
The Creation of Life

"Galactic Reverie" weaves a thrilling narrative set in a universe teeming with wonders and dangers. With the birth of Sam Brittle, a family's unconventional choice sparks a chain of events that leads humanity to the brink of war and new discovery.

KnightNightJ · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 2 How it begins

In another dark space, far removed from the one that had cradled Sam Brittle's fading existence, a solitary spark ignited. It flickered tentatively, a minuscule beacon in the profound obscurity.

A mysterious mechanical voice resonated within this abyss; its tones devoid of human emotion. It announced, "System online."

[Initiating Creation Protocol]

The blinking light continued to cast its feeble glow.

[Creating New Universe]

[Creating Planes]

As if responding to some cosmic command, the spark intensified, radiating a luminescent brilliance that gradually spread, forming ethereal threads of light. These threads wove together, gradually taking shape and substance.

[Genesis of Existence]

Within the nascent luminescence, stars ignited, and galaxies swirled into being. Boundless nebulas birthed celestial bodies, each spinning in cosmic harmony. Time and space wove a tapestry of existence itself, crafting the fabric of an entirely new universe.

[Planar Conception]

As the light's radiance extended, it fractured into myriad strands, each branching off into distinct planes of existence. These planes were realms of reality, each with its own unique laws, landscapes, and inhabitants. Some were lush with life, while others were desolate and bleak. The universe's blueprint was taking form, a realm of infinite possibilities.

[Order and Chaos]

In some planes, order prevailed, where laws governed the behavior of matter and energy. In others, chaos reigned, where reality shifted with whimsy, and the boundaries of possibility knew no bounds. This tapestry of contrasting planes was a testament to the diversity of the universe being forged.

[Life Awakens]

Amidst this cosmic symphony, life stirred. On some worlds, simple organisms arose, while on others, sentient beings emerged, gifted with consciousness and the capacity to shape their destinies. The universe was breathing, evolving, and becoming more complex with each passing moment.

[The Saga Unfolds]

As the mechanical voice fell silent, the universe continued to expand, teeming with untold adventures and mysteries. It was a canvas upon which countless stories would be written, and within its depths lay the potential for both wonder and peril.

After a while of silence again the mysterious voice sounded.

[Reincarnation System Activated]

[Scanning Soul]

[Soul Scan Complete]

[Assigning Special Ability to the Soul]

[Ability Name: Creation]

[Assigning Reincarnation System to the soul.]

[Ready for Reincarnation in 3...2....1]


_____Year 2030_____

In the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, in the human race's primary solar system, on the planet named "Earth," a new day dawned for human civilization. It was a day of great significance, for it marked the launch of the first spacecraft crafted by humanity, a vessel they named "Hope."

In the heart of a bustling spaceport, surrounded by a throng of onlookers and scientists in white lab coats, a massive rocket stood tall, its gleaming hull adorned with the emblem of Earth. The world watched with bated breath as the countdown commenced.

"10... 9... 8...," echoed the voice of mission control over the loudspeakers.

As the countdown progressed, a sense of anticipation hung thick in the air, and the eyes of the world turned skyward.

"3... 2... 1... Lift-off!"

With a thunderous roar, the spacecraft named "Hope" erupted from the launchpad, piercing the heavens with a trail of fire and smoke. It was a moment of triumph for humanity, as they dared to venture beyond their home planet in search of new horizons.

Meanwhile, on Earth's surface, in a quiet suburban army base, a group of people were celebrating the successful launch of "Hope." A man in white coat popped a bottle of sham pane. This man named James Brittle. He is an individual, known for his dedication to his work as a scientist and his quiet, thoughtful demeanor. James had always felt a profound sense of wonder and fascination with the stars. His life's work had been dedicated to the exploration of space. Finally, today with the launch of hope his dream has come true. Currently a woman in military uniform stands beside James Brittle. Her name is Commander Shepard, a brilliant and charismatic woman, had been James's partner during the past few years while he worked on Hope. Shepard joined the team from the side of the government to help James as this project required many resources. Later, both fell in love, and the years of adventure made them stronger together.

_____Year 2032______

Humanity has now created the International Space Force (ISF). The ISF has two wings. The research wing was led by James Brittle and the armed forces wing was led by Commander Shepard. The reason behind the creation of ISF was to maintain neutrality. For this reason, the ISF does not report to any one country and can be called its own entity.

______Year 2034______

With the help of "Hope" and the efforts of ISF humanity was able to start living on the moon and the other planets on their solar system. Furthermore, James Brittle and Commander Shepperd got married.

______Year 2035_____

Shepperd Brittle gave birth to her son Sam Brittle. Furthermore, ISF has announced its plans to send ships to other solar systems and galaxy.

_____Year 2036______

ISF lost communication with one of its fleets sent to investigate a new solar system.

______Year 2037______

First contact with the enemy.