Naruto is the reincarnation of both Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. Naruto finds help from A Man long thought Dead. HaremxNaruto.
Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to P atreon and search 'Drinor'
The Following TEN Chapters are already Available for Patrons.
Chapter 49 (Team 9), Chapter 50 (Spies and Enemies), Chapter 51 (Writing Exam), Chapter 52 (Forest of Death), Chapter 53 (First Battle), Chapter 54 (Uzumaki Friend), Chapter 55 (Snake Sannin), Chapter 56 (One Tail Vs Seven Tails), Chapter 57 (Sannin vs. Genin), and Chapter 58 (Anko's Revenge) are already available for Patrons.
Kumo Teams
"So you meet Naruto?!" Bee questioned the team but mostly Yugito.
Two Kumo teams had just arrived on Konoha, Team eleven and Team one, were Yugito, Mabui, and Atsui; their sensei was Darui, the dark panther, known for his dark Lightning ability, which was said to be on par with Raikage's Lightning Armor, one of the Strongest Jutsus to Exist.
The second team, Team eleven, belonged to Bee, The Jinchuuriki of Eight-Tails, an S-Rank Shinobi of Kumo. His team consisted of Samui, Karui, and Omoi. Bee was known around the Shinobi World as the second Perfect Jinchuuriki to exist; the first was The Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi.
He is known to be one of the strongest Shinobis of Kumo, being beaten only by The Raikage, Kushina Uzumaki, The Red Death, and Minato Namikaze, The Yellow Flash.
When they arrived at Konoha, it didn't take long for the Kumo Teams to get suspicious eyes from the majority of civilians and even some Shinobi; Kumo Teams didn't bother to acknowledge their presence and didn't bother to say counter their insults when some of them started calling them kidnappers, rapists, and any other name, none of them reacted, well except Karui and Atsui. They almost attacked if it wasn't for Bee and Darui holding them back from their ears like little kids.
Kumo knew the reason was because of what happened between Kumo and Hyuga Clan.
Since she knew that the Chunin Exams would be held in Konoha for a while, Yugito had secretly hoped that The Raikage would allow them to participate; Kumo still needed to show their strength in front of the Elemental Nations, and what better way to do this than beat Konoha on their own home.
Since she met Naruto, the blonde Jinchuuriki had quite been looking forward to meeting him again and perhaps becoming something more, but that didn't mean she would allow herself to lose if it came to fighting; if that were the case, she would give it all she had especially with someone like Naruto.
"You called for us, Raikage-Sama?" Mabui questioned the Raikage; Team one had been training when an Anbu arrived, informing them that the Raikage wanted them in the office; Darui had been confused since he had informed the Raikage that he would spend the whole month training his team, especially Yugito since she still needed to fight on her Semi-Bijuu mode without the risk of hurting or even killing her opponent.
"What do you think the Raikage wants?" Mabui had questioned her sensei with a calculating look; Atsui just groaned since he was having a good time looking at the beautiful sight from the top of the mountains they were training on; Yugito simply waited for her sensei to answer.
Darui had shrugged his shoulders, already having a feeling about why he wanted them there. "Let's see what he wants; I hope it is not dull," he spoke.
Arriving at the office, Yugito raised an eyebrow when she saw Samui, Karui, and Omoi in the office as well, especially her least favorite person in Kumo.
"Ojj, Big Brother, Whattttt is that youu wanted from the two best teams in Kumo History," Bee asked, but more like rapping, 'Seriously, when is he going to understand that his voice is horrible,' Yugito questioned herself with clear annoyance on her face.
His eyebrows twitched before slamming his fist on his head, sending him crashing against the wall. "Be quiet, Bee, this is an important matter," A shouted at his little brother, who was trying to get out of the wall with the help of his students, except Samui, who rolled her eyes at his uncool behavior.
Wanting to get over this dull meeting, Darui stepped forward before clearing his throat. "What's the matter, Raikage-Sama?"
Releasing a deep sigh from his throat, A sat back on his chair, his back leaning against the back of the chair. "The Chunin Exams are approaching; this time, Konoha is holding them; usually, I wouldn't send any team to Konoha due to our "rivalry," but I have exchanged words with the Third Hokage. I'm sending two teams there, Darui and Bee; your teams are going to Konoha. Are you ready for the exams?" He questioned them with a rough voice.
Yugito found herself smiling before she even realized, for a very long time, she had wanted to visit Konoha. Naruto was there; she couldn't wait to meet her friend.
