

"It's over Void give up" said Blizzard then cosmic wings come out of Void's back cosmic energy fills the area Void shoots a beam of cosmic at Blizzard but grey energy forms a sheild Infront of Blizzard. Blizzard charges Void but void grabs Blizzard by the neck and flies up into the air and flies down slamming Blizzard into the ground. Death runs at Void and stabs him in the stomach, but Void grabs Death by the neck and shoots a beam of purple energy, sending Death flying. Void forms a spear of cosmic energy and and rushed Death clashing his spear with Deaths Sythe Blizzard gets up to see Death on the ground and Void about to stab him Blizzard picks up a energy gun from Jackals body and shoots Void sending him flying into a tree "you can't win" said Void then a giant white fist punches Void through a tree sending him flying into the ship. Wolf busts through the tree and picks up. Void slamming him up and down into the ground, Void shoots a cosmic beam at wolf pushing him back as Death stabs Void in the chest with his scythe As Void is lying there on the ground he closed his eyes expecting to never open them again when he feels Blizzard walk up to him he opens his eyes after a few minutes to see Blizzard holding his hand out "join us join the team" said Blizzard Void grabs Blizzard hand and Blizzard helps Void up to welcome there newest team member.