
The Marriage And The Funeral

"today we remember the lives of Red and Blizzard they were great Men Blizzard told me that after he does I will take over Team Snow" said Void Arius started to cry over the death of Red and Blizzard. As they lowered Blizzard's and Red's coffins into the ground, the ghostly spirits of Team Wolf appear with there fist's next to their hearts.  "We gather here today to watch Lance and Lillie and Arius and Rose to be married if anyone objects say it now or forever hold your peace" said the Priest the church goes silent "since no one objects you two may now kiss the bride" said the Priest Lance and Lillie kiss And Arius and Rose Kiss "I pronounce you husband's and wives" said the Priest. Time Skip nine months Lance and Lillie have a kid named Keith and Lance seals the rainbow Dragon in Keith as Arius and Rose have a kid named Daisy and Arius seals the Yellow Lion inside in Daisy.