
He is still alive

"I will divorce you, Bey!"

Reo whispered while biting his lip, the man's face was always cheerful before, he always smiled and laughed a lot but today his face has changed, again.

I don't know how many colors he has painted for my life

I nodded slowly as if accepting whatever he had given me

It felt like my heart was beating fast slowly getting tired, I saw Reo get off the chair, he prostrated in front of our parents

The sad rhythm is getting more intense, ringing deep in my ears, Bitter feelings continue to rise and taste bitter, making my tongue groan. I try to touch my chest with the hands that hold Ailee's palms, helping me to become a strong woman.

everything seems to be getting weaker, all of this feels tiring, I want it to feel like lying down quietly.

the only thing that could be heard was a faint faint sound, then it disappeared.

" BEEEEYYY!!!!! Bey... wake up..."
