
The Conquerors Path

Love, lust, and desire... Austin didn't know much about all that in his past life, for he was average in all aspects of his life. A guy who took psychology and math to learn because he couldn't get into biology, the only exciting thing about him being the fact that when he died, he ended up in his favorite eroge game with the task of getting the girls and making the protagonist a loner. Love, like manipulation or time in hell... That was his choice from the God Of Games... The beautiful girls of tsunderes, the sadist, the masochist, the kuudere, and the...yandere, and more. A world with living, breathing women of high status and power who don't like to share... So what happens when Austin goes behind them?... What happens when the Gods that feel nothing feel for him? What happens when he becomes the gigolo of the Gods?... Well, come and find out as he tried to survive among all the crazy women that exist... [There will be a lot of sex scenes, but it might only start after about 60 or so chapters.] (Note: Hey, first of all, this is not a fanfiction! It's true that the beginning of the story and some parts resemble some novels, but none of the characters are related to others from the novel. Also, the story flow will become completely different later!! Again, not a fanfic! The image does not belong to me; if the creator wants to remove it, message me.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/XyYvJ389mg

Chaosking · ファンタジー
757 Chs

Chapter 91-Date(3)

There was silence after I spoke as I looked at my mother who was in a trance, it took her a moment before she recovered, she looked at me with an angry face, well I think she tried to look angry

"Yo-You, wh-what are you saying!??"

"Um?, what's the problem?, as your son, it's only right that I always look after you mom"

"Oh... that's what you meant...."

Mom suddenly had an embarrassed look, she got embarrassed thinking that she thought a bit overboard, seeing her look like that I smirked as I spoke in a teasing tone

"Could it be that you thought of something bad?, I didn't know that my mom was a pervert"

"You what are you saying!"

My mom pouted as she turned her head away, clearly embarrassed, I didn't let go as I teased her, we continued to bicker to each other for a few moments until the waiter arrived with what I had ordered, it was a couples ice cream, the ice cream was in a huge bowl with a single cherry with 2 spoons

"This is?"

"It's what I ordered a couples ice cream, here eat ahhhhh"

As soon as the ice cream had arrived, I scooped it with my spoon and presented it to my now surprised mother, she looked between the ice cream and me for a moment before she unwillingly opened her mouth, as she took a bite I could see her face lit up

"Tasty, right?"

"Indeed it's good"

"I know I had to specially look for this place knowing how much you love this type of ice cream, here why don't you give me too"

Saying so I opened my mouth, my mom didn't hesitate as she scooped it and took it to my mouth, I took a chomp on it, clearly their reputations deserved


I let out a comment as I scooped it again to give it to mom, we kept feeding each other, as we talked to each other, unknowingly a lovely atmosphere came between us, if anybody would look at us they would undoubtedly think that we were a couple

A few minutes later, we were again on the road, walking hand in hand, this time it was more natural, we continue to walk till we reched our next destinstion, it was a theatre, I had brought mom to see a play

Well the story to is good, it's based on the war that happened thousands of years ago, it was the story of how a young boy goes on a journey to save his dying mother, durig that time he would end up foiling many of the demons plan but it has the sad ending of the mother dying in the end

It was quite the famous story, I had specially bought tickets to watch it

"Let's go, I have already booked seats for us"

"Sure it's being some time since I saw a play"

With that we walked toward's the entry room, the play would begin in about 5 minutes, reaching the area, I presented the staff with my tickets, taking us to the specially reserved area

Unlike the other seats, ours was in a closed room up high, the room itself was luxurious, with a great atmosphere, we were quickly placed in our seats, few minutes later the play began

The play itself was good the actors themselves were bringing life to the play, quickly mom was pulled into the play, then came the scene of the mother dying and the son's trip to save her

And at the same time I took mom's hand with mine, earning a look from her, I didn't look or respond to her, I just pressed my hands tighter, displaying my affection towards, mom looked at me for a second before she turned to the play again

Unlike the normal plays, the skit here was not just using props, instead illusion magic is used to give the play a real look, it's basically wearing a virtual helmet and seeing a movie, so it was very entertaining

Soon the ending was reached, were the son was running with the remedy to save the mother, but was met with her last dying look, at that time I could feel mom squeezing my hands tighter, so I replied in kind squeezing her hand back, proving that I was with her

