Sometimes I question how there aren't more current day worshipers of the great being of decimation. Oh sure, there are plenty that worship their nicer, more intellectually, and research inclined counterpart. It may have to do with the constant fear that they may take offense to it. There is no question as to whether they are real or not as well. Common people can occasionally see the rabbits with unique colored eyes.
I have been preparing to preach to the rest of our church on the holy book of creation and destruction that was passed down to us so long ago by the eyes of our goddess, her son, and the angel of knowledge, the daughter of our god.
"Pastor Fredric, everyone has gathered in the chapel. However, I have discovered several intruders from the Abramic factions, and have received messages that our church isn't the only one being attacked." A holy maiden named Sulna with long blonde hair, golden eyes, and a modest figure, passed along the important message as I finished gathering everything and checking my state of dress. Each holy maiden gains golden eyes when they become official, regardless of what their original eye color was.
"It seems that they are trying to draw our pantheon into their stupid war. Send the message up to the higher ups, make sure they know what is happening. Have a few paladins and inquisitors join me so we can deal with the intruders. I want to take care of this before I have to give out my sermon." Sulna bowed to me, before activating her watch, and sending off a virtual message of our conversation that she probably recorded. Having much more advanced technology than other pantheons granted many benefits, including sending out messages faster than magic, without being disrupted.
"Hah, why do they have to be so damn self-entitled? I mean seriously, we don't even judge other worshipers for their ways, we don't casually throw out the word 'heretic' every five seconds, and yet they want to drag us into their stupid ass war." A female inquisitor named Janus walked into the room as I was preparing to head out. She had short red hair, blood red eyes, a much bustier figure, wonderful hips that filled out her black leather pants. Wearing a black jacket, with a gray undershirt. She had a brown belt on her pants that held a well crafted sword holstered on her side.
"It's not our fault that they are so blinded by their views that they greed for everything that isn't theirs. I mean the fact that their 'heavenly deity' went across several pantheons stealing various souls to shove them into a botched copy of our holy growth items that they call a 'sacred gear', then passed out to the portion of humanity that they created like candy. I mean seriously, I feel bad for the users of them because they get mistreated by all three sections of the damn pantheon. Heck, the amount of them that sought sanctuary within our pantheon has gone past the double digits in the last week!" I ranted off to her while we were walking to the meeting point. We were intercepted by a male paladin named David. He had blue hair, sea blue eyes, a gruff face with a full beard, well defined muscles, almost seven feet tall, and heavy armor covering almost all of his body. It would cover everything if they were wearing their helmet. The blue hair and eyes were attributed to the blessing of Leviathan that they received more recently.
"As much as I would love to rant about my gripes with everything they have done, are currently doing, will probably continue to do in the future, we do have intruders to repel." I paused for a moment as he prepared to teleport us.
"I guess it's just us three going. Not that it isn't overkill for all three of us to go. Also I do want to mention that most of the other pantheons would be just as bad if not worse if they had a war going on. Although, more pantheons are either joining in, remaining neutral, or sending help from the sidelines without being overt about it." Janus wasn't incorrect in that assumption. The Greek pantheon had so much internal strife it's insane. The Norse has been perpetually at war, although with the recent news, they may not be at war with each other anymore.
We soon teleported to our destination and I prepared my staff. My two companions drew their swords as I noticed devils and fallen fighting some of our defenders. Some exorcist from the Abramic church and a 'Hero' were preparing to ambush them. The three of us rushed to intercept the Hero and their exorcist lackeys.
"O great goddess of creation, assist me in defending your worshipers, and those being troubled by our enemies." I chanted, then my magic took hold, summoning a golem to my aid. What I didn't expect was that I would summon one of our god's children's betrothed.
"Hmm, this is interesting. I guess it was a good idea to stop Levi from jumping into a summoning that she intercepted from a nearby golem. I do apologize for showing up unannounced. I know that the ones you normally reach higher up on the scale are Sebastian and CIrci, but I thought it would be a good idea to represent Levi, since she seems to dislike this kind of work. Although Bob could have probably handled this, it would probably stress you all out more. Now, who do I need to kill?" The three of us bowed right away the moment that the Tsunami Of Death graced us with her presence.
"To report what has happened madam, invaders from each section of the Abrahamic faction have started attacking our churches in droves. Most likely to try and drag us into their war. Probably enabled by the Abrahamic divine being for a personal vendetta." She cupped her chin and released a pressure into our surroundings that made everyone freeze in their place, with the exception of our allies.
"Figures. I researched quite a bit with Bob and Sebastian on the ongoings of things. It doesn't help that they copied my mother-in-law's whole schtick. It is upsetting that the other two parts of the faction got dragged into Heaven's machinations. Oh well, I'm sure I could get more details from the corpse of that Hero over there." She turned and walked towards the Hero.
"What is your name, 'Hero'?" The hero had the gall to spit in her direction. Not that it reached its intended target since it bounced off a magic shield.
"Disgusting, and blinded by terrible faith until the end I guess. Although based on your getup, it seems that you are a poor imitation of Cao Cao, not even in the right faction. Not surprising from a god that only steals or copies from other factions. Regardless, I'll get the information out of you. I only need one of each of you anyway." The three of us could barely react when all of our enemies just disintegrated, except for one devil, one fallen, and the hero. She then teleported the three away somewhere, before walking back to us, then looking towards Janus.
