
The Conflicted Heart

A contemporary romance story that follows the journey of Gabriel, a young man who falls in love with his classmate Lia. After talking for months, Gabriel finally confesses his feelings to Lia, hoping to take their relationship to the next level. However, their budding romance is soon threatened by the arrival of Andrei, a charming and charismatic young man who quickly becomes Lia's closest friend. As Andrei grows closer to Lia, Gabriel finds himself struggling with jealousy and insecurity. Lia, who is kind and caring, is drawn to Andrei's easygoing nature and soon finds herself falling for him. Gabriel, heartbroken and unsure of what to do, watches helplessly as Lia's feelings for him start to fade away. As the story unfolds, the characters are forced to confront their feelings and the truths that have been hidden for so long. Gabriel must come to terms with his jealousy and decide whether to fight for Lia or let her go. Meanwhile, Lia must choose between her growing feelings for Andrei and the love she once had for Gabriel.

Michaela_Franco · 若者
3 Chs

Chapter 1

In a world confined by a relentless pandemic, where masks hide smiles and touch is scarce, a tender love story emerges. Meet Gabriel, a high school student whose classroom is now the virtual realm. Despite the challenges, he remains a beacon of warmth, intelligence, and unwavering optimism. His infectious happiness has become a source of solace and hope for his classmates.

One fateful day, driven by curiosity and a desire for connection, Gabriel joins an online organization that sparks his interest. Little did he know that this seemingly ordinary decision would unveil a new chapter in his life one where the borders of his heart would expand, and the enchantment of love would take hold. During a virtual meeting, a captivating image catches Gabriel's eye. It's a portrait of a woman named Lia, her beauty radiating through the pixels of his screen. His heart skips a beat, and his curiosity transforms into an insatiable longing to know more about her. With a newfound determination, Gabriel embarks on a quest to uncover the depths of Lia's soul, hidden behind the digital veil.

Gabriel sits at his desk, bathed in the glow of his computer screen. The virtual meeting window is open in front of him, filled with participants. But his attention is drawn to a particular image on his screen—the captivating portrait of Lia.

GABRIEL (whispering to himself) Who is she? There's something about her... something magical.

After the meeting, Gabriel stalks Lia on social media and adds her as a friend on Facebook. Lia accepted Gabriel's friend request, and Gabriel felt his heart skip a beat as he saw her name pop up on his screen. He didn't hesitate to start a conversation with her, driven by his curiosity to get to know this beautiful girl who had captured his attention.


Lia replied,

HELLOO, You're so far away, Lia try to joked, "Do you want to visit Tondo? You might not be able to come home once you get here."

"Haha, you're so funny," Gabriel typed,

Gabriel's admiration for Lia continued to grow as they talked about their hobbies and interests. He was in awe of her many talents and her dedication to her faith.

Gabriel and Lia continue their conversation through an online chat. Their discussion turns to writing and Lia's aspirations.

LIA: (excitedly) You know, Gabriel, I absolutely love writing stories! There's something magical about creating a world of my own, where characters come alive and adventures unfold.

GABRIEL: (encouragingly) That's wonderful, Lia! Writing stories allows you to unleash your imagination and give life to your thoughts and dreams. It's a beautiful form of self-expression.

LIA: (doubtful) I've always wanted to be a writer, but I don't think I'm very good at it. I often find myself getting discouraged.

Gabriel's face softens with understanding, and he starts typing with supportive words.

GABRIEL: (typed with empathy) Don't worry, Lia. Writing, like any craft, takes practice and perseverance. It's natural to feel self-doubt along the way, but that shouldn't stop you from pursuing your passion. Remember, every writer starts as a beginner. The more you write, the more you'll grow and improve. It's a journey of discovery and learning.

LIA: (appreciatively) Thank you, Gabriel. Your words are comforting. Perhaps you're right. I shouldn't let my doubts hold me back. I'll keep trying and explore the depths of my creativity.

Gabriel and Lia continue their late-night chat, their virtual connection growing stronger with each passing moment. They have delved into various topics, and now Gabriel takes the opportunity to inquire about Lia's faith.

GABRIEL: (curiously) I noticed that you mentioned studying the Bible with children. That's really cool. Are you very religious?

LIA: (eagerly) Yes, I am. My faith is very important to me, Gabriel. It's not just a mere set of beliefs; it's a way of life. I strive to live in accordance with the teachings of the Bible, seeking guidance and wisdom from its sacred words. It's a source of inspiration, comfort, and strength.

