
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · ファンタジー
23 Chs

Soul Combat


( Cecilia )

Cecilia : " ( sigh ) that boy! . . 'Thud' "

* A blushing Red haired Weaver girl stumped, her foot in frustration. . .

she wore a white layered styled robe, with a long tail, that almost swept the clothed floor, with white strings holding it together, and a weavers charm layed at its summit acting as it's center piece.

A brooch that looks like the masks wore by most weaver's when leaving there then.

her arm's are hidden and gloved only two can be seen while she walked too I direction I yet too know. "

Cecilia : " Damn idiotic, dum, charm. .. .No! he's. . .he's my hero ( sigh ). . . I should really be nicer than him. . .I. .I just can't. . .Idiot. . "

* she continued until she's at the roof cafeteria. . . it doesn't really rain here so they don't need roofs they just add them sometimes to look pretty or use as a floor. . .

anyway she continued until she's infront of the bakers stand. . . *

Cecilia : " Hey Clee-O can you give me two loves of Crawler Bread. . . "

I said, talking to one of my cousin's Cleo his family and a worker for mine. . . he's always Act's like a good brother should, and helps me and white when we get into trouble. . .

Cleo : " Sure wait right there I just finished a new hot batch. . . "

He said while he walked into the back. . .

Cecilia : " Thank you. .. ".

Cleo : " Well its alright, so. why isn't white with you? you're always together. . . did you guys fight again? "

Cecilia : " were not always . . . No I just. . "

he came back with a Cloth basket with two loafs of hot bread. . .

Cleo : " There. . .( sigh ). . . Poor White. "

Cecilia : " Poor him! He . . he haa ( yell ) "

after my little out burst, I started to walk away but while I do Cleo spoke in passing. . . And I stopped to listen to him.

Cleo : " You should really stop being so abrasive towards him celia, our he'll really. . .

He didn't finish he's sentence, but I understood what he said, while I continued on my walk.

Cecilia : " I know. . . "

I voiced out my thoughts, in mumbles while I entered back into the master's Hall. . . Trying to find him, with a cup of soup and a loaf of bread in hand.



( White )


( The Weaver's den, Masters hall. )

It's been 4 seasons and now the old decided to teach me how to fight, Atleast the way they know how, with weave and soul. . .

And not by my sword I mean nail. . . it's odd for me, but it's there world, so why the hell would I have the right too complain?

But against there judgement I denied there suggestion, of not training my skills with the Nail anymore, and that it would only be a waste of time, that can rather be channelled into my other studies. . .

Even so there are Weaver's how had picked up the Nail. . .but they are few, and those few our the guards or Escorts of the weaver's. . .

I ask for a teacher in there ranks, but no one had the time to actually teach me there Nail arts. . . The Weaver's trully are few in number. . .

But then I eventually ask Uncle Hunter about it, ha ha ha. . . I still remember the face he made when I answered both in his ultimatum, he was both really happy and surprise by my answer. . .

So as I asked him he told me. . .

That there was a school where all sentient bugs go to learn nail art. . . I mean true nail art, a Martial art that consists of Nail and Soul. . .

he said that some warriors, of the Weavers go to that school, in there pilgrimage, and he suggested me to do the same. . . .

while I walked the quiet red, and white clothed halls, those thoughts spun in my mind. . .

Then I reached my destination, with a waiting Cecilia with the same apology breakfast she brought me yesterday. . .

I was once again inside my new master's Training hall. . . It was vast enough to easily accommodate fifty students. . .

With ceilings tailored to catch the crystalline lights of the cavern, walls lined with gray stone columns dressed in scarlet silk like pretty much the rest of this hall, like the Banners that hang on the balconies. . .

but enough of that I walked with a smile while I hugged Cecilia. . .making her push me away after with a slight blush. . .

Then she spoke her voice, shakey and embarrass while forcing a sweet smile. . .

Cecil : " Here! Thud "

She pressed the meal on my chest before she left in a hurry again. . .fast enough that she might not have heard my words.

White : " Hey wait Cecil I don't. . . and, she's gone ( sigh ). . . Master how can I. . . "

A tall weaver came jumped down from the balcony and then placed her arm on my shoulder. . .while grinning.

sister Ember : " You really should be more assertive White, or she'll never know that you already forgave her. . . ( sigh ) it was just a joke. . . "

White : " alright thank you Ember I'll try. . . no I'll do it she'll probably be more attached though. . . "

sister Ember : " can't be helped, I guess you are. the one how saved her after all. "

White : " I know. . . "

Ember : " . . . "

A Loud silent erupted that was quickly broken when I started eating. . .

