

連載中 · 7.3K ビュー
  • 19 章
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  • NO.200+


WebNovel で公開されている、AKSHAY_AWASTHI007 の作者が書いた THE CONTRACT OF SAN BRINGANZA の小説を読んでください。This is story of orphan boy normally leading his life. He thought the reality is what he has experienced till now, but he is yet to witness the dark reality. what is San Bringaza's contract? How it wa...


This is story of orphan boy normally leading his life. He thought the reality is what he has experienced till now, but he is yet to witness the dark reality. what is San Bringaza's contract? How it was related to him. Where is this place is? Slowly and steadily truth uncovers. Witness an ordinary boy's extra-ordinary journey.

4 タグ


LOCATION: CELESTIAL COUNCIL   Timeline: A year after the main events of TRIALS OF AN AUTHOR A large empty conference like room could be seen as it emitted gold mystical energies from its golden walls. A large gold round table appeared with four gold chairs around it. Suddenly, an entity appeared on a chair. One after the other, the twin, red and blue entities appeared on the chairs. An elevated platform also appeared with a bigger chair endowed with both silver and gold. Different colour of energies began seeping out of the walls of the room to form a humanoid being who sat on the chair which levitated up. “We have all seen what has happened in the first verse and I am very pleased with our progress. Now, we need a different approach, a science based powerhouse I suppose,” the Supreme Emmanuel said as the other entities nodded. “Magic has a weakness, it consumes too much energy and is logic defying, but a science based powerhouse that can go toe to toe with a magic user is highly improbable without some kind of tragedy or a massive driving force,” the blue entity reasoned and everyone nodded in agreement. “Adrenaline can act as a driving force for the powerhouse,” the red entity spoke but the twin entities looked lost in thought. “Then the powerhouse would be a villain to its range but a hero in the long run?” the twin entities said concurrently. “Yes, we must procure change. Not everyone is a hero at the beginning and not everyone is a hero forever. So, do we agree on a villain as the powerhouse of the Particle Verse?” the Supreme Emmanuel asked but everywhere remained silent. “It would be more fitting for our reputation as a strong verse if a hero is our powerhouse but we can bring a villain as a powerhouse for now,” the blue entity reasoned and the other entities agreed this time. “So it is agreed, a villain will feature in our next event/story and this time it will be limited to 3 episodes in contrast to the fifteen episodes of TOAA. And the powerhouse shall be called, Crocodilo,” the Supreme Emmanuel said and one of the twin entities opened a portal which showed a 40 year old man walking on the road when he fell down with no explanation. “Sickness in the Particle verse increases the brains IQ but reduces life span. Now we watch as this story takes its course. Merry Christmas,” Supreme Emmanuel spoke as darkness encompassed the realm.

Emmy_Spark · SF
3 Chs

The Unknown Gangleader

Jake stood there smiling at her simplicity, she was far from the girl's playboys go after, but he wasn't a playboy, he was interested in her, only her for some reason, she caught his eye the first week after he got here. Yet his line of work could never allow him to be with her, he didn't want her to get hurt, Wildfire was still out there and he had to make sure that nobody would use her as his weakness, which is why he had never stopped Alex from doing whatever he did. ~~~~ One simple text and an elaborate murder mystery, a man who has no identity and a love that seems to slip his hands.... Meet Jake Storm, who goes undercover with his best friend Alex Hemmington to a high school they never planned on seeing in their life, just so that they could only find her and avenge a murder. An unlikely ally gets caught up with their revenge mission, and Jake can't help but feel as if maybe there is a little bit of light in his dark world, Emma comes into their lives innocently but what dark secrets is she hiding? Unlikely allies, unintended secrets and dark pasts, how are they to avenge a murder and find the mystery person when secrets and lies threaten their love and friendships? ~~~~ This book is copyrighted by A@D Entertainment.This story, in any form,may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any part or in whole, without the written consent of the author,any infringement will be dealt with by copyright law.

natz · 若者
19 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating