
The Crazy Angel

Follow the story of Alejandro Hernandez, a teenager blessed with a supernatural mind.

Chris_Rojas · アクション
14 Chs

Chapter 1: Long battle along with planning and execution

Alejandro Hernandez is a 17 year old teenager, he comes from Mexico and lives in Malaysia. He has a sweet face, with slightly messy black hair and brown eyes with a slightly thin but muscular body.

(Melaka, Jalan Graha Maju)

Alejandro went down the stairs, went to a car and got into a car, he sat in the passenger seat opposite the driver's seat. He ordered an Online Taxi and this was the first time he ordered an Online Taxi.

The car moves past the traffic lights. As the journey continues, Alejandro sits calmly looking for a piece of memory of his life in the past, he remembers all his childhood memories, it only takes 1 second for him to remember everything. He remembers all the details clearly, starting from he was still 3 years old until he was 14 years old, he remembered all that without difficulty.

"I miss my childhood~"

Alejandro stopped remembering his past memories, he realized something was wrong, his intuition told him that someone's car was following this Online Taxi.

Alejandro swiftly lowered his head.

"Keep your heads down!"

The online taxi driver didn't have time to process Alejandro's words, the man's head was penetrated by a bullet and he died. Alejandro quickly took control of the car.

"Damn! How to drive! Ouch…Who are they!"

Alejandro drove the car like a drunk person. In 3 seconds Alejandro was able to adapt to this difficult situation. But there was a motorbike with a man wearing a helmet driving next to the car mirror, he pointed his gun at Alejandro's face. But Alejandro quickly looked down, but the car could not be controlled properly and hit a tree.

Alejandro screamed in pain, his survival instincts started to kick in, he got out of the car and walked with his broken toes, he ran towards the forest.

Alejandro took a stick that was under a tree, Alejandro waited there, a man wearing a helmet walked closer trying to find Alejandro. But Alejandro quickly hit the man's genitals with his stick and took the man's gun.

The man tried to punch Alejandro but he grabbed him and did a shoulder throw, making his head hit the ground with the helmet. He took away the helmet and then knocked him out with the gun.

Alejandro walked away into the forest.

Alejandro sat next to a tree with a tired face, Alejandro looked weak and helpless.

Suddenly Alejandro heard the sound of footsteps from a distance. Alejandro watched two other men holding AKM guns. "Well, that's bad." 

Alejandro knew that be had to interrogate his attackers, but he could not do it if they were two and had better weapons than him. 

Alejandro came out of his hiding place and shot the man who had his gun higher on his head, killing him. Before the second man reacted, he shot him in the arm, making it difficult for him to lift the gun. He the approached then man left pointing at him with his gun.

"Why are you looking for me? What do you want?

The man was frightened

"Our boss told us to look for you because you stole 500 million ringgit in a suitcase."

Alejandro smiled.

"Tell me how to reload a gun"

The man nodded. Alejandro still pointed the gun at the man's face, and took their weapons, Alejandro waited for the man to show him how to load the gun.

Alejandro nodded, he understood.

"Thank you, tell your boss that I have run away and died because of snake venom, look at this, I have been bitten by a snake, in 30 minutes I will die"

It was just a trick, he just wanted to make him think that Alejandro was dead.

The man nodded.

Alejandro walked away, acting as if he would die soon. And he disappeared from the sight of the man.

Alejandro walked away from the forest, he saw many people gathered at the accident site, where he was hit by a tree while trying to avoid the attack of the killers. He did not show himself, instead he took another alternative path so that no one would see him.

That 500 million... when I was 15 years old, I found the money next to the toilet, and I checked the contents of the suitcase and stole it, I just wanted the money at that time. At that time, my mother died of heart disease, so I threw away the money It's forbidden to go into the sea. And why haven't they been looking for me in the past? And only now do they want to look for me.

Alejandro was still walking with his broken toe, he sighed. He stopped at a bus station, he still had the gun he took from the killers, he kept it in his pocket.

I have to wait for the taxi, maybe the killers have already left. Yes because they are seriously injured and also they will definitely not take the front lane because there are already many people. So they will not know where I am.

Alejandro saw a taxi, he then stood up and raised his hand, the taxi stopped at the bus station. Alejandro then opened the taxi door.

"Take me to Kuala Lumpur, sir, you can stop at Darat Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur." Alejandro smiled kindly.

The old man nodded his head.

"Alright young man"

"Eh? What's wrong with your face and your legs? Why is your head bleeding? I'll take you to the hospital, you look like you've been through misfortune. Is the car that was crushed against the tree yours?" The old man's face was full of worry.

Alejandro was silent for a moment and took a deep breath, he looked at the old man's face.

"Yes, don't worry about that, sir, look at me, do I care? Just take me to Kuala Lumpur, this is just a small wound. I can take care of myself." Leaning his body against the passenger seat.

"Okay then young man, but I'm really worried about you" Worried face.

"It's okay sir, I'm fine, just take me to Kuala Lumpur"

Alejandro sighed.

This old man was very worried about me, but I didn't care, my goal was to escape to Kuala Lumpur. Oh yes... I remembered the guy who was the online taxi guide, he was dead, oh, just leave it, I don't care.

The Old Man looked at Alejandro.

"Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur right?"

"Yes, that's right, take me there"

Friendly smile.

