

Mr Greystone walked straight up to the creepy guy with an intimidating aura and concerned him like a predator to its prey. The air in the room changed. I could feel the tension grow thick until I wondered if it was alright to breath.

"Alexandaer Eaton. Why am I not surprised to find you here?" Mr Greystone said calmly. He looked up at the ceiling then let out a sadistic laughter. His laughter sounded so rich and deep it would have been more sexy than scary if he was some anime character. It echoed in the dimly lit room. I literally felt goosebumps all over my body.

"You really shouldn't have done as she said." He chuckled as he looked down at the creepy guy. "What exactly did she promise you to do something so reckless?" he asked as literally bent to be on equal height with the creepy guy.