
The Connected Worlds

Jessie, 21years old University student lost her boyfriend in an accident. She can't forget his memories with him. But after his death, he comes into her dreams everyday. Is this a dream? Or another universe. Let's go and read it. Experience the multiverse story and the multiverse love. Follow me on Discord : https://discord.gg/PfD6cngQ

the_brownie_02 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Into Nebula

Draco tried to attack Jessie again and again. "Daimon", Arthur used magic tricks and attacked Draco. Draco was hurt. In his pocket, he saw two ropes, that controlled the magic power.

After that Draco stood with confidence. Arthur tries to attack him again. Draco took one rope from his pocket. He runs towards Arthur with the rope. But Arthur tackled the rope. Then Draco saw Jessie standing there. He attacked Jessie with the rope. "Hey Arthur!", Draco victoriously called him. "KNEEL!", he said. Arthur saw that Jessie was in the hands of him. So he kneeled. Then Draco came there and tied Arthur.

Jessie saw a sharp stone. She used her leg and took the stone. She started to cut the rope but she couldn't. Daisy was lying down in the corridor. She saw Jessie was tied. "Jessica!", she called her silently. Then she came silently and started to untie the rope. At that time Draco was with Arthur. He started to punch him first. "You betrayed me with that witch!", Draco was saying this after punching Arthur. "How can I? I thought you were dead. I mourned for you. Ask Leia. She'll give you answers.", Arthur cried.

Draco saw that Daisy was untying Jessie. He used his magic powers and lifted Daisy. But Daisy removed the rope before. Neo was seeing everything but he couldn't do anything. He saw that Draco used his magic powers and lifted Daisy. "Hey, you a**hole! Come and fight me!", Neo called Draco for a fight. Draco saw him and used his magic powers to come down. Then he came there and saw Neo's face. "Harry!?", Draco narrowed his eyes with doubt.

"Who the heck is Harry? He also called me with the name first.", Neo was arguing with him. "You must not be Harry. Because he's selfish. You're selfless.", Draco patted Neo's head. He saw Jessie running away.

"Let me deal with you later.", Draco said and he chuckled. At that time Neo took a long and tried to attack Draco. Arthur was seeing everything. He saw that Neo was trying to attack Draco. "No!", Arthur was screaming. But Neo didn't hear Arthur's voice.

Draco was aware of what Arthur was trying to do. But didn't care about that. He went near Daisy. He made her to come down. He saw her face. Suddenly his memories started to flash after seeing her face properly. "Leia?", Draco's body started to shiver. Then he hugged her. " I thought you were dead. How could you?", he started to cry. Daisy pushed and slapped him. "I'm sorry. I must capture you, him, and that witch. I didn't mean to hurt you.", Draco's eyes filled with tears after seeing Daisy. He hugged her again.

At that time Jessie came to Arthur silently. She silently untied him. "What are you doing?", Arthur asked her. "Saving you!", Jessie replied. "Thank you.", Arthur thanked her. "Let's fight him.", Jessie gave her hand to him. "It's my fight! Don't come with me.", Arthur instructed her. "How can I? He attacked my friends. Now he's trying to attack my Daisy! How can I leave her?", Jessie argued with him. Later Arthur accepted her request.

Cathy and Jenny woke up. They saw the scenario going on. They took some stones and a log. They tried to attack him silently. They saw Neo was trying to attack him too. Neo saw them too. He gave sign language and communicated with them. He counted up to three and attacked Draco. Cathy threw stones at him. Draco tackled the moves of Cathy and Neo. Jenny used the log as a baseball bat. She used her sports power against Draco and attacked him. But he tackled all those.

"Hey you loser!", Daisy called him and threw the stones at him. He tackled all those stones too. He came towards and attacked her. "You're not my Leia. Her innocence is not seen in your face.", Draco was choking her neck and said.

"Hey Draco! Come and fight with me!", Arthur called him for a fight. Draco was surprised at how Arthur was untied. Then he realized that Jessie untied him.

"Where's the witch?", Draco asked. "She ran away.", Arthur replied and his eyes was seeing Draco's leg. "Révéler", Arthur used a revealing magic spell. When Draco saw down, his leg was tied with the magic reducing rope. The rope was tied by Jessie. He saw that and dropped Daisy.

He can't use any of the magic tricks. He tried to pull Jessie with her hair. But Jessie escaped. Draco became weaker after tying the rope. After that Arthur came and tied his hands. Then he made Draco to kneel down.

"Everything is over. Finally I'm getting peace.", Daisy said and took a deep breath. "Yeah!", Jessie nodded. She was still unhappy that Arthur is leaving the earth. "I'll be leaving. Thank you for the hospitality, my friends.", Arthur thanked them. Jessie can't accept that Arthur is leaving. She became sad after he said that.

Then Arthur pulled Draco at the center of the land. "OH THE BRIDGE! OPEN YOUR WAY!", Arthur was using a magic spell.

A white flash came to the earth. It was like a bridge. Draco was not ready to come to Nebula. Because he's still considering Jessie as Jane. And his magic powers didn't work on her. So he suspects that Jessie is Jane. But he also saw that Jane died in front of his eyes by Jack.

Arthur pulled Draco to the bridge. He bid goodbye to the girls and Neo. Draco used the rope and pulled Jessie to the bridge. Arthur tried to push her. And the others tried to pull her. But the entrance is about to shrink. The white flash is about to vanish. Jessie also tried to push him. Because of Draco's physique, she can't move further.

Everyone on the land was shocked that Draco pulled Jessie into the white flash. They tried to pull her. But everything went out of hand. "Jessicaa…", Daisy cried more.

The white flash went into another universe every second. Jessie saw that there was every situation in her life.

In one universe, she was married to Edward and had kids. They're living happily. In another universe, they're enemies. In every universe, there were different situations, they might be married, enemies, lovers, one-sided love, strangers, divorced, and friends.

At last, the white flash reached Nebula. It reached to lake.

"At last I came here.", Draco said and he pulled Jessie to the kingdom. Arthur punched him and released Jessie. "What the hell you are doing you moron?", Arthur became furious. He was about to punch him again. But Jessie stopped him. "Hahaha… I'll be showing it to King Jack.", Draco said and he laughed. Then Jessie heard this and came towards him. She gave a punch harder to Draco. And came to Arthur. "What are we gonna do?", Jessie asked Arthur anxiously. "Wait until the blood moon comes.", Arthur instructed to her. "When it's coming?", she asked. "In Nebula, it takes two months once for a blood moon. You have to wait until two months.", Arthur said. Draco was laughing at the corner. Jessie was confused about what Arthur was saying. Draco ran away to the kingdom. Arthur tries to catch him but he can't.

Draco went to the kingdom. The guards outside can't identify him because his dress has become shabby. Then the guards threw him out. "Hey! Don't you know who am I?", Draco was shouting at them. "I'm Commander Draco!", he was explaining to them. But the guards mocked at him. Then they pushed him outside the gate.

"Hey! Don't you know who he is?", there comes Ruby. She saw what was happening outside. "Sorry my Prima Donna, he's trying to enter into our palace.", one of the guards explained to her. "He's our commander! Can't you recognize him?", Ruby shouted at them. "We're sorry my Prima Donna!", the guards apologized to her. "You'll be standing here for two days. That's the punishment.", Ruby said and she called Draco inside.

Ruby saw the rope in Draco's hand and legs. She took those ropes with her own hands. Both of them went into the palace. "What's the matter?", Ruby asked Draco. "It's about Arthur. I need to talk to the King first, my Prima Donna.", Draco replied.

"OK! Let me arrange.", Ruby said. Then went to the king's room. "Stay here!", Ruby instructed to Draco. Then she went to the room.

After that Ruby called him to the room. Draco saw King Jack. He bowed in front of him and he kissed his fleet first and his hands. "What's the news about Arthur? Did you find him?", Jack asked. "Yes! I found him in a place named Earth. Now he came back to Nebula. He's on the lake now. And he's with that witch.", Draco explained to him. "Who? Jane?", Jack asked. "Yes.", he replied. Then Jack started to laugh. "I just killed her with my own hands. How could she be alive?", Jack was laughing again. "I thought this at first but my powers didn't work with her. And I caught her with the rope.", Draco showed the rope to him. Jack saw this and he was surprised.

On the other side, Arthur and Jessie go to the house where Arthur lives. He closes all the doors and windows. "What happened?", Jessie asked. "Draco is not going to leave you. He'll be giving the information to the King. I'm sure that he'll be telling you about you. I need to save you.", Arthur said in a panicked way.

"Let's fight them!", Jessie opens the doors and windows. "Are you mad? He'll kill you in a second. All I need you to be safe for two months. Please listen.", Arthur pleaded her. "Arthur!?", there comes Gilda. "Glida?", Arthur narrowed his eyes. Gilda was the teacher for Arthur, Draco, Jane and Leia. "I thought you were dead.", she hugged him. Then she saw Jessie. "Jane?", she narrowed her eyes. "How's she alive?", she asked Arthur. "She's not Jane. She's Jessica from Earth. She's the mirror of Jane.", he explained the situation to her. "I'll take care of her you go and save Leia. Today she'll be hanging to death. There's no time.", Gilda instructed Arthur. "Leia is alive?", Arthur became dumbfounded and he started to cry. Jessie consoled him. Then he went to the kingdom.

"Mam. Can you tell me who's Jane? Because Arthur used to talk about her every time and after he sees me he remembers Jane. So what happened to her? And why they captured Leia?", Jessie asked. "Let me explain to you about her.", Gilda said and she started to narrate the story of Jane.

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