GABRIEL: (interested) That's fascinating, Lia. I can sense the depth of your faith in the way you speak about it. How has it influenced your life?

LIA: (serenely) My faith has been a guiding light throughout my journey. It shapes my values, influences my decisions, and brings a profound sense of purpose to my existence. It reminds me to love and care for others, to be compassionate and forgiving, and to strive for inner peace. It's not always easy, but it fills my heart with joy and provides me with a sense of peace amidst life's challenges.

Gabriel felt a surge of respect and admiration for Lia's devotion to her beliefs. He had never met anyone like her before, and he knew that he wanted to learn more about her and her faith.

As Gabriel signed off for the night, he felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. He couldn't wait to talk to Lia again and to learn even more about this amazing girl who had captured his heart.

Gabriel and Lia's friendship continued to flourish as they chatted comfortably with each other. They had developed a deep level of trust, sharing their hopes, dreams, and even their fears. As they settled into another virtual conversation, Gabriel's curiosity got the best of him. He wanted to know more about Lia's thoughts and feelings, particularly if there was a special someone in their class who caught her attention.

GABRIEL: (nervously) Lia, can I ask you something?

LIA: (curious) Sure, what's up?

Gabriel hesitates for a moment, then finally types his question, his fingers lingering over the keyboard.

GABRIEL (typed slowly) Do you like anyone in our class?

There's a moment of silence as Gabriel anxiously awaits Lia's response. The seconds feel like an eternity, filled with anticipation.

LIA (responding after a pause) To be honest, Gabriel, there isn't anyone in our class who has caught my attention in that way. I've enjoyed getting to know everyone as friends, but my heart hasn't leaned towards romantic feelings for anyone.

Gabriel takes a moment to process Lia's response, realizing that the question he asked was driven by curiosity rather than any particular motive.

Lia: "Why do you ask?"

Gabriel's heart skips a beat as he reads Lia's question, realizing that his inquiry may have sparked curiosity in her as well. He gathers his thoughts, trying to maintain composure in his response.

GABRIEL: (typing, slightly flustered) No reason, just curious. I was just wondering if you had your eye on anyone.

Lia reads Gabriel's message, a faint smile forming on her lips. She recognizes the hidden vulnerability behind his words and decides to respond honestly.

LIA: (assuringly) No, Gabriel, there's no one in our class who has captured my interest.

Gabriel breathes a sigh of relief, his worries gradually dissipating.

GABRIEL: (relieved) I'm glad to hear that, Lia.

LIA: What about you, Gabriel? Do you like anyone in our class?"

Gabriel feels a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as he reads Lia's question, contemplating whether or not he should reveal his true feelings. He takes a deep breath, his fingers hovering over the keyboard.

GABRIEL: (carefully) Well, Lia... there is someone in our class who has caught my attention.

Lia's eyes widen slightly, curiosity evident in her response.

GABRIEL: (playfully) it's a secret for now.

LIA: (teasingly) Oh, come on, Gabriel! You can't just leave me hanging like that. Give me a clue!

Gabriel chuckles softly, enjoying their playful banter but still unwilling to fully disclose his feelings.

GABRIEL: (teasingly) Hmm, let's just say this person is someone I enjoy talking to, someone who has an incredible sense of humor and a beautiful smile.

GABRIEL (typing, cautiously) Well, Lia, if I had to give you a clue, the first letter of the person's name is "L."

LIA: (amused) Well, whoever this mystery person is, they must be lucky to have caught your attention. I hope they appreciate your sense of humor too!

But no matter how hard he tried, Lia never seemed to catch on. Gabriel couldn't help but feel frustrated that he was trying so hard to win her over, but she wasn't reciprocating his feelings.

Gabriel and Lia have spent hours engrossed in their conversation, sharing their deepest thoughts and feelings. As the night grows late, Lia starts to feel the exhaustion weighing upon her.

LIA: (yawning) Oh, Gabriel, it's getting really late. I think it's time for me to say goodbye and get some sleep.

Gabriel looks at the clock, realizing how time has flown by during their conversation. He feels a sense of reluctance, not wanting their connection to end.

GABRIEL: (disappointed) Already? I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. But I understand the importance of rest. Sleep well, Lia.

LIA: (sincerely) Thank you, Gabriel. I've enjoyed every moment of our conversation tonight. Your friendship has brought me joy and comfort. Let's continue our conversation soon, okay?