The old man nodded his head, he guided the taxi car carefully.

"Ah I forgot young man, this is a cloth. Wipe the wound on your head. You are too strong to be able to withstand such extreme pain"

Give Alejandro a white cloth and also Green Oil to dry the wound.

Alejandro took the white cloth and the green oil, he wet the green oil on the white cloth and attached the white cloth to his injured head.

"Ouch! It hurts quite a bit, but it's a little less. Thank you, sir." A friendly smile.

"You're welcome, young man," the old man smiled kindly.

Still in Malacca, and the uncle drove carefully.

Alejandro looked sleepy.

Alejandro closed his eyes.

Memories... maybe some are missing... 1 trillion or even 90 quantillion grains of sand, I processed all these memories in 0.1 seconds. Is this what is called God's gift? I can only thank you.

Alejandro smiled, he was really able to process all his memories in just 1 second and he was even able to remember the number of sand beaches he had visited in just 0.1 second. A very, very great gift.

Alejandro was fast asleep in the passenger seat.

Under the warm orange sunset, the old man glanced at Alejandro. The young man was fast asleep in the passenger seat, his peaceful face decorated with the soft twilight light. The old man couldn't help but feel pity.

 What fate befell this young man to make him walk limply like that? And who is the figure lying stiffly behind the wheel of the car? Is it a GrabCar passenger, or maybe the driver himself? Or could it be that this young person is driving the GrabCar?

Thousands of questions were crammed into the Old Man's head. He almost woke Alejandro, but seeing how soundly the young man was sleeping, the Old Man thought better of it.

"He must be very tired," the old man muttered to himself, "let him rest for a while."

Far away in Alor Gajah, Melaka, stands a large mansion. In it, a man named Bazer is relaxing on his luxurious sofa. Beautiful, elegantly dressed women sat around him, crisp laughter filled the room.

"Did you have a good day, Madam?" said Bazer in a cheerful tone.

"Of course, sir," said the women in unison, "we are always happy to be with you." One of them got up and kissed Bazer's cheek affectionately.

The happy atmosphere suddenly disappeared when the subordinates sent by Bazer returned home with injured bodies. 

"Boss! The child is already dead from snake venom! But we don't know where he went, and where he died!"

Bazer raised his eyebrows "The child was bitten to death by a snake? Is that true? And why was he able to just run away like that?"

Bazer's subordinate looked down" He showed a wound that he had been bitten by a snake"

Bazer sighed "Do you know that! You were cheated! Stupid! You are weak and trash, how could you be cheated and lose to a kid!"

Bazer's two subordinates shivered in fear "A-and our three other friends have also been killed by that boy."

Bazer punched his two subordinates in the face, causing them to crumple.

The girls there felt afraid, and they just froze, unable to say anything.

"You stupid!"

Bazer's two subordinates died with crushed faces.

"Take their bodies and burn them"

Bazer sat back onto the sofa. Then sighed.

"Hey, don't be afraid"

Kissing the girl's cheek.

Alejandro was still fast asleep and it was already evening.

"Son, wake up, we have arrived at Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur"

Alejandro woke up from his sleep and let out a long yawn.

"Ha? Thanks, total travel fee?"

The Old Man shook his head.

"You don't need to, you just use your money for other needs"

Alejandro was shocked "Ha seriously? I feel guilty, it's okay I have a lot of money, don't worry"

The old man sighed with concern and understanding "You are hurt, but you are strong in holding it, I feel amazed by you...I know what happened now..you don't worry, I am willing to send you here. You don't have to pay, I sent you here for free" A warm smile.

Alejandro scratched his cheek while thinking "Okay sir, thanks"

Alejandro opened the taxi door and got out of the taxi, he then bowed respectfully "I'll go first" A warm smile emerged from Alejandro

"Alright kid, be careful!"

Alejandro smiled warmly, "Thank you, sir!"

The old man nodded his head and guided the taxi, leaving Alejandro.

Alejandro looked around, his broken toe was still painful. So he walked slowly beside the road filled with people.

Alejandro walked in the middle of the crowd, he looked at several people. He read about 5 body languages, voices and facial expressions of the people around him.

Sad, annoyed, happy, sad, worried. The woman is sad, why? because she is slightly hunched, her shoulders are drooping and her eye contact is weak. Her voice? her voice is low and even, the corners of her mouth are down and her eyebrows are furrowed, and why is the man happy? her eyes are sparkling , his posture was slightly straight and he smiled sweetly, his voice was enthusiastic and a little higher, the man's lips were slightly curved, and why was the other man worried? ?The man tightened his jaw, his voice was a little tense, his eyebrows were raised and his lips were pressed. Eh, why do I read people's emotions? Ah, I'm really strange. Since I was 5 years old I've been able to read people's emotions, I didn't go to school at all, I just taught myself , my life is full of poverty, I learned everything about psychology, all the languages ​​in this world, information, vocabulary, mathematics, geography and science. I have reached a level of genius that exceeds that of ordinary people. This is a gift from God, I am very grateful, I have never been arrogant and considered myself perfect. I am just an ordinary human being no matter how genius I am. However, I still have an evil and cunning nature, don't care about other people, just to pursue my goals.

Alejandro took a deep breath, he was still walking in the crowd while hiding the pain in his body.