"Friend, you say? I remember he was one heck of a man even five years ago, knowing Kurama and Naruto. He will probably be quite muscular, handsome, and oohhh just imagine his co-" "Quite You," Yugito hissed mentally, but the effect of her friend's words were already affecting her head with naughty images of Naruto, his hands cupping her plump ass cheeks, his lips and tongue devouring her pussy, Samui nearby with her massive...
'Damn it, Matatabi, I blame you for this,' Yugito thought with both anger and arousal, rubbing her thighs together, trying to calm herself, her face red like a tomato; thankfully, everyone's attention was at the Raikage, except Samui who caught a small glimpse of Yugito, a smirk on her face.
"Raikage-sama! Are you sure it is safe? We shouldn't forget what happe-" "I know what happened, Darui, no need for you to remind me, and there's no need for any of you to worry; I have prepared everything myself; now, are your teams ready for this?" Raikage questioned yet again with a more booming voice, eyeing every genin; they all straightened up instinctively.
"Yes, my team is ready," Darui confirmed, and so did Bee despite his horrible try to start rapping again.
"Very well, but before you go, I want you to keep an eye on someone," Raikage informed them before pulling a photo from a drawer of his desk, sliding the photo to their side of the desk; Darui looked at it.
"His name is Naruto Uzumaki; he will be part of the exam; I want you to watch out for him; my spies have informed me that he's the best Genin of Konoha, and not to mention he was the one that killed the Jonin several years ago," A informed them, taking all of them by surprise, except Bee and Yugito who already knew about it.
The others were surprised to hear that a six years old boy was able to beat a Jonin.
Samui glanced at the photo that Darui was holding; she knew he must be Naruto, whom Yugito had mentioned several times, 'Not bad, he's quite good looking, especially his muscular body, Cool' the busty blonde thought, licking her pink lips slightly, feeling a spark on her stomach, she wondered how would be to see him in person.
Yugito was quite surprised by how Naruto looked now; he looked taller, muscular, and most importantly, adorable, especially his whiskers marks. What she thought of him could be summarised with a single word. 'Yummy' 'Yummy, ' both thought at the same time.
"Mehhh, he doesn't look much!" Karui commented, grabbing the photo and inspecting it closer.
"That's why you're still a genin," A said before his eyes settled on Darui. "I want you to estimate his power during the Exam, and before any of you asks, he's not an enemy. I simply want to know how strong he is, so there is no need to be hostile towards him," A explained, much to the surprise of everyone except Bee, who knew why his big brother was saying that. It had been a month since the first scroll had arrived, so it wasn't a surprise that A wanted to know more.
"Why Raikage-sama? Wouldn't it make more sense to try and eliminate him during the exam?" Karui questioned with a hint of annoyance in her voice, not noticing the glare from Yugito.
"That is not important to you, Genin; if I wanted him Dead, I could have easily said so myself," A spoke firmly with a pointed look that made Karui shiver, looking down to avoid the Raikage's piercing eyes.
Yugito needed to suppress a triumply smile on her face, she didn't dislike Karui, but sometimes she could really get on her nerves.
"Your mission is to know how strong he is and win the chunin exams," A ordered, but Yugito could tell something was amiss here, especially his voice; it sounded as if winning the exam wasn't their priority.
"You noticed it too, kitty. I don't know why but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your boyfriend," Matatabi spoke on her head with a half-teasing and half-serious voice.
Yugito simply nodded mentally, not bothering to deny that the thought of Naruto being her boyfriend was quite tempting.
Now, Yugito had just returned from meeting Naruto, and it didn't disappoint; quite the opposite, his looks far exceeded her best imagination.
Yugito had long, straight, blonde hair bound with taut bandages, dark eyes, and she wore red lipstick. She wore a short-sleeved black and purple blouse and black pants, both of which had a design similar to clouds on them, purple fingerless gloves, and a chain of blue beads wound around her left hand. She also wore the standard Kumogakure forehead protector, sandals, and a kunai holster, which was strapped to her right thigh. She also wore bandages around her arms and legs, as well as a red belt around her waist.
Samui is a tall, fair-skinned young woman with a curvaceous figure who generally wears a stoic, aloof expression on her face. She has blue eyes and straight shoulder-length blonde hair, cut in an asymmetrical bob style. She wears a very low-cut outfit, with mesh armour underneath, a short skirt and red hand guards, and high boots. She also carries a tantō strapped horizontally to her lower back.
Atsui has neck-length blond hair, worn in an asymmetrical bowl cut style, and green eyes. His typical attire consists of a sleeveless version of the standard Kumogakure uniform. He also has bandages on his forearms, shin guards, and the kanji for "heat" tattooed on his left shoulder.
Mabui was a dark-skinned young woman with green eyes. She wore a standard Kumo kunoichi uniform, along with a pair of long earrings and sandals. She wore her light grey hair pulled back into a bun with two bangs that fell on either side of her face.
"Yes, I also happened to meet Jinchuuriki of seven Tails and One tail," Yugito informed him with a serious tone; she really didn't like the way that Gaara guy looked, especially the dark circles around his eyes, Matatabi warned her after leaving Naruto that Shukaku wasn't exactly the best one when it came to talking; he would rather fight than talk, and could easily get angry.
After seeing Gaara, Yugito knew her friend wasn't exaggerating; when it came to the Fuu girl from Taki, she didn't know what to say; she barely knew her but figured she could know her better later since she seemed to be a friend of Naruto.
Yugito explained to Bee her encounter with Naruto and the other Jinchuuriki; after hearing everything, Darui cleared his throat.
"Very well, I want all of you to watch out for this Gaara, we don't know how strong he is, but he's a Jinchuuriki, so don't underestimate him," he explained to both teams, not allowing Bee to talk since he would most likely start rapping.
"Now, everyone, you can explore the village, but I want no problems. Me and Bee need to inform The Hokage of our arrival," Darui explained; soon, he left the room with Bee, who was walking and dancing at the same time. After the door closed, the two Kumo teams were mostly silent until Yugito had a good idea.
"So, who wants to go and eat Sushi?" Yugito suggested with dreamy eyes; the thought of eating fish always made her drool a little. She blamed Matatabi for this.
"Sure, it could be cool," Samui agreed along with the others.
Walking around a big village like Konoha was a new experience; she had been once in Suna two months ago, but only for a day, and that was because of some business between the Raikage and the Kazekage.
Now, walking through the village, the streets were clean, without anything dirty around the stone roads, and people were walking around and minding their own business.
Yugito looked up to see the Faces of the past Kages carved in the mountain; one could see them from any point in the village; it was quite something to look at them; it felt as if they were still protecting the Village even after their deaths, watching over them like guardians. A Kage's Duty ends only after their Death, Yugito thought.
"Do you think this village has any good shops?" Atsui questioned, looking around for shops selling clothes, so far only decorating shops, weapon shops, scroll shops, and photo shops.
"Calm down, don't be uncool," Samui said; sometimes, her brother could really annoy her. Atsui snorted while Karui was looking around all the time as if someone would jump on them at any moment.
"You know Karui; you might as well wear a big sign that says, 'What are you all looking at?'" Omoi commented with an eye roll; the redhead got annoyed at him.
"Hey, we are in Enemy Territory; these are enemy shops; we should be in the hotel, not here," Karui explained, pointing at the various shops around them; several civilians stopped to look at them before walking away.
"Calm down, little girl, nothing is going to happen," Yugito said with a deadpan look on her face; her friend didn't seem convinced, but she just decided to ignore her.
Soon they reached a restaurant it had quite a lot of people inside. Walking inside, they soon noticed the majority of them were actually Shinobi; they took two tables on the far left side of the restaurant; looking at the menu, Yugito quickly found the price of Sushi before doing a double take.
"What the hell are these prices?!" Atsui commented, gripping the menu tightly as if wanting to tear it apart.
"Is the Chunin Exams, is a golden opportunity to earn money, knowing how many more people will come for the exams is no surprise they raised the prices, perhaps double them," Omoi commented, looking at the prices in the menu with a thoughtful look.
Yugito nodded in agreement, leaving it to Omoi to know about the Economy; even a year ago, when the discussion of the Hyuga Clan was brought up, Omoi mentioned how such an act could easily ruin the economy of any village; after all, no businessman, or any person who pays money wants Shinobi from a village known to kidnap little girls, thankfully The Hokage didn't spread out the information, and shaming Kumo in front of everyone.
A bartender soon walked up to them, asking what they wanted to eat. After he left, Yugito relaxed a bit, her head leaning against the window; she wondered if they could later go to see the Hokage faces from up close.
"What is that guy's problem?" Omoi suddenly asked, his voice low and calm, pointing to their left with his eyes.
From the corner of her eyes, she could see a Team of Konoha Shinobi without their Jonin; the one who was glaring at them had white eyes like milk.
Hyuga, they all thought at the same time; Yugito clicked her tongue in annoyance; out of all people in Konoha, a Hyuga was here.
Yugito told her teammates to simply ignore him, eat their food and be on their merry way. Karui suggested breaking his teeth and shoving them down his ass.
"Just ignore him, for fuck sake, he can't kill us by just looking," Samui ended their discussion with a loud tone.
The others agreed, but it seemed fate had other plans, as the said Hyuga suddenly stood up, making his way towards them.
Shit, Yugito thought; Karui's hand moved to the handle of her sword; Omoi didn't seem even to acknowledge the Hyuga as he was busy looking at the girl with kunai in her hands.
"Can we help you with something?" Samui asked calmly, standing up and looking at the Hyuga, who narrowed his eyes dangerously, leaking a bit of KI.
Yugito knew this one was strong just by his KI; the Jinchuuriki girl saw as everyone's attention was directed to them; it seemed their presence had caused quite a scene. The Hyuga's hands were closing and opening as if trying to decide whether to attack or not. After a moment of silence, the Hyuga decided to speak with a cold tone.
"Yes... You can help me by disappearing from this world," The Hyuga spoke, his Byakugan suddenly active, making everyone in the restaurant stand up.
Yugito prepared to fight when a voice spoke just above them.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Hyuga; this comes from someone who knows your problem quite personally," the voice cut through the tension like a knife. They looked up to see Naruto, his feet on the ceiling, his eyes narrowed at the Hyuga.
"This is not your problem, get-" "That's where you are wrong, Hyuga. The moment they walk inside, they are under the protection of the Hokage and the Rights of Chunin Exams; unless you're in the exam, you or anyone else have no right to attack unless it is self-defense or protection towards the village or its citizens. If you want to spend your life in the prison, or maybe looking over the forest with a good sharp stick up your neck, then, by all means, do it," Naruto spoke coldly, his eyes like ice, the temperature of the restaurant itself was near freezing.
The water on several glasses started freezing slowly, and the breathing suddenly became visible. Yugito saw the Hyuga's face turn red with anger, but a hand on his shoulder finally stopped him.
"Neji, Enough." Who she assumed was the Jonin of the Hyuga spoke. "I'm sorry, everyone," He added quickly to everyone before looking at the Kumo Shinobis.
"Please, I'm sorry for what my student did. I will personally make sure he doesn't do it again," before any of them could say anything, the Jonin and who they knew was called Neji disappeared, leaving leaves behind.
Feeling that everything had turned back to normal, Yugito finally looked up to see Naruto jump down in front of their table.
"Good to meet again, Naruto-kun; thank you for your help," Yugito said, smiling, finally relaxing. The others took a good look at the blonde.
With a first look, he seemed pretty normal, except for his whiskers and a Katana tightened to his waist.
"No problem, Yugi-chan, I hope you're having fun in our boring village," Naruto japed, earning a chuckle from Samui.
"It is fun now; how about you show us around the village? It can be quite uncool without a guide," her hand making slight contact with his hand, something Yugito wasn't sure if she was okay with it or not.
"Of course, as a Konoha Shinobi, I can show you the whole village," Naruto accepted, much to the delight of three girls and the annoyance of one.
"You make my blood run Hot. I Can't wait for you to show Us Everything," Atsui suddenly exclaimed with a raised fist up in the air, causing Naruto to take a step back.
"I don't swing that way. I like girls," Naruto said with his hands raised as if backing away from him. This caused Atsui's blood to run cold.
"Cool," Samui whispered, her eyes basically undressing him, especially his chest.
This village might be cool after all, she thought with a smirk.
That day, Naruto spent the entire rest of the day showing them the village. All kinds of shops, restaurants, and other good public views. Samui and Yugito didn't try to hide their affection towards him, especially the short blonde-haired girl who would occasionally put his arm on the valley of her large breasts, causing the blonde to blush every time; Naruto had to admit they were larger than Anko's.
Shit. I'm in Danger, Naruto thought.
Naruto - Tomorrow
After showing them the village, Naruto told them he needed to leave to prepare for the upcoming Chunin Exams; everyone told him good night except the red-haired girl.
"Sealing," he said, his hand slammed on a scroll; various ninja items disappeared in a puff of smoke, sealed inside the scroll; the blonde had prepared several scrolls just in case he needed them, everything from sleeping pills, soldier pills, stamina pills, and even painkillers, though he preferred not to use the latter.
Since yesterday, he knew something was off with this exam, especially when he met Gaara; while sending the Jinchuuriki to a foreign country for the Chunin exams wasn't an unknown practice, they usually send Jinchuuriki who had some control over their Bijuu, yet, Gaara's seal was so fragile that could very easily break at any moment.
One wrong emotion at the wrong time would be enough to set Shukaku free; how Hiruzen allowed an unstable Jinchuuriki on the village was beyond him.
Naruto didn't blame Gaara, but the blonde knew the serious danger of bringing someone like him into a village without supervision. Naruto just hoped that Hiruzen had told Jiraiya the Sannin to return back to the village; while those days he was mainly useful for writing porn, Naruto knew he was outstanding in sealing; someone like him could easily deal with someone like Gaara if he went berserk. But if Gaara went berserk and Jiraiya wasn't around, Naruto would deal with him.
