happened looks like he has taken damage and starts to sulk in the corner drawling circles mumbling "why she mad now?"

Tai looks shocked that THE CREATOR is sulking in his house Yang jumps up and starts to drag him out still mumbling, outside Tai whispers to Elijah "Ruby said she forgive you if you win and cook her cookies for her."

Elijah has a fire in his eyes now and gets ready Tai and Yang feel as if somethings wrong




Yang starts to rush at Elijah until he disappears like a ghost and appears right behind her and does a perfect German suplex, as this is going on Yang knows she has done fucked up now. after that Elijah sprints back inside to start cooking cookies leaving a confused Ruby and Tai and out cold Yang

As the gears start to churn in there head they rush to see if she is ok? when they get there they see a little sprit form of Yang leave her. They scream an start to try an grab it until its grabbed like a stress ball and shoved back in.

"Umm dad what did you say to him before the fig- *looks back at Yang* massacre?" "Well you looked mad at him so I said if he wins and bakes you cookies until beacon you'll forgive him." coughing and looks away. Ruby Sighs and heads in to talk to Elijah while Tai grabs Yang and takes her to her room and joins them.

While they are in the kitchen Ruby decides to start "You know I wasn't actually mad at you right?"

Elijah shows a cheeky smile and says "Oh I know but it was just to funny to see you like that so how could I not do that to you" finishes with a laugh at the now crimson Ruby as she runs away in a bunch of rose petals

Tai sighs and ask something "Hey Elijah could you train Ruby and Yang while you are here."

"Ya sure I could do that its not hard." turns around with and looks at him and says "in exchange *lights go out* I WANT YOU SOUL!!!" Tai turns pale then Elijah starts laughing his ass off and says.

"You guys are to easy I might not even need to go to beacon at this rate but ya I can do that."

AN beyond this point

This is more of a slice of life chapter to build up the relationship between them. do you guys what me to speed this up or do a couple more I'm am personally have fun with this but want to get to beacon to get the rest I plan on it only being the four mains namely Blake Yang Ruby and Weiss mainly because if you want to have a Pokémon adventure read a different book I personally don't like them. tell me what you think by the way this thing started be because i thought it would be fun but I want it to be decent at least

Thank you for coming to my TED talk