Alejandro stopped at a restaurant, he then sat at an empty and clean table. He straightened his hair a little, he raised his hand and said.


The male waiter approached Alejandro.

"Yes sir, what do you want to eat?" Soft smile.

Alejandro leaned back on the chair."I would like... noodle soup and also a half-boiled egg"

"Oh yeah, I want bread and cold chocolate water"

The male waiter took down Alejandro's order. "Okay sir, please wait."

"Okay," said Alejandro, smiling sweetly.

So...there are several hotels here, and also several restaurants. Maybe around 10 or 20. But I don't know, I have to ask people around. I want to stay a little further away, I want to prepare everything to kill that bitch.


Alejandro thought, he remembered that he deceived the two murderers.

Hahah, they died because of their boss? Yes...because I was like that from the beginning, because this was part of my plan....I deliberately made them die because of their boss.

Alejandro laughed.

For next…hmmm

Alejandro smiled.

Alejandro's ordered food arrived.

"Here sir, please take me to eat." He smiled sweetly and winked.

"Ha? Yes, thank you"

Why is this guy blinking his eyes at me? Is he gay?

Alejandro drank the cold brown water.

"Very delicious"

Alejandro smiled happily, his empty stomach starting to fill again.

Alejandro finished his food then headed to the payment counter.

After paying for his food, he walked away. He looked around and walked down the street which was full of crowds, he then looked at one of the men wearing black clothes and a black motorbike.

That? Hmmm

Alejandro walked, he made a plan, he deliberately walked down the empty and dark hallway. Yes, he guessed right, the man followed him.

Oh I see...they know where I am, the boss's connections are great too.

Alejandro walked deeper and the hallway became quieter, Alejandro quickly bent down and punched the man in the head.

"Ah!" The man screamed in pain.

"Why are you following me?" she asked in a calm but sharp voice, looking directly into his eyes.

The man was silent for a moment, trying to hide his fear behind a mask of courage. However, Alejandro could see the tension that penetrated every fiber of his body.

"Sent by your boss?" Alejandro asked again, deepening his voice. "How does your boss know I'm here? Your boss's connection is really great."

The man shuddered, and his face showed confusion. "Yes, I was instructed by the boss," he answered half choked.

Alejandro pondered for a moment before continuing, "But you know, in this harsh world, there is a way to find peace. You can get out of the shadow of evil and start a better life."

The man looked hesitant, but Alejandro did not relax his efforts. "Your family doesn't want to see you fall into crime. They want clean happiness, with no bloodstains on the money you bring home every day."

Hearing Alejandro's words, the man fell silent. He pondered for a moment, letting the words sink into his hurt heart.

"I... I'm doing this for the money," he said in a shaky voice. "For my family."

Alejandro smiled gently. "Your family wants you to come home safely every day, without having to carry the burden of sin that you have earned from this job. They want you to be a good role model for your children, not a criminal."

The man was silent, letting Alejandro's words flow into his mind. "But... I'm scared," he finally said hoarsely. "Afraid of what the boss would do if he found out I leaked information."

Alejandro nodded, understanding her fear. "But remember, as a husband and father, your job is to protect your family. We can find a way to solve this problem, together. You are not alone

The man looked at Alejandro, looking for strength in his gentle eyes. "What should I do?"

Alejandro smiled with relief, feeling a little relieved that the man was starting to open his heart. "First, give me the information you have. We will find a way to deal with your boss together, without endangering your family."

The man nodded firmly, strengthening his resolve. "I'll give you all the information I have. We can do it, together."

Alejandro held out his hand, offering his help. "We're a team now. We'll solve this together, and your family will be safe."

The man held Alejandro's hand tightly, thanking him silently. They were ready to start their journey.

Alejandro looked at the man "Oh yeah, my name is Alejandro Hernandez, your name?"

The man looked back at Alejandro's face, "My name is Fauzan," smiled.

Oh... his name is Fauzan, a good name, not bad.


"Let's go" Smile.

"Yes!" Fauzan said enthusiastically.

Fauzan walked with Alejandro out of the dark alley. Fauzan then took the key out of his pocket and started his motorbike.

"Come on Alejandro, come on up" Smile.

"Okay" Soft smile.

Alejandro sat behind Fauzan.

Fauzan then started his motorbike and drove the motorbike at high speed.

Bazer sat in his office with a blank face.

"If he doesn't find that boy...then he will know the consequences." He looked at the mirror which reflected his annoyed face.

"If I get that boy, then I will torture him, make him not eat for 10 days and give him snake poison!" A face full of annoyance.

Bazer shot the mirror until it broke.

Alejandro thought behind Fauzan's body, a cold night with fresh air.

Ah~ The air is so fresh, I feel sleepy. I really persuaded this person to want to be my friend, I have studied human psychology since childhood, but never put it into practice. Or even manipulated other people, this is the first day where I manipulated someone and It worked. My understanding of emotions is really deep.

Sly smile.

Alejandro took a deep breath.

(2 hours later)

Finally they both arrived in Rembia, Melaka.

"We have arrived"

Alejandro looked at Fauzan.

"Oh, this is your house? Pretty cool" Rubbing his chin with his finger.

"Haha thanks"

"Oh yeah, get inside quickly, I have to hide my motorbike"

Alejandro nodded in understanding.