Ember : " alright you should eat . . . And afterward start creating shields I'll be back. . "

With those parting words she left me alone inside the training hall while eating the. . .

Steamy soup and nested bread. . . Damn why is this so good. . .what do they use as flavorings I never did saw them use salt. . .

after maybe after an hour I finished, and then started to go to work. . .

I focused in my surrounding until threads of soul silk appeared. . . this kind of soul use is different from other bugs. . .

Like the weaver's for example, they're soul silk is naturally produced, and even if they don't Focuse, it's created in the surface of there skin and would shed normally but if they do focuse, it would become thread. . .

But my way of using soul is a little special, I can control the Soul in the air, that's naturally produced by the living every time they breath, and the dead, when they start to become Soul when they deteriorate. . .

That Soul I use and manipulate until I turn it into a construct like the soul silks of weaver's. . . or absorb it and strengthen my body. . . A tiring process. . .

But now that's not my task I was told to create shields so I did. . .

I weaved together the Soul threads, until I made silk, and then I tailored it into a long scarf. . . . Its naturally white, like all things made out off pure soul silk. . .

After that I felt a shill. . . " tsuk " A bow realised a heavy one at that. . .

I used the shield I made to block, layering it to block the arrow of white silk. . .

Ripping sounds it's going though. . . and it stopped just before hitting my final layer. .

Ember : " Ha ha ha good job White, you used the shield rather than dodging, like last time. . . okay ONE MORE! "

She yelled as I hurryingly Rushed to fix my Weave to not be hit by her arrows again. . .

Re-attaching the cut threads, while placing new ones to strengthen it, this is how clothes are made in The weavers den, spin and cut, spin and cut. . . until you make something stronger than you're first weave. . .

And that's how she's Spinning her teachings, cutting and bindding me, over, and over, until I can eventually beat her, with her own skills. . .

It continued she shot me with her bow continuously, while I repair my shields and create something to attack with. . .

And then I charged towards her while she kept on shooting her endless arrows. . .

while I ran I was re-stitching my shield until I eventually reached her. . .

Ember : " Wouldn't work again! "

her voice had mocking tone while her face showed happiness and joy at the past where having. . .

she jumped, and started to raining down more arrows, that was what i was waiting for.

I used my shield and twisted it to make a lance big enough to shield me and pierce her and then I threw it. . .

Sister Ember : " Ha ha ha this is new! lets see if you can hit.. .. . "

She stopped her bow shots, and pulled her bow to its full length, and then focused a large spiraling arrow, almost the size of my weaved lance. . . and then she realised it.

But before my lance and her big arrow can collide, mine unravelled itself making hers punch through it making a hole, and missing me, how jumped with my now lance, turned scarf again. . .

Sister Ember " HUH?! "

White : " Got you master. . "

I used my scarf to wrap my now momentarily stunned master, how almost have drawn her bow again, if I wasn't fast enough. . .

And turned her into a sushi roll. . .

" Thump " We both fell, the fight only lasted about a few minutes, but felt like hour's to us how fought. . .

White : " ha ha ha yes I won. "

I said devilishly smiling while doing a little victory dance.

Sister Ember : " Ha ha ha okay, okay, you won so can you now please take this off of me now. . . or do you have any plans~ "

She said teasingly while her face was blush because of the exertion she did, while both of us where still panting. . .

White : " I'll take you're offer then ~ Em-Ber "

I said sweetly, while adding as much honey and sexiness, into every word in her name. . .

While I closed in, and now ontop of the sushi girl, my face and hers only a few inches away. . .

She had sweet, sweet fear in her eyes, and a forced smile on her blushed pale violet skin. . .

Sister Ember : " I. . .I was kidding you I . I. . "

I cut her by removing her mask revealing her entire face. . . I felt a shiver at this. . . and then only mumblings from a fiercely violet blushing crimson knight. . .

That I kissed on the cheek, and then cut free from my bindings, using a weaver's fang, I received from my soul weave master. . .

And then while I walked away I said this slowly.

White : " I like you Sister Ember~ Let's do those things you imagined, when I'm older~ "

I tried sounding cool and in control, but when I heard a bow being drawn, I immediately ran. . .

Sister Ember : " Come back here! Idiot! where not done yet! . . . "

She yelled angrily, without giving chase. . .

Sister Ember : " Idiot. . . Fuck, Is this how Cecilia Feel? Frustrated and angry. . .( sigh ). .


author : " Thank's for reading, and sorry for the one day delay, I was busy watching tower of god yesterday to type, so yeah. . .

Oh and can you guys type a yes, in the comments, I'm not really sure how many people read my stuff, I'm guessing like 10 maybe. . . okay bye next updates at Wednesday.