"Hmm, you seem promising. Would you like for me to give you some of my power?" Out of the three of us, Janus was the only one un-blessed. She got to her position on her own merit, talent, and strength. She looked like she was going to breakdown into tears though when she heard that.
"Of course Lady Jewel! I will carry your blessing and represent you in the best way I can. I promise to reach your expectations!" She practically yelled that out, although there was a mix of excitement and nervousness mixed within.
"Oh Honey, I'm sure you will exceed my expectations. I can see your potential first hand." After that, she placed her hand on the left breasts of Janus, then purple mana flowed from her. Covering Janus' entire being, then elevating her power on the same level as David, if not slightly higher. Once she finished, Lady Jewel stepped back, then turned to me.
"Since I am here, direct me to each location of conflict so I can resolve it quickly. I'll talk to Sebastian and Circi to see about upping the security around the churches. I would also like my new charge to come along to test her powers." Janus jumped in place, not expecting to be dragged along.
"Of course Lady Jewel. I will teleport you along to the various churches. Whenever you are ready to leave one location, I will take you to the next one." I followed her whims. She may have married into the pantheon, but she was strong enough, and divine in her own right. Especially considering she was blessed by our god in the first place, allowing her to survive, and thrive.
Of all things to do, why would some of the assault units I had out in the war accept false information with no questions asked. I thought I told my fellow Fallen to trust but verify. I sighed as I went through a mountain of paperwork. I would love to go back out onto the battlefield, but when one heavy hitter comes, several others join, and I'm not chancing having to fight Lucy, Michael, or even ol' dad. At least not right now, without sufficient prepared fighters, traps, power, equipment, and more. The war hasn't even gone on for long, and yet my subordinates, and apparently those of the other two factions, decided to poke the sleeping dragon. Or in this case, golem, because who in their right mind wants to provoke them? If It weren't for the fact that Mishala still had that rabbit around, I would be fearing for my life right now.
Although I still thought I was going to die considering the moment I looked back up from my paperwork I saw the dad damned angel of the golem goddess. The one whos intelligence rivaled my own. I didn't include the golem goddess, they literally have that as a godly domain, the only one who might be able to compete with them in that department was Athena. Even that was a spotty assumption, since the things she created can't be matched by anyone, with the exception of dad who managed to create the sacred gears.
"I wasn't expecting such a guest like yourself Miss Circi. Who knew the angel of creation who grace me with their presence." I tried to put on a more confident front, but in reality, I was sweating bullets. I would rather have the indirect attention of the golem goddess, than the direct attention of them.
"As much as I would love to regale you with conversation on wrong assumptions, I came here directly because I deemed it necessary." I could already assume as to why.
"This wouldn't happen to do with a certain attack on your parent's churches would it?" I already knew the answer, but she clearly was just waiting for me to ask the question.
"That is the case, at least for the most part. You see, my father has started to get angry at the antics of the devils and the church. The fallen haven't done anything too crazy, but still need to be kept in check. If it weren't for me and my siblings, they would have acted themselves instead." And that was an extremely scary thought. Hell, fear doesn't even begin to describe how primal that feeling was. I instinctively flinched back, unable to stop myself from reacting to that.
"I'm thankful for your grace. I don't think our various worlds can survive another apocalyptic event. Many of the various factions are still recovering from it. I'm fairly sure that this war would be a lot more lethal if it weren't for that fact. Although I expect this war to last a longtime. Although I do think that whoever fed information to my fellow fallen to attack your churches, along with the devils and angels, probably wanted to end the war by taking a gigantic magical bomb, and dropping it on several ants. Either that, or they wanted to cause chaos." She conjured a seat, and sat across from me, on the other side of my desk, closer to the door to my office.
"I would say it's more the latter, rather than the former. The chaos gods seem to be moving against us. Although I am certain that father could just walk into their domain and destroy it, some of them are unfortunately integral to our universe. Although I don't think that it has anything to do with Nyarlotep, it probably has to do with the more rebellious ones, and perhaps some other deities from different pantheons that want to see the world burn." I sighed as I took in that information. The chaos gods and goddesses were always a troublesome bunch, and that is coming from me. They were worse than the Greek and Chinese pantheons at times, although for different reasons.
"While that is extremely troubling, what will the Golem Pantheon do in regards to this?" I set aside the rest of my paperwork, then centered my focus entirely on Circi. I held back my own lustful behavior since I didn't want to lose my balls.
"We will be staying out of things for the most part. At least in regards to the war that you all started. The deities that are causing these issues will be hunted down and systematically taken out, captured, or worse over time. The reason why I am telling you this is to set a precedent. Enjoy your foolish war, and make sure that Mishala stays alive, one of my siblings took an interest in her." My breath hitched for a moment when she made that last statement. Before I could react, she teleported out. Now I had several questions, the main one being, which of them took an interest in Mishala? Why now?
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Support me and my family here: k.o.-.f.i.c.o.m.(slash)oshimura