Alejandro is not completely good, he can be said to be evil and doesn't care about other people.

Fauzan...you are actually my puppet, you have fallen into a trap, this is all part of my plan and strategy. I have done foresight, sacrificing you is one way to defeat the devil.

Alejandro stepped into Fauzal's house.

"Honey, you're home~"

A beautiful girl wearing Comfortable Pajamas, she is sexy and beautiful with smooth thighs and fluffy hair.

Alejandro bowed respectfully.

"My name is Alejandro, I am your husband's friend, nice to meet you" Full of respect.

"Hi, my name is Clara, and I have never seen you with my husband."

"Come in first, we'll chat inside" Fauzal said with a smile.

Alejandro looked around.

Oh, Rembia and Alor Gajah are around 8.0/8.4 km according to the map in my head, so there are around 70 wooden houses in total and there are around 50 brick houses. And Alor Gajah is where the boss lives. Eh why would I so strange? So you mistook the number of houses? Ah never mind, this is what smart people look like.

Alejandro laughed in his heart.

Alejandro walked with Fauzal up the stairs and into the house.

Their house is quite beautiful, and where are their two children? Are they sleeping? Oh yes, for sure because the clock is already showing 12:30 pm.

"Please sit down," said Clara, smiling sweetly.

Alejandro nodded, he then sat on the sofa and leaned my body against the sofa.

"Thank you, ma'am," Alejandro smiled sweetly.

"No need to thank me," Clara smiled sweetly.

"I'll make you hot tea," Clara smiled sweetly.

"Thank you." Stand up and bow slightly as a sign of respect.

Clara laughed at Alejandro's behavior. Fauzal, who saw this, smiled warmly.

"Come to my room," said Fauzal with a serious face.

"Okay," said Alejandro with a calm face.

Fauzal opened the door to his room and sat at a table.

"So what are your plans?" Asked Fauzal.

"Plan? Yes…first of all it's like this"

"You have to fake your death and then your boss will definitely think that I killed you, then this way we can attack secretly," said Alejandro with a serious face.

"Ha? But later my wife will find out that I have been working with Bazer all this time," said Fauzal with a worried face.

"Oh, so Bazer is your boss's name? OK... don't worry, you can hide it all from him, take him and your child to move with you, maybe in a temporary hotel," said Alejandro.

"Your plan is too strange," said Fauzal with a worried face.

"After you fake it, the thing you have to do is go back to your boss and say that you succeeded in killing me and you have to say the reason why you faked your death so that the Bazer believes, and... remember... you have to do it well. And in the end.I will kill him and we will both be safe, there will be no more crime in Melaka," said Alejandro in a convincing tone.

"Okay! I fully trust your plans and strategies," said Fauzal in a serious tone.

Alejandro nodded with a warm smile.

Actually, he could hide all that from his wife, because his wife's birthday is around 5/5/2024, and...yes...this is only 3/5/2024. How do I know? Because I looked at the calendar in the kitchen, and I found a sign Cla with cookie symbol on date 5.

Fauzal... actually you can hide all that from your wife, on the 4th day you have to take her to the hotel, then she will definitely think that you want to prepare a surprise for her." Alejandro smiled.

"Eh? How do you know? You're really smart" Laughed.

Clara knocked on Fauzal's door.

"What are you doing in the room? I've made hot tea!" Clara said behind the door.

Fauzal opened the door to his room.

"Sorry, we were just talking," he chuckled.

Alejandro smiled, then he sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Thank you, ma'am," Alejandro smiled sweetly.

"You're welcome," said Clara, smiling sweetly.

Fauzal just smiled.

Fauzal...I already know that Bazer won't believe that I'm dead, I can clearly see Bazer's emotions through you, your words and your fear of him. Bazer will definitely kill you and my real plan is to sacrifice you, a pretty cruel strategy but I have to do it .And in the end I will kill Bazer in Bazer's own house and I will win.

Alejandro sipped tea while speaking in his heart.

Bazer was seen in a laboratory, he saw his workers making a concoction.

My project is to create a poison that can take away a person's sanity, and destroy their mind and slow down their way of thinking.

Bazer smiled slyly.

I completed this project to dominate this country!Malaysia!

"Get this project ready as soon as possible!" Bazer said loudly.

"Okay boss!"

Alejandro was lying in bed fast asleep. He was staying in the guest room.

Fauzal was chatting with his wife in the living room.

"Honey, tomorrow I want to take the children and you to the hotel" Warm smile.

"Ha? For what?" Clara asked with a curious face.

"Shhh, surprise, this is a secret," said Fauzal with a face like he was teasing.

Eh? My husband wants to surprise me? Because the 5th is my birthday…

"Okay," Clara smiled sweetly while stroking Fauzal's cheek.

"Haha, your fingers are too soft and gentle, dear," pinched Clara's cheek gently.

"What time do the children sleep?" Asked Fauzal.

"Children sleep at 9:30, and they are waiting for you to come home dear" Sweet smile.

"You want me to wake them?" Clara asked again.

"Uh, don't worry, let them sleep, they must be tired from school" Sweet smile.

"Hmm, okay," said Clara with a teasing and slightly naughty face.

Clara came a little closer and breathed her warm, fragrant breath onto Fauzal's neck.

"You must be stressed because of work~How about we play a little~"

"Your friend is already asleep anyway~"

Fauzal felt aroused.

