

"Can one man hold that power and keep his good intentions" said Black  "I don't believe so" said Cosmic "gather the planet and send them to him" said Black "oh how I've been waiting to get revenge on his team" said Cosmic "but leave Purple and Lexi alive" said Black "yes sir" said Cosmic. "ATTENTION ALL COSMIC PLANET MEMBER'S GO TO THE FRONT OF THE COSMIC CASTLE" said Cosmic on the speakers after everyone has arrived Infront of the castle "alright my people we are going to go to the planet earth and kill a Team named Cosmic Wolf but right now I'm going to send five people to kill them" said Black. "Dad do you know were mom is" said Lexi "she's out with Lillie" said Anthony just then five beams of cosmic energy hit Lexi in the back knocking her to the ground Anthony spots the five Cosmic people "WOLF" yelled Anthony just then the five Cosmic people get killed by Wolf.