
The Cosmic Fox

"Me and Lance here both have Cosmic Beast's" said Void "I have the cosmic wolf and Void has the dragon" said Lance "so what does everyone from the Syndicate have a Cosmic Beast" said Morgan "only one person per branch have a Cosmic Beast" said Void. "Pris take us to the Cosmic Fox" said Cosmic "yes sir" said Pris Cosmic and Pris board a small ship and fly to space after a few days of flying a Cosmic Fox appears Infront of the ship Cosmic puts on his helmet and walks out of the ship the Fox goes inside Cosmic. Cosmic feels a surge of power flow through him. Cosmic walks back onto the ship as they fly back to Earth. "Anyone know where that Team Snow ran off to." "No sir, but we do know Lance joined them," said Blade. "I always knew Lance was a traitor," said Cosmic "So Lance you seeing anyone" said Lillie "No why" said Lance "cause this is why" said Lillie as she kissed him "I have a gift for you Lillie" said Lance "what is it" said Lillie Lance pulls out a mace made out of Cosmic energy and gives it to her "I love it" said Lillie just then Jonah opens the door "emergency meeting" said Jonah "what's this about" said Arius "the Leader of the Syndicate Cosmic has just gotten the Cosmic Fox and us preparing to attack all of Earth" said Void.