
The cosmic Sojourne: Tales of a young wanderer from Another World

it's about a young boy who reincarnated and found out to be some ancient being and in order to find out more about his trueself he venture the new world full of wonders and magices different creatures and more

Jezzn_Lue · 都市
3 Chs

old companion

After testing the power Lucien headed towards the treasure room which he got the information from th memory when fusing with one of his soul fragment.

"Hmm...it should be somewhere here, if I remembered correctly ....Ah!- there it is!"... After saying that Lucien headed towards the basement area leading him straight to the underground hall, he was quite exited to see lots of gold coins in real life afterall .

Lucien entered the vast underground hall, it's cavernos expanse dimly lit by flickering. At the far end, a massive iron door loomed, its surface intricately carved with ancient ruined. Despite its age, the door seemed almost indomitable.

Lucien stood before the towering iron door, its surface cold and unyielding. He extended his hand, fingers splayed, and the air around him began to stimmer. His eyes glowed with a ethereal night light as he summoned his power of space manipulation. The door groaned, it's metal protesting against the unnatural forces being applied. Lucien focused, imagining the very frabic of space wrapping and bending.

The edges of the door began to twist and curl, as if gripped by an invisible hand. The solid iron started to ripple, waves of distortion spreading across its surface. With a flick of his wrist, Lucien intensified his focus. The door crumbled inward, the iron iron folding impenetrable barrier became a swirling virted of metK, spiraling into nothingness.

The center of the door collapsed first, creating a vaccum that pulled the remaining fragments inwards, within moments, the entire door had been twisted out of existence, leaving behind only a faint metallic echo and a shimmer in the air where it had once stood, Lucien lowered his hand, the glowed in his eyes fading, as he stepped through the space where the door had once barred his way.

lucien stepped into the treasure room, eyes gleaming at the sight of countless gold coins glittering under the dim candle with a swift gesture, he opened his dimensional space, infinite storage only he could access, methodically, he begain scooping up the coins, each handful disappearing into the void. The rooms metallic clinks soon faded, replaced by one eerie silence as the last coin vanished.

Satisfied, Lucien turned and made his way out, the treasure was now securely stored, ready for future use. As he assended the stairs, leaving the now empty underground hall, he also got some spair cloths which were still very fancy and usable.

After paking the necessary stuffs, Lucien was ready to venture outside, afterall he had stayed inside the old manson for more than a weeks getting used to his old powers once again. Just as he opened the old door with the creaking sound, a colossial shadow fell over him, he instinctively shielded his eyes, looking up to be behold a gigantic shadow dragon, it's dark, sinewy form blotting out the sun. The dragons seals stimmered with an ethereal, midnight hue, and it's eyes, like twin orbs of polished onyx. Fixed upon him with an intensity that his breath catch.

For a moment, Lucien felt dizzy with sudden memories flooding in his head, some parts still remaining hazzy. .."what...the- " Lucien says out loud as his body go stiff. After some moment Lucien closed hisbeyes trying to focus on all the boury images popping one after another.

Few minutes past, Lucien opened his eyes, somewhat understanding the sudden appreance of a dragon. It turned out this dragon was non other than his old companion, waiting for him to wake up.

"So, it was you, I got the chills from?, when I first existed the manson for a moment, before the fusion with one of my soul fragment"... Lucien speaks as he looks at his old companion with pleasing smile.

The dragon lowered his massive head, exhaling a warm breath that ruffled, lucien's hair and with loving gaze in it's eyes. It swing his tail, finally reunited with his master, after a long time.

The dragon had been waiting for him, guarding this old mansion, Lucien took a step closer, reached out a hand, and the dragon lowered it's head further, allowing Lucien to place a gental hand on its snout. Memories of their past adventure flooded back, filling the air with a sense of nostalgia and unspoken understanding. The dragon's eyes, pools of ancient wisdom, locked onto lucien's conveying a bond unbroken by time.

"Haha nice meeting you after a long time buddy"

With this reunion with his old companion, Lucien called upon his mastery of space manipulation. He closed his eyes, focusing on the intricated patterns of energy that formed his space domain -a personal pocket dimension. The air around him shimmered and twisted, reality bending to his will.

A portal began to form, it's edges crackling with raw magical energy . Lucien extended his hand towards the portal, directing the dragon with his thoughts. The creature responded immediately stepping forword. With a grace that belief it's immense size. As it passed through the portal, it's form seemed to siddolve into the swirling mists of lucien's space domain.

Inside this domain, the dragon would find a suitable environment, a vast expanse of Twilight where it could roam freely and rest. Lucien had designed this relam meticulously, within those week, he stayed in the old mansion, ensuring it could house even the most formidable of beings. He watched as the last traces of the dragon's tail disappeared into the portal, then he closed it with a gesture, sealing the dragon within.

Lucien knew roaming around with the big dragon beside you, will draw unnecessary attention and could hinder his way. To find the fragment of his soul, scattered across the corners of the world like a pieces of a broken mirror.

Turning away from the old mansion. Lucien saw nothing but a barren land with little of no grass, few here and there , trees with dry branches, " sky is bit cloudy, I hope it won't rain"... Says Lucien, his face expressionless and beauty

The path ahade was drought with danger and uncertainty, but with his old companion a shadow dragon, he felt more than prepared to face whatever challanges lay ahade, and also excited to meet with his other companion.

"Ah now that I think of it, I feel no presence of human being or any other creatures, then it should be fine if I ride my out this dead land with my dragon"....lusin says as he opens his space domain to call out his old companion black dragon and with the appreance of a portal the dragon jumps out after hearing his master call.

"Haha buddy let's fly together till we meet reach country side"...says Lucien as he climbed onto the dragon's back feeling the powerful muscles ripple beneath him, ready to soar into new horizon together.

"Let's go nox !" ...says Lucien with loud and excited voice


As they fly up the sky leaving the old mansion.