Levi gracefully bowed before me, her hands gripping the fishing rod with renewed vigor and determination. "Mother," she spoke with reverence, "I thank you for this opportunity and I swear to not disappoint you." A subtle twitch in my eye betrayed my inner annoyance at being called "mother", but I brushed it off as a minor detail. After all, divine beings were known to take on different forms and roles, like Zeus, who could be both a mother and father simultaneously. Their fluid nature was reflected in Levi's words, and perhaps that is just the perception that she had of me.
Before I sent them all out, Jess and Jane crafted gear for them to wear. Thankfully my golems were given basic clothes when I created them. I still tasked my seamstress that I created to make clothing for everyone, including myself so we had plenty of extra clothing in the wardrobe. With that said and done, I guided everyone outside to explore. Jess and Jane crafted swords for themselves to protect the others.
I didn't try to stop them, knowing they were capable of handling any basic animals or creatures they may encounter. As for this dimension, I could only be certain of the safety within the confines of my own home and its immediate surroundings. Beyond that, I was completely in the dark. With all my new golems connected to my server, they were able to communicate with me at any time. On top of everything, it seemed that I had the ability to shapeshift, which was both fascinating and unnerving. The memory of Levi calling me Mother earlier suddenly made sense. I couldn't help but wonder if the Collective was laughing at my plight right now.
I made my way over to the in-house onsen, eager to relax and observe the world through my rabbits' eyes. The warm waters enamored me, their steamy mist rising like a veil between me and reality. I took this moment to test out my shapeshifting abilities, curious about what forms I could take besides my own. As I focused my mind and body, I felt a strange sensation coursing through me, as if something deep within was stirring awake. Gradually, three other forms emerged from my consciousness: one shorter and more compact, similar to how Ophis transformed; the other two were strikingly female versions of my current form and the shorter one. With a surge of energy, I shifted into the feminine version of myself, marveling at how different yet familiar I looked.
My long, silky hair shimmered under the light, taking on a silver hue that matched the color of my golems. My sun-kissed skin glowed with a hint of bronze, mirroring the tan complexion of my male form. Standing at 5'10, I was a bit shorter than my usual form, but it only emphasized my insane curves. My ample rear could easily cause earthquakes with its sheer size and my thighs were strong enough to crush mountains. As for my chest, well, let's just say they could give canon Yasaka a run for her money. Taking a moment to admire my stunning appearance in the mirror, I couldn't help but grin at the thought of all the heads I would turn in this new form. But one thing remained constant - my undying attraction to women. Although, I couldn't resist the temptation to play with people's perceptions and have some fun while in this particular form. Ah, the joys of being able to transform into whatever I pleased.
One thing that I am immensely grateful for is the fact that these towering giants do not cause me any back pain. However, the thought of experiencing periods filled me with dread. Dear Collective, please spare me from this experience or grant me a magical solution to avoid it. Despite my worries, I cleaned myself up and slipped on my glasses before settling into the comforting warmth of the onsen. As I sank deeper into the water, I pulled up all of my virtual screens once again, eager to continue exploring the universe of Highschool DxD through the eyes of my rabbits.
Mishala, the Fallen angel, appeared visibly tense and jittery as she was put through a new, rigorous training regime. Her dark wings twitched restlessly behind her, reflecting the nervous energy radiating from her body. It seemed that my sudden attention towards her had caught the eye of Azazel, who now saw something special in her. Though I couldn't discern anything different about Mishala, perhaps my observant rabbit had noticed something that eluded me. But I would never admit to such a possibility, not even to myself, unless proper research said otherwise.
Deep in the recesses of his dark cave, the magician sat hunched over a dusty tome on what appeared to be the art of necromancy. His long fingers traced intricate symbols and incantations, his eyes alight with a fervent concentration. Meanwhile, my rabbit scurried about, expertly hunting down small animals for the magician's consumption. Surprisingly, he seemed unfazed by the rabbit's antics, almost as if it were second nature to him. As I observed this peculiar scene, I couldn't help but ponder the limits of my own legend within this universe. Was I truly an unknown entity, or was there some mention of me hidden within the archives of the various factions? Only time would tell as I researched further about my place here.
Power. It's the lifeblood of each faction, the key to our survival in this vast and complex universe. Time is on our side, but I can't help but feel uneasy about being so far removed from the accepted "canon" of this verse. But that doesn't deter me - I am unafraid to challenge canon events and cast them aside if needed. It has always irked me how easily the main characters seem to stumble upon important information or predict future events without any real network or means of obtaining such knowledge. They are always fighting alone or with a small group, yet somehow always have the upper hand. It's time for a new approach, one that relies more on strategy and time, rather than sheer luck or convenience.
My annoyance with these mc's following canon to a tea aside, I will carve myself into this world, no matter the cost. For that to happen, I needed to continue to create my rabbits, and spread them to every corner of this verse. First though, it's about time for me to make my next set of golems since the timers went off.
"Stop observing MIshala for now and follow Azazel around. You can come back to her later on." While it would be good to keep an eye on Mishala as she trained, I have been recording everything so I could reference it further. It would be better for me to have eyes and ears on Azazel instead. My rabbits still haven't found any devils yet, but I'm sure it wouldn't be long before they do.
The rabbit showed up in my office again. This time deciding to just follow me around. That wasn't really a good sign, but there wasn't much I could do about it. I went off to meet the Cadres in order to discuss the movements of the other factions.