"Uhhh, umm okay" Fauzal's breathing started to get faster.

Clara pulled Fauzal into the room.


The next day.

(Morning, 8:20)

Alejandro woke up from his sleep, then opened the wooden window and sunlight began to shine into the guest room.

"Really cold"

Alejandro yawned, he then walked out of the room. He kept his gun under the bed. He then started walking out of the guest room.

"Goodmorning my friend" said Fauzal.

"Breakfast, please sit down" Clara said.

Alejandro nodded and he sat down in a chair. He took a piece of bread and ate it.

Lily and Kyla have woken up and today is Saturday and school is on holiday.


Lily and Kyla hugged Fauzal.

"I miss papa" Lily said with full attention.

"Me too," Kyla said attentively.

Lily is 10 years old and Kyla is 11 years old.

"Hi uncle" said Lily and Kyla.

"Ha? Sorry, I'm only 17, you can call me brother," said Alejandro with a polite face.

"Wow, you're still in high school!" Lily said

"Yes," said Alejandro with a smile.

Kyla and Lily looked back at their papa.

"Papa, we want to go out," said Kyla and Lili.

"Papa really wants to take you for a walk today," said Faizal in a soft tone.

"Really! Yeahh!" Kyla and Lili felt happy.

Alejandro finished his food and stood up.

"I ask permission to enter the toilet" Smile.

"Please," said Fauzal with a smile.

Alejandro entered the kitchen towards the toilet. Alejandro stopped for a moment.

He saw a water pipe behind this wooden house.


Alejandro looked at the water pipe for 3 seconds.

So this is an alternative road to Bazer's house, so the length is around 9 km.

Alejandro nodded in understanding, he then entered the toilet.

"Honey, what time will we walk out?" Clara asked in a sweet tone.

"11 o'clock, after that we will stay at the hotel" Fauzal said with a soft smile.

Lily and Kyla are watching television.

Alejandro came out of the toilet, he walked out of the kitchen into the living room.

"Fauzal, let's go out for a moment," said Alejandro with a normal face.

"Okay," Fauzal nodded.

Fauzal smiled at his wife and walked out of the wooden house with Alejandro.

Alejandro pulled Fauzal's hand towards the back of his wooden house.

"You see that, the water pipe, and you want to know what I mean? That is an alternative route to Bazer's house." Said Alejandro. And I also concluded what you said last night, and I concluded that this house was given by your boss Bazer ."

"How do you know?!" Fauzal was shocked.

"I know because the water pipe is a little suspicious, as well as the iron pipe extending towards the ELEPHANT'S ALLEY, not just the elephant's allotment, but to some of the houses that are there. So it is certain that the forest area is passable, and I have a mental map, I have already visualized all the areas in this area, but I don't know for sure the location of Bazer. Although I know you will give me the location of Bazer's house, because you yourself have a connection with him. And yes, how can I know that this house was bought by Bazer, because I read your emotions last night and deduced your words at the beginning and combined all the pieces of your words into one. And I put them together, and now I have the answer." Alejandro said in a normal tone.

"You're crazy, you're too smart, it's impossible for ordinary people to do it," said Fauzal with an incredulous face.

"We will execute this strategy tomorrow," said Alejandro with a smile.

"Now we know the alternative way, because behind this wooden house there is a thick forest and I think that forest has no alternative way" said Fauzal.

Suddenly Fauzal's phone rang, he took his phone out of his pocket and looked.

"Bazer! He called me!" Said Fauzal in a panicked tone.

Alejandro just smiled, he just felt calm.

"Give it to me, you know that this is part of our plan, give me your phone, go take your wife and child away." Alejandro said with a serious face.

"Alright" Fauzal gave his phone to Alejandro

Fauzal entered the house.

"Honey, get ready quickly, we will go for a walk in a moment. Ready now! Hurry!" Said Fauzal with a serious face.

Clara, Lily and Kyla were shocked.

"Okay daddy!"

"Good dear!"

Alejandro picked up Bazer's phone call.

"Hello..." Alejandro said in a calm tone.

"Who are you?" Bazer said in a cold tone.

"I...Alejandro...I killed your subordinate and his family...are you sad?" His tone was calm.

"Ha? Hahah, it turns out my subordinates are that weak," Bazer laughed.

Bazer said in a serious tone "After I get you, I will lock you up to torture you mentally and psychologically!" Laughing.

"I see...show me now devil.."Chuckling.

"Haha, are you trying to bait my emotions and make anger control me? Haha, all your words are just empty cans for me" Bazer laughed.

"Okay...all your thoughts...are only about money...sex...and also worldly pleasures, don't you know that your weak body can't be compared to the people around you? You only rely on your people to attack me, this shows how stupid you are." Alejandro chuckled and smiled slyly.

Bazer was silent for a moment, unable to find suitable words.

"You…you don't know who I am bastard!" Bazer said while laughing.

"If only I knew about your dark past, I would have spread it to the public a long time ago and you would have been embarrassed until you died," laughed.

"You want to know, your past is really bad, really bad, and why you can be evil because when you were a child you might have been raped by some men, I think that's a shame." Said Alejandro with a sly smile.

Alejandro really provoked Bazer, using every word that could really hurt Bazer's heart.