Seeing Yugito, the blonde knew the Raikage had probably accepted his scroll; now, whatever or not they would actually make an alliance remains to be seen.
Sealing everything, Naruto made a double check to see if everything was ready; since Anko had no job until ten minutes before the first part of the exam ended, she was lazily sleeping in his bed, the sheet covering her naked glory from the waist down, since she apparently enjoyed sleeping without sheets, saying it was most uncomfortable, even in the middle of winter.
Her naked breasts looked very inviting, especially her pink nipples, just waiting to be kissed and sucked, but the blonde restrained himself since he didn't want to get late, not to mention he had her screaming his name the whole night passing out after the fifth orgasm.
Standing up, he prepared to leave when a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving; looking back to see Anko looking at him with lust and love.
"Good morning Anko-chan," Naruto greeted her; his snake mistress didn't reply; instead used her other hand to massage his cock through his pants; he felt himself getting very hard as she slipped his pants down, and his cock almost slapped her face not that she would have minded; instead she licked her lips slowly and seductively.
"A-Anko, T-The exams start within an hour. I need-" "Shhhh, once the Chunin exams start, I can't have you for a whole month due to my work," she said, lying on her back, her head hanging upside down just a bit away from Bed's frame.
Opening her mouth wide, she took his length slowly, her tongue working to bring Naruto pleasure as he groaned; her mouth was always amazing.
But looking at her naked breasts, he slammed his hands on them, causing a loud snap sound, squeezing the smooth flesh, causing Anko to moan in pleasure before fucking Anko's mouth like a pussy.
"You're so good at this, Anko," Naruto moaned as he slammed his cock over and over again in her mouth; Anko moaned in ecstasy as Naruto used his right hand to finger her dripping pussy.
It's so delicious; she thought with tears in her eyes as she almost gagged on his cock; she loved sucking his cock, she moaned louder as his fingers were playing with her nipples.
Naruto reached Shikamaru and Ino just in front of the Academy; the place was boozing with people, Genin, Parents, and Jonin. Genins who were excited to become Chunin and have more responsibility, Parents who were afraid that this could be the last time they saw them since it was known that Genins died in Chunin Exams.
Jonins who simply walked their respective teams inside, encouraging them and giving some last-minute advice.
"What took you so long?" Ino asked, first seeing her boyfriend land in front of them.
Shikamaru simply yawned; he still didn't understand why he agreed to participate in this troublesome exam; right now, he could have been in his bed, looking at the clouds; instead, he was here with his teammates, and one of them looked relieved in a strange way, in a way he had seen before, putting two and two together, he figured must be because of Anko Mitarashi.
This is so troublesome, Shikamaru thought.
"I'm sorry, Ino-chan, aaahhhh just needed to deal with a snake," The blonde boy answered, getting a confused look from Ino before quickly realizing what he meant with a blush on her face.
"Let's just get this over," Ino shouted, avoiding the eyes of her teammates; Shika and Naruto shared a look that said, 'Did I do something?'
Walking forward, the blonde Uzumaki was in the front with a smirk.
"This is it, Team 10. This is our moment of glory. We are entering as Genins and will come out as Chunin," Naruto stated passionately.
"Or Come out, Dead," Shikamaru added with a little voice before getting a slap at the back of his head from the platinum-haired girl.
"Be more optimistic," she shouted, in a way that, much to his horror, reminded him of his mother minus the fraying pan. Woman, he thought with a deadpan look on his face.
A nudge on his shoulder made him escape his thoughts, turning his head to see Naruto. "Don't worry, Shika, I will protect my teammates with my life if I have to," he promised, a hand on their shoulders, both of them not knowing that he put a Hirashin Seal on both of them.
"Naruto's right, with him, we can do everything," Ino said before kissing him on the lips; Shika snorted before looking away.
Pulling away a string of saliva connecting their lips. "Wow, I didn't know you could be so forward; perhaps later, I could show you a good time," Naruto whispered the last part, making Ino blush furiously, remembering when Naruto used his fingers to make her have the first orgasm in her life.
"Can we please move along?" Shikamaru asked with annoyance, his eyebrows twitching, kind of like his mother when she was angry.
"I'm sorry, Shika," Naruto apologized, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. Team ten walked inside the courtyard of the Academy; the blonde briefly glanced at the swing; it was still there, he briefly remembered himself alone and crying, but he shut those memories immediately.
Entering the Academy, Team Ten knew the danger awaiting them.
"Let's End This,"