"Now that Azazel has joined us, I will start the meeting. If you look over the file in front of you, it should detail you on what happened a few hours ago." Penemue was motioning in front of us while holding a bunch of pictures that she started putting against a whiteboard. Looks like the powder keg to start this war would be the devils. Lucifer hasn't been the most patient person since he took up his current position.
The words exploded out of his mouth, dripping with venom and righteous anger. "Those hellish fiends! They dared to desecrate a church and slaughter our innocent brethren in one fell swoop? We will not stand idly by and let such atrocities go unpunished. Our revenge will be swift and merciless!"
" Kokabiel had a point as sad as that sounded. Now wasn't the time to hesitate. Old pops is probably already putting things into motion to retaliate.
"Kokabiel is not wrong, but we need to plan on ambushing those devils. If we take them head on, we may be ambushed ourselves by Father's golden boys and girls." I nodded at what Satanael said.
As we ventured through the unknown terrain, I couldn't help but feel giddy with anticipation. My trusty fishing rod was practically jumping in my hands, eager for the adventure ahead. It was like The Creator had specifically chosen me to complete this quest. But as our group roamed around, we didn't come across any animals until we stumbled upon a massive river. I could tell my fishing buddy was a little nervous when I sprinted toward the water's edge. Mental note: build a house and road nearby so we can fish here all the time!
Wait a second, out of nowhere, a cute little fishing hut appeared before our very eyes! It was like magic, and I couldn't help but think that my mother must have been watching over us. Noticing a friendly rabbit nearby, I knew for sure that we were in good hands. I quickly skipped over to the sparkling river and plopped down on a nearby stump. With my trusty fishing rod in hand, I effortlessly began reeling in some fish, as if it were second nature to me.
I really need to think up a new name. Something cool, something gender neutral, something somewhat unique. I mean, I'm supposed to be a god right? Who the hell would worship a god named Mark? Maybe the verse at large already has a name or two for me and I could steal it? Yeah, let's do that once I figure out more about my Legend. I'll have to stick to this female form for a while to get used to it, then I'll mess around with the shorter versions later.
3rd Person POV
The Golem Goddess had been so eager to make use of the onsen that they had forgotten to bring a change of clothes. They awkwardly wrapped a large towel around themself and stepped out into the hallway, smiling in mischief, not caring about their somewhat exposed form. But as luck would have it, this was the exact moment when the rest of the golem group returned from their expedition, ready to report their findings. Mark couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement at the situation, already having some idea of what they had encountered. The steamy air hung thick in the hallway, mixed with the scent of hot springs and lingering adrenaline from the adventure.
"Creator we have come to report our endeavors outsi…" Jess was abruptly cut off, her words dying on her lips as she noticed the dramatic transformation in Mark's demeanor. The entire group halted whatever they were doing, even their bodies seemed to pause in anticipation. They weren't feeling the fleeting emotions like lust, surprise, or happiness that washed over them when they met the gaze of those endless, shimmering golden eyes. No, it was a deeper feeling, one of awe and reverence that filled their hearts and minds. The air around them seemed to vibrate with a sense of power and majesty emanating from the being before them.
"Excuse me for my outburst Creator. But we have returned to report about our actions outside and what we have discovered. To not interrupt you and save you time, I will compile everything into a file on one of the nearby computers." Jess bowed with a slight tremble in her limbs, releasing the statement with baited breath. Her heart raced as she waited for a response from her creator, unsure if it would be satisfactory enough. The other golems seemed to exude a sense of seriousness, as if their very existence depended on it, whenever their creator took on this appearance. But there was one amongst them who refused to conform to this unspoken rule.
"Mama!" Levi vaulted towards the goddess and she caught them with open arms with a smirk on her face. The sisters and the remainder of the group looked on with a twitch in their eye, or a shiver in their spine, unsure of what to do.
"Mom, you won't believe it! We stumbled upon this ginormous river filled with the wackiest sea creatures I've ever seen. I was determined to catch them all, but time flew by so fast. So here's my proud catch for today - this funky carp!" Levi didn't wait for anyone to react, and she pulled out a carp twice the size of any of them. Mark's only reaction was to pat Levi's head and she just snuggled closer into a hug while putting away the carp into Mark's inventory.
"Wonderful job Levi, I'm happy that you have been enjoying yourself so far. I hope the rest of you have been enjoying your time too. I know we are on a timetable and have to gather strength as quickly as possible, but don't forget to enjoy yourselves along the way like Levi right here. Now, I have to get dressed, so I will be heading up to my room." The goddess released her grip on Levi, her eyes shifting to the seamstress who appeared with a stunning red and black kimono draped over one arm. In her other hand, she held a delicate fan adorned with intricate designs. The fabric of the kimono shimmered in the light, seemingly made just for Mark. Its deep hues of crimson and midnight black captured their essence perfectly, as if it had been tailored specifically for them.
The seamstress carefully handed over the freshly pressed and tailored clothing to Mark, who eagerly ascended the staircase within the mansion. As he disappeared from sight, a sense of relief seemed to wash over everyone in the room, even Levi. The tension that had been thick in the air dissipated, leaving behind a feeling of contentment and accomplishment.
I am fueled by spite and community support, so if ya want to, please comment/review.
Outside of that, check out P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/Oshimura for updates since I do have a goal to reach! Alongside my kofi which you can just look up my name on there to find me.
Discord: discord .gg /vFb9ZcajzY
Also if you see any spelling errors be sure to let me know! I'll fix them up since I don't have an editor.
Thank you for reading and hope to see yall next chapter!