"How dare you! Your words are just nonsense!" Bazer said in an annoyed tone.

"You also stole my money because you wanted to live a luxurious life and have fun," said Bazer in a mocking tone.

"I don't think so, because I threw away your rotten money, maybe it was the result of me being a prostitute?"

"You're so funny, pookie boy," mocking tone.

Bazer was silent, Alejandro's words really pierced his heart, he felt annoyed, his anger increased.

"If you dare! Give me your location now!" Bazer said.

Alejandro yawned and hung up the phone.

Clara along with Lily and Kyla came out in beautiful and elegant clothes.

"Wow, my love, you are so beautiful"

"Daddy's child is just as beautiful as mama" Warm smile.

"Come on, come on, let's go"

"What about Alejandro?" Clara asked

"He's waiting here," said Fauzal with a smile.

"Alright dear" Clara said.

Alejandro stared at the forest with a blank face.

He really showed a different tone of voice, arrogant and also angry. He was weak, I saw it all through his words, I thought he was strong but it turned out he was just a weak man. He showed it all through his tone of voice, this man was so weak.


Fauzal came down from the stairs with his wife and child.

Fauzal looked at Alejandro.

"Alej, I will come back here after my wife and I have finished walking together," said Fauzal in a friendly tone and a warm smile.

"Okay," said Alejandro with a smile.

"Take good care of this house, Alej," said Fauzal with a smile.

"Come on, dear"

Clara nodded, Fauzal and his wife and children walked into the car.

"Goodbye! We'll see you later!" Fauzal said loudly.

Alejandro nodded, his face was full of warmth and tenderness but behind it all there was a cunning face.

The car was driven by Fauzal, heading out of Rembia, Melaka.

Alejandro walked into the wooden house, then went to the guest room, he took the gun that he hid under the bed.

He then wrote a letter, then folded it and put it under the door.

Content of letter

**"I moved first Fauzal, I already predicted about 3 possibilities that would happen, and you know what you have to do, right? So don't forget, I moved first. If you read this letter, don't forget to keep going"* *

Alejandro walked away, he grabbed the gun and headed into the woods behind the wooden house.

Alejandro stepped his foot on the ground, why did he do that? Because he didn't see the pipe, so he tried to feel the slight protrusion of the pipe in the ground.

It worked, he then visualized the entire layout of the pipe, he then walked along the pipe.

Fauzal and his wife and children walked at the mall together.

Chat as usual.

"It's been a long time since we walked out together," said Clara with a warm smile.

"Yes...I also miss this moment," said Fauzal with a warm smile.

Lily and Kyla looked happy, they both looked around while smiling happily.


Alejandro looked around.

The distance is around 7KM, because my leg is hurt, my speed decreases. My average speed is around 7 seconds and because my leg hurts it will decrease by around 10%, so my running speed is around 8.54 seconds. And 7KM? That means I need around 1 hour

Alejandro was still walking, he didn't care about the pain in his leg and his broken finger.

My plan went well.. because I said Fauzal and his family had already been killed by me, then it is certain that the Bazer will send his subordinates to the wooden house to check the situation. To find my whereabouts. I have already predicted all the possibilities that will happen, and this is all part of from my strategy, in the end I was the one who won. I had predicted all the possibilities that happened. And also.. the letter would definitely be taken by Bazer's subordinates, because I put the letter in front of the door. I would make Bazer feel cheated, and because Fauzal didn't get the letter then it is certain that Fauzal will follow my plan and go to Bazer's house, if Bazer's subordinates do not take the letter, Fauzal will still die and Bazer will also die in my hands. I have predicted all their possibilities and actions. This is a victory, the letter will let Bazer know that Fauzal is working with me.

Alejandro smiled slyly as he continued walking..

10 men dressed in black carrying weapons headed towards Fauzal's wooden house.

"Ha? The door to this house is open?" Said one of them.

"Yes, I think that boy really killed Fauzal"

"Let's check, maybe we can get some evidence to track the boy."

Some people who were around the residence quickly ran into the house because they saw a group of masked and black-clad people carrying weapons entering Fauzal's house.

(3 hours later)

Fauzal with his wife and son had finished walking, they then booked a hotel room.

"10th floor"

Fauzal and his wife and child entered the elevator to the 10th floor.

"Like 15"

Fauzal then opened the hotel room door.

"Please come in, my wife and children," said Fauzal with a warm smile.

"Yeayy!" Exclaimed Lily and Kyla.

Clara, Lily and Kyla entered the hotel room.

"You guys rest first, I want to meet Alejandro" Warm smile.

"Yeayy!" Exclaimed Lily and Kyla.

Clara, Lily and Kyla entered the hotel room.

"You guys rest first, I want to meet Alejandro" Warm smile.

"Alright dear" Clara said.

"Alright papa" Said Lily and Kyla.

Fauzal smiled warmly, then gave the hotel room card to Clara and walked away.

I feel something bad, I don't know whether Alejandro's plan is successful or not, I hope Alejandro's scenario goes smoothly.

Fauzal walked towards the car, then he took the car keys out of his pocket and opened the car door.

He sat in the driver's seat and started the car engine. He drove at high speed.

After a few minutes, he finally arrived in Rembia, Melaka. He then led the way to his house, he then parked his car in front of his wooden house.