It didn't just end there, I pulled the hand holding mom's hand, reaching it toward's me, I gave her hand a kiss, I got her reaction from her in a squeak from her but when mom looked at me all she saw was my love and care for her

Grace's heart started beating faster, her body somehow seemed to heat up, at this moment somehow a small foreign feeling began to sprout inside her, yet she firmly shakes her head, trying to shake her feelings away

She gave a smile before confirming that she was fine, though there was a small blush on her face, I didn't push it, after all I have all the time I need, I will slowly make her fall

Half an hour later the show ended and we were once again outside, there was only silence between us, our hands held on to each other, this time somehow there seemed to be a small change

"Shall we go and have some food"

It was during this silence that I spoke, mom didn't speak but I could see her nodding her head, hence we headed for some food, after we had some food, we continued to travel around

Some times we would see a food stall buy something to feed each other, or we would go to some of the more prominent places, spending our time playing, we played some games earning some gifts too, in the end night came even before we knew it

Darkness descended, many of the street light orbs became active filling the streets with light, both of us walked hand in hand near the park, the stuff we bought was kept within our spatial ring, there was a huge smile on mom's face, up and till now our hands hasn't left each other

"It was fun wasn't it?"

My voice broke the silence between us

"Indeed it was, I had never done such a thing before"

Grace couldn't help not think about the past years, to her this day was one of the most enjoyable one among the past years, somehow when she was with her son today, all her worries seemed to fly out of her

To her the idea of this date ending now seemed to fill her with sadness, walking close to mom I could feel her chaotic thoughts, I smiled, I could say that today's objective was successful. yet there was one more thing I should do

"Mom, there's a place I want to go, will you give me the honor of coming with me"

As I said this words I stood in front of her in a knightly way, as if a noble asking a woman for her hand, my mother's eye's glazed for a moment before she took my hand and responded in a noble way too

"It would be my honor"

After that both of us laughed in a childish way, with that holding mom's hand I walked towards a hill near the outer walls, with our powers, we were able to easily reach the top of the hill, before reaching the top I had shielded mom's eyes, saying that it was a surprise

Soon we reached the top, standing behind mom, I covered her eyes, slowly I moved my hands, bringing a beautiful sight in front of Grace


Grace's eyes widened in surprise of what she saw, what appeared in front of her was a lion.....no her duchy appeared as a huge lion figure, the huge lights from the duchy created the image of a lion chasing its prey

In the night the scene was mystical, yet beautiful, fireflies flew near them in the night, creating a mystifying scenario

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

My voice was what had brought mom from her daze, without minding her I sate near the edge of the hill, at the same time I took out my harp, my hands trailed the harp as beautiful note began to play, the music from the harp traveled the hill, creating a unique silence, my mouth opened as I began to sing with the tone

I think there is someone

Praying for someone

I can hear the love poem

They wrote holding their breath

I wish it flies to you

And arrives to your place before it's too late..

I'll be there, behind you who walks alone

Singing till the end, this song will be endless

Listen carefully just for a second

I will sing for you who walks long nights than most

(A/N: The poem does not belong to me)

My voice traveled across the hills, the fireflies which were flying in the hill, started to fly around me, a beautiful scene was being played, Grace stood there watching me in daze, the words that I was singing sank into her heart

The feeling that she was trying her best to suppress started to flow, there was no going back, my words and the tune sank into her heart, thumping aganist the defense, she had created around her heart after her husbands death, slowly but surely her defense was breaking down

'I don't know what's going to happen anymore'

Grace shook her head yet her eyes began to shine, somehow her body got strength, she walked towards me, she came down sitting next to me, her head was placed on my shoulder

'just maybe.....maybe just for once'

Grace heart was thumping, there was a cold wind that blew passed them, there was fireflies around them dancing beautifully to my tune, yet at this moment in her heart there was only me at her heart

Grace forgot about her identity, she forgot that she was a mother, a warrior, a princess, a duchess, at this moment she was just a woman, a woman listening to the tune of her lover

At this moment just my voice and the warmth I provided that was enough, slowly Grace closed her eyes, what was left was the warmth that she felt deep within her heart