GABRIEL: (nodding) Absolutely, Lia. I look forward to our next conversation. Sleep tight and have sweet dreams.

LIA: (gently) Goodnight, Gabriel. Take care.

GABRIEL: (softly) Goodnight, Lia. Rest well and take care of yourself.

One day, as they were chatting, Lia suddenly brought up the topic of relationships. Gabriel's heart skipped a beat as he wondered where the conversation was headed.

LIA: "You know, Gabriel, I think it's really important to be honest with your feelings," Lia said. "If you like someone, you should tell them. Otherwise, you'll just end up regretting it later."

Gabriel's mind was racing as he wondered if Lia was trying to tell him something. Was she trying to give him a hint that she had feelings for him too? He decided to take a chance and see where the conversation was headed.

GABRIEL (nervously) I... I agree, Lia. Honesty is definitely important when it comes to matters of the heart.

Lia senses Gabriel's unease and leans in, her expression supportive and encouraging.

LIA: (gently) Gabriel, is there someone you've been meaning to be honest with? Someone you've been keeping your feelings from?

Gabriel hesitates for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. He knows that this is his opportunity to express his true feelings, but the fear of rejection lingers.

GABRIEL: (softly) Yes, Lia, there is someone... someone who has captured my heart. But I've been hesitant to reveal my true feelings, fearing that it might complicate our friendship.

Lia's eyes widen, her curiosity piqued. She leans in closer, her voice filled with genuine interest.

LIA: (supportively) Gabriel, if your heart is telling you to be honest, then perhaps it's time to take that leap of faith. You'll never know what could happen unless you open up and express your feelings. Regret can be far more painful than the fear of rejection.

Gabriel couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was Lia really encouraging him to confess his feelings? He decided to take a deep breath and go for it. his heart pounding with nervous anticipation as he opens the chat window with his friend, Andrei. With a deep breath, he begins typing, his fingers moving quickly over the keyboard.

GABRIEL: Dre, I need to tell you something.

ANDREI: (responding quickly) What's up, Gabe? You seem serious. Is everything okay?

Gabriel takes a deep breath, his mind racing with emotions. He knows that Andrei is his closest friend, someone he can confide in without judgment.

GABRIEL: (typing, a hint of vulnerability) It's about Lia.

ANDREI: (curious) What about her, Gabe? Is something going on?

Gabriel hesitates for a moment, the weight of his confession heavy on his shoulders. He knows that he can't keep his feelings hidden any longer.

GABRIEL: (typing slowly, emotions pouring into his words) I... I have feelings for her, Dre. It's more than just friendship. I can't stop thinking about her, and it's been tearing me apart.

Andrei's reply takes a few moments, the digital silence amplifying Gabriel's anxiety. Finally, Andrei's response appears on the screen.

ANDREI: (surprised yet supportive) Wow, Gabe. I didn't see that coming, but I'm glad you're sharing this with me. Your feelings are valid, and it takes courage to open up about them. Have you talked to Lia about this?

Gabriel's fingers tremble as he types his reply, his emotions pouring into every word.

GABRIEL: (filled with emotion) No, not yet. I've been hesitant, afraid of how she might react. But I can't keep this inside any longer. I need to talk to her, be honest about my feelings.

ANDREI: (assuringly) That's the right approach, Gabe. Honesty is key, and you owe it to yourself and to Lia to express your emotions. Whatever happens, remember that I'm here for you, no matter the outcome.

Gabriel thought about what Andrei said and realized that he was right. He needed to take a chance and tell Lia how he felt. It was better than wondering "what if" for the rest of his life.

The next day, Lia and Gabriel were talking again, they were excited because they were going to meet their classmates During their conversation, they went to talk about the girl that Gabriel likes Lia asked if gabriel confess?

LIA: (sincerely) So, Gabriel, have you told her how you feel? Have you confessed?

Gabriel's hands tremble slightly as he types his response, his eyes flickering with a mix of nervousness and hope.

GABRIEL: (typing slowly, revealing his vulnerability) No, Lia, I haven't confessed yet. It's been on my mind, but I'm still gathering the courage to share my feelings.

Gabriel eyes, fixed on the screen as he engages in a heartfelt conversation with Lia. His heart feels heavy with the weight of unspoken words, and he confides in her about his struggles to confess his feelings.

GABRIEL: (sighing, his voice filled with self-doubt) I don't know, Lia. Every time I try to tell her, I just get so nervous and tongue-tied. I don't want to mess things up with her.

Lia's eyes sparkle with understanding as she offers a suggestion, a hint of excitement in her voice.

LIA: (smiling) You should write a letter to her, Gabriel. Sometimes, putting your feelings into words can be easier than speaking them aloud. It allows you to express yourself thoughtfully and gives her the opportunity to read and process your emotions at her own pace.

Gabriel raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Lia's suggestion. He leans closer to the screen, his curiosity piqued.

GABRIEL: (curiously) A letter? Why not just tell her in person? Wouldn't that be more direct and sincere?

Lia's smile widens as she explains her perspective, her words filled with gentle encouragement.

LIA: (softly) Gabriel, writing a letter can be a beautiful way to convey the depth of your feelings. It allows you to carefully choose your words, to express yourself with clarity and honesty. Plus, it provides her with something tangible that she can revisit and reflect upon. It shows that you've put thought and effort into expressing your emotions.

Gabriel's hesitation begins to melt away, replaced by a glimmer of hope. He considers Lia's suggestion, realizing the potential power of a heartfelt letter.

GABRIEL: (softly, with a newfound determination) You're right, Lia. Writing a letter might give me the courage to express myself more clearly and honestly. It allows me to pour my heart onto paper, without the pressure of speaking in the moment. Maybe this is the approach I need to take.

GABRIEL: (nervously) But what should I write? I'm not exactly Shakespeare.

Lia chuckles warmly, her laughter filling the virtual space between them.

LIA: (teasingly) Oh, Gabriel, you don't need to be Shakespeare to express your feelings. Just write from the heart. Be genuine and sincere. Tell her what you like about her, what makes her special in your eyes. Share the moments you've cherished together and don't forget to be honest about your own feelings. It doesn't have to be perfect, Gabriel. It just needs to be genuine.

Gabriel's nervousness begins to subside, replaced by a growing sense of determination. He picks up the pen, ready to pour his emotions onto the page.

GABRIEL: (gratefully) Thank you, Lia. Your advice means the world to me. I'll take your words to heart and write from the depths of my soul. I want her to know how much she means to me, and I want my words to convey the sincerity of my feelings.

Lia's eyes shine with genuine friendship as she offers her support.

LIA: (sincerely) You're welcome, Gabriel. I'm here to help. Just remember, the best letters come from the heart. Trust yourself and let your emotions guide your words. And don't worry, I have a feeling your letter will touch her deeply.

Gabriel sits at his desk, a sense of anticipation filling the air as he prepares to bid Lia goodnight. He types his final message before she signs off for the night.

GABRIEL: (typing) Goodnight, Lia. Sleep well. Before I go to sleep too, I wanted to let you know that I've finished writing the letter.

Lia, still online, reads Gabriel's message and smiles, her curiosity piqued.

LIA: (typing) That's wonderful, Gabriel! I'm glad you've finished writing the letter. How do you feel now that it's complete?

Gabriel takes a moment to reflect, a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursing through him.

GABRIEL: (typing) I feel a mix of emotions, Lia. It's a combination of nervousness and anticipation. This letter holds my heart's deepest desires, and I hope it conveys my feelings with the sincerity I intended.

Lia's words appear on the screen, filled with encouragement and support.

LIA: (typing) I have faith in you, Gabriel. Your words will touch her heart, and the honesty you've poured into this letter will resonate with her.

The next morning, Gabriel woke up early, his mind filled with anticipation. He quickly got ready, constantly glancing at the letter sitting on his desk. He couldn't wait to see Lia and express his feelings, hoping that their friendship could blossom into something more. As the time to meet their classmates. Gabriel stands in front of the grand entrance of the school, his eyes scanning the area with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The gate towers above him, adorned with the school emblem, as if guarding the path to his destiny. He takes a deep breath, feeling a surge of excitement and determination.

Lia approaches him, her footsteps echoing on the pavement, and joins him at the entrance.

LIA: (excitedly) Gabriel, this is it! The moment we've been waiting for. Are you ready?

Gabriel looks at Lia, his expression a mixture of nervousness and resolve.

GABRIEL: (resolutely) I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Lia. Today feels like a turning point, a chance to express my feelings and see what unfolds. Let's seize the day together.

Lia's eyes sparkle with enthusiasm as she places a reassuring hand on Gabriel's

LIa: "Just wait for me when I get the ID, we will go to your crush."