Where is Alejandro?! Maybe he has already gone there? Hmm okay, I'll go with the plan.

Fauzal entered his house and pulled the heavy cupboard aside. He pulled out the bricks he had stacked on the floor. He kept a gun under his wooden cupboard.

He then took the gun and ammunition.

I don't think whatever happens if I go there, I have to end all this!

Fauzal then went down the stairs and went down the stairs. He headed towards his car and opened the door. He started the engine and drove towards ALOR GAJAH.

Bazer's subordinate came in a hurry, he opened the door of Bazer's office and gave a letter.

"Boss! Read this! We found it in front of Fauzal's house!" said one of his subordinates.

Bazer nodded, he then took the letter and read it.

**"I moved first Fauzal, I already predicted about 3 possibilities that would happen, and you know what you have to do, right? So don't forget, I moved first. If you read this letter, don't forget to keep going"* *

Bazer smiled slyly.

"Oh, so Fauzal is collaborating with that kid? How sad," said Bazer, laughing.

"Prepare everything, we don't know what will happen next. Guard my entire mansion, understand!" Bazer said with a firm face.

"We understand boss!" Bazer's subordinate said loudly.

"Good," Bazer said

Alejandro had been waiting behind the trees behind the Bazer mansion for 3.4 hours, he saw some of Bazer's subordinates standing guard behind the mansion.

Yes, I was right...my predictions are never wrong.

Fauzal finally arrived in front of the Bazer mansion, he took a deep breath and got out of the car.


Some of Bazer's subordinates quickly grabbed Fauzal's hand.

Fauzal was just silent with a blank face and full of seriousness.

The two of them brought Fauzal into Bazer's mansion.

Bazer was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette while drinking coffee.

"Boss! Here!"

They brought Fauzal to Bazer.

"You betrayed?" Bazer asked.

"I didn't betray him! I killed him! I succeeded!" Fauzal said in a loud tone.

Bazer stood up with an annoyed face.

"Want to trick me?"

Bazer took out a letter.

"This is proof that you cooperate with him, you are too pathetic, I have given everything to you. House, money and happiness. Your job is only to complete the mission given to me. But instead you collaborate with that boy." Bazer looked at Fauzal with a cold face.

Why…letter?I have been framed by Alejandro?No…impossible,why…why?!,

Fauzal did not believe, now Alejandro really betrayed him. He was manipulated indirectly.

So who is the bad guy? Alejandro? Bazer? Who???.

Fauzal's face was full of question marks, he couldn't say anything.

No…no! I'm stupid!

Fauzal cried.

"Why...I was betrayed..." Fauzal really felt sad, he felt down. All this action was just deception and indirect manipulation. Alejandro was really cunning.

Bazer laughed.

"You bastard! That's the result of working with someone who doesn't give you anything, he just uses you!" Bazer laughed.

Alejandro thought for 1 second.

It will all be over... it took about 10 minutes for me to kill Bazer, and my strategy worked!

Sly smile.

I'm sorry Fauzal.

Alejandro, with his high perception, quickly shot Bazer's three subordinates and they died.

Alejandro climbed the wall of the mansion, he then went to a room that had a window and entered the room.

Tactics..okay it's all in my head..the Bazer is busy with Fauzal. I just need to get through the roof,i have to do it quickly.

Alejandro looked at the roof, he then climbed up the wooden cupboard and slowly opened the wooden roof. Alejandro crawled onto the roof.

Oh...I have to attract Bazer's attention to tell his subordinates to go to the location of the sound. Because when I shot his three subordinates, I used a silencer.

Alejandro opened the silencer. He then fired a bullet at the glass mirror.

Bazer was shocked to hear gunshots from the 3rd floor.

"You guys, go check upstairs quickly!"

Bazer panicked, he had to rush to his office.

Fauzal was lying on the ground with a face full of bruises and a body that was incapacitated from being beaten, stepped on and also punched in the head.

Fauzal is really dying.

Bazer's subordinates carry weapons?Rifle Guns...they use Colt M4 rifle guns, thus, if a person weighing 70 kilograms carries a Colt M4 rifle gun which weighs around 2.52 kilograms without bullets, then the speed can be reduced by around 3.6%.

In this case, the Colt M4 rifle gun without bullets weighs about 2.52 kilograms, which is 3.6% of the 70 kilogram body weight.

Therefore, the estimated reduction in the person's speed is 3.6%.

To calculate the time needed to reach 50 meters, I can use the following formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

First, I need to calculate the person's speed without the rifle gun.

The average speed of a person walking is around 5 kilometers per hour (km/h) or 0.139 meters per second (m/s).

If the person's speed decreases by 3.6%, then the new speed is:

New speed = Old speed * (1 - Speed ​​reduction)

New speed = 0.139 m/s * (1 - 0.036)

New speed = 0.134 m/s

Then, I can calculate the time it takes to reach 50 meters:

Time = 50 meters / 0.134 m/s

Time ≈ 373 seconds

Alejandro thought of it all in just 0.1 seconds.

Fauzal shed tears.

I'm sorry Kyla, Lily and Clara, this is the end of my life.

Forgive father...also forgive your stupid husband...falling into darkness and dying in a miserable state...I hope the three of you can live without me...


Breathed his last breath.

Alejandro crawled very quickly, he knew that the speed of Bazer's subordinates had decreased slightly.

Alejandro smelled something.

What is this...how come...

Alejandro is starting to get dizzy, his mental state is starting to get a little chaotic... lots of hallucinations appear in his head, his psychology is now really in a mess. His emotions are starting to show feelings of despair, anger and sadness. .And impossible to survive.

Explanation:It is Poison X, this poison has an effect that can make someone who bear him will start hallucinating, destroying the mind, slowing the speed of someone's thinking, emotions become chaotic and disrupt psychology.

Alejandro started shaking his head, he endured it all with a blank face.

Oh I'm on top of the lab…and the hole in this part of the lab is slightly open. Makes the smell of the poison come out.

Alejandro calmly sniffed the smell of the poison casually, while crawling.

No way? So this lab is the only way? Okay.

Alejandro destroyed the iron roof and shot the researchers and professors there. They used gas masks, while Alejandro just walked casually. His mentality was even still stable. His motivation was as big as the universe. It was limitless.

Alejandro walked quickly, he predicted every move of the assassins. He took the X poison and threw it across several rooms.

Alejandro shoots Bazer's subordinate who tries to shoot him from the left.

Alejandro headed towards Bazer's subordinates who were already lying down.

"Where is your boss?" Asked Alejandro.

"H-he wants to escape" Said Subordinate Bazer.

"Good... I have prepared bombs on every road, and I have predicted every action, and in 5 minutes the bomb will explode..." Alejandro smiled.

"Ha?!" Bazer's subordinates were shocked, the man's face was confused and he remained silent.

Alejandro was just playing with this man's mind. He knew Bazer was still in this house and hiding.

Just by using this, he read the man's emotions and now he knows that Bazer is still in this house. From the man's confused expression alone he already knows.

Alejandro thought for about 1 second.

"Dungeon…" A sly smile.

Alejandro ran, he checked every room. He found Bazer's office, he then saw a book that had fallen, and there were also documents belonging to Bazer lying on the ground.

It sums all this up in just 1 second.

Bazer pulled the book and opened the closet door to go to the secret room, because that's why the book and the document fell. He panicked and accidentally dropped the document, because he was in a hurry. He then dropped the book on the floor and hurried to close the wooden closet.

I understand now...

Alejandro smiled.

Maybe he has a trap down there maybe?

Alejandro quickly concluded everything, so it was clear that he had no subordinates anymore, everyone was dead, down there he was the only one left.

I just need to destroy this wooden cupboard. But my body is already weak, so I have to look for an axe.

Alejandro headed to the kitchen, he saw a frightened maid sitting next to the food cupboard.

"Eh hi~ Do you know where the ax is?" Sweet smile.

"H-ha?" The maid was scared.

"Hmm, don't be afraid~I want your help~" Stroking the woman.

The woman still felt afraid.

"Shh, don't be afraid, I want you to help me~You want to help me, right?~My Honey~" Alejandro said in a soft and sweet tone. He will not be the least bit violent towards women. He knows his limits.

The woman felt a little comfortable.

"F-okay, but for what? And y-you've killed everyone in this house..." Still scared.

"Honey~later you'll know the reason~" He winked at the woman.

The woman nodded, she took out the key and opened the storage door.

"Th-that's the axe," said the woman.


Alejandro took the ax and ran away, leaving the girl, heading to Bazer's office.

Bazer looked scared.

Why don't I just get out of this house? But I'm afraid the result will be the same, I will die at the hands of that boy!

Bazer prepared bullets, he filled the gun with bullets. He couldn't do anything now, just hoping for the safety of his life.

Alejandro raised the ax and smashed the wooden cupboard.

Bazer was shocked to hear the sound. His heart was beating fast.

Alejandro had predicted Bazer's movements. He even visualized Bazer's whereabouts.

Bazer shivered in fear, he couldn't do anything now, he pointed his gun everywhere.

Out of the blue….

Alejandro appeared from above the safe containing the money. He jumped behind Bazer.

Bazer was shocked, he quickly tried to shoot Alejandro.

Alejandro quickly grabbed Bazer's hand and broke it.

"Todo termina aquí, Bazer." Said Alejandro with a cold face.

"P-please, don't kill me! Please!!" Bazer was really scared.

"Adiós diablo" said Alejandro with a cold face.

"I'm sorry!!Help!"

"Adios" Alejandro smiled.

Shoots Bazer in the head.

Alejandro smiled sweetly. He walked up the stairs.

As he walked out of the office, he saw Fauzal lying on the floor with his lifeless body.

"I'm sorry friend.. I respect your struggle even if it's only 2 days" Warm smile.

Alejandro took his cell phone and called Fauzal's wife.

"Location in ALOR GAJAH, come here now," said Alejandro.

"Hello! Who is that? You are Alejandro, right? Where is Fauzal?" Clara said.

"The police will come here..your husband is gone..I didn't have time to save him, sorry"

"The location of ALOR GAJAH is in a large mansion, that's all, thank you" Alejandro hung up the call and walked away.

My mission is complete...

Alejandro wore a mask and black jacket so that no one would know his identity. Alejandro walked, and kept walking, he had massacred 50 people and sacrificed one person.

I have sacrificed a kind devil.

The police will definitely look for the mastermind behind this massacre...

Alejandro smiled.

Alejandro quickly infiltrated the forest.