
The Contract Wife of the Comatose Tycoon

In a desperate attempt to pay off her mother's debt, Yanne John found herself forced into marriage with Steven, the young master of the Lucas Family. However, Steven had been bedridden and in a vegetative state for the past three years. Many believed Yanne to be a widow, her father manipulated her, and her sister took pleasure in her misfortune. Unexpectedly, one fateful night, the seemingly lifeless vegetable miraculously woke up and began misbehaving towards Yanne. He accused her of being a gold digger, willing to marry a man in such a state for financial gain. They struck a deal: if he completed a task, they would divorce, setting her free. But despite reclaiming his possessions, Steven couldn't let go. Yanne confronted him, questioning why he clung to their marriage when he clearly disliked her love for money. To her surprise, Steven tearfully confessed, "Yanne John, you mean everything to me. Without you, I am nothing." Unbeknownst to him, his love for her had taken root deep within his being, impossible to sever. And so, their relationship transformed from one of convenience to one of genuine affection. Soon, everyone discovered that Yanne, once married to a vegetable, had turned her life around. The cool and distant husband had become utterly devoted, obeying her every command as if it were an imperial decree. Not only did she have a loving husband by her side every night, but she also had a pair of adorable twins. To top it all off, she had become the wealthiest woman in the world—a true winner in life. During a media interview, Yanne was asked about her secret to taming her husband. With a mischievous smile, she replied, "The secret is... psychological warfare!"

Harper Wilson · 都市
100 Chs

Chapter 81: It's an idiot

"What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't my brother-in-law's sweetheart my sister Yanne?"

Chole Gleen smiled slyly, "Don't you know that men are like that, the red flag at home is not down, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside? How long have I been working here? I know better than you. Back then, this Miss Young almost became Where is Mrs. President! Don't be dazed, hurry to make coffee and bring it in, if you delay, Mr. Lucas will blame you, even if you are a relative, you will not be spared lightly!"

Sarah Quain was very dissatisfied.

Sure enough, there is a vixen who came to grab a man from her sister Yanne!

She went to make a cup of coffee and sent it in.

Seeing that Kelly Young was sitting on Steven Lucas' chair, she immediately became angry.

"Miss Young, that's where Mr. Lucas is, isn't Miss Young a little too casual?" Sarah Quain said, putting